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Alpha Legion - 2000pts...what next

Dark Serpentine

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Hey All,


Pretty new to the 30k Universe, so am looking for any advice on where to take my list next, or more importantly, how to improve it. Decided to go with Alpha Legion as they seem to have so many options for list building! 

I've started with the B@C and added a few bits, but in general i'd like to keep the list somewhat fluffy, somewhat competitive. So any advice for a newbie would be awesome thanks!


Mutable Tactics - Tank Hunter

Right of War - Chosen Duty


HQ - Autilion Skorr


Troops - 


- 7 Vet Tac Squad, Vexilla, melta bombs, flamer. Vet Serg w. Combi Melta, Articifer Armour, Power Dagger, PFist - Sniper

- 7 Vet Tac Squad, Vexilla, melta bombs, flamer. Vet Serg w. Combi Melta, Articifer Armour, Power Dagger, PFist - Sniper


Elites - 


- Contemptor Mortis Dread, 2 Kheres Assault cannons, extra armour

- 3 Quad Raper Launchers, Shatter Shells

- 5 Lernean Termies, plas blaster. Harrower w. Chain fist, Venom Sphere Harness, Power Dagger


Fast - 

- 8 Headhunters, w. Combi Plas. HH Prime w. AA, PFist, melta bombs



- Leviathan Siege Dread, Siege claw, melta lance, 2x H flamers, armoured ceramite, Phosphex discharger. Dread Drop Pod



Comes in at 1996 pts.


The idea is to drop the dread close to enemy armour, also acting as a massive draw, whilst the infiltrating termies/vets/HH's move in on specific targets. 

Skorr joins a Vet Squad (if my reading of the rules is right, he confers Infiltrate to a unit, allowing three other units to have Infiltrate as part of Master of Ambush strategic Trait?)  The quads should then be able to infiltrate (back/midfield) to get line of sight etc with the contemptor supporting the Quads. 


The Vets essentially have infiltrate, TH and sniper which i thought was pretty good value. Im not sold on the Lerneans, they seem quite exposed/too few, even with infiltrate. May bulk their numbers up but at the expense of...?


Looking forward, id like to take Alpharius to make use of preferred enemy shenanigans, (not sure which unit to join or how to transport) but other wise i'm open to suggestions!


Sorry for the long read! 

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Master of Ambush means Skorr and 3 unit have Infiltrate, so that works. Infiltrate doesn't confer onto joined units/vice versa though.


Plasma blaster on the Lernaeans is vey expensive compared to Legion Terminators (+8 points) - keep the volkite. They will be very exposed without a transport or the ability to Infiltrate. Alpharius can join them though, granting the unit Scout!


I'd definitely try to max out the Vet squads.


Everything else looks pretty good to me!

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Thanks for feedback Caillum!


Tweaked the list to max out the Vet squads. (Dropped the plasma blaster, extra armour on the mortis, 2xHH)


Sounds like Skorr will have to join one of the units that MoA gives infiltrate. Therefore only 3 units in total can have infiltrate.


If Alpharius were to join the Termies, they wouldn't be able to confer infiltrate onto Alphi right? (From my understanding). Had previously hoped to load the termies in an infiltrating Spartan, with Alpharius, and use a scout move also. Not sure that's legal though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're not using Alpharius, Headhunters are essentially poor Seekers, which aren't a great unit to begin with.


Infiltrate does not confer.


Skorr/characters don't actually need to be able to Infiltrate to meet Coils requirement, because just infantry SQUADS need those capabilities, but Skorr gets it from Master of Ambush anyway. Alpharius has no way of getting infiltrate at all.

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Was able to test my list out over the weekend, very much learnt that Head Hunters are poor Seekers! Love the idea of them, fluff and model wise, but will be looking to tweak the list for sure. 


Thanks Terminus for the heads up re; characters/Coils, good to know. 

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