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Small 1250 IF list

Kastor Krieg

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I'm participating in a small 1250 pts weekend tourney. I'm still limited by how many models I can put on the table. Came up with something like that just to maximize the dakka output from the small force (BS5 on bolters / heavy bolters, volkites with deflagrate, etc).



15 Tacs

15 Tacs

10 Breachers (TH + Breaching Charge on Sarge, 2x Volkite Charger)



Fire Raptor

Leviathan Dread (AC, 2x Storm Cannon, Phosphex, 2x Volkite Calivers)


I can alternatively toss out the Fire Raptor, give the Cyberfamiliar to the Navigator (cheap tax HQ) and put a Sicaran on the table with AC, AuxDrive and HvyBolter sponsons). Thoughts?

I'm not aiming for hugely competetive, I just hope to go and have fun and maybe not get rolled three times in a row :D

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Ended up with




10man Siege Breacher Squad (2x Volkite Charger)

15 man Tactical Squad

15 man Tactical Squad


Fire Raptor Gunship (AC)

Sicaran Battle Tank (AC, Hvy Bolters)


Thoughts? :)

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