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Knightly House Origins


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A quick question for the more informed. Are all knights originally from knightly worlds from before the rise of the Imperium? Or is it possible that Knights could have been sent to newly discovered worlds during the great crusade to establish new houses?


I ask as I'm thinking of creating a house based on a Primarch's home planet. I guess if it doesn't fit with current fluff I could create a house from a planet rediscovered by said primarch's legion.


Thanks in advance.

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They're pre-Imperium in that the Knight suits were part of colonising new worlds used for defence and work and over time turned more into battle suits and the Knightly houses we know now. I don't know if there were any Knights on Primarch home worlds, I don't think this is the case but it makes no real difference to have them on a rediscovered planet nearby :)

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Knights appear to be a part of the great crusade and many post heresy crusades. The express purpose of all crusades being conquest, I would assume that knightly houses might lay claim to a few new world's or commit themselves to a world brought into compliance or a new colony.


This seams almost necessary as a campaign may last a generation and eventually stalls out. But even before then world's are brought into compliance or colonized, supply lines are established and the munitoreum moved in to supply the guard. Command posts and garrisons are formed, governors placed in power...


It is inevitable that knights will settle in a bit on ant given world they conquer, as they stop and repair their machines, th ey and their entourage will mingle with populations, find somewhere to sleep and eat until the embark for the next conquest. War is 99% waiting they say...


If a crusade element stalls for a few years perhaps... due to warp storms, or mechanical inability to travel in space, (void craft damaged or destroyed, undergoing maintenance, or ongoing void warfare delaying embarkation) people will need homes and will build defences and make decisions about governance, food etc.


Yeah I'm thinking about it... I need to dev fluff for a house in the Acadian Subsector that is fighting on multiple sides of a local civil war so...

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