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Getting Back into It


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Hey brothers!  I had planned on trying to get back into the 40k scene last year, but life got in the way.  I haven't played an actual game since 4th edition rules and 3rd edition codex.  I've recently dug out my BA and stripped the old marred paint.  I've also disassembled most of them.  I have the newest BA codex, but that is it.  I have a vague understanding of how things seem to be working for 7th, as well.  Looking at my army as it stands, it is severely out dated.  I'll give a brief rundown of the actual models I have (the one's that have survived several moves).



Chaplain x 2

Terminator Chaplain





Tactical Marines x 20 (2 Chainswords, 1 Heavy-bolter, 1 Flamer, 1 Missile-launcher, 1 Multi-melta)



Lemartes x 2 (1 without Jump Pack)

Death Company x 6 (all with Jump Packs, 1 Power weapon, 2 plasma pistols, 4 Bolt pistols)

Dreadnought (originally used/painted as Moriar the Chosen, 2 powerfists, 1 Storm bolter, 1 Multi-melta)

Terminators x 10 (6 Power fist w/ Storm bolter, 2 Power weapon w/ Storm bolter, 2 Heavy-flamer w/ Power fists)

Assault Terminators x 2 (Not really sure what happened to the rest, sadly. 1 w/ 2 x Lightning Claws, 1 with Thunder-hammer...with a missing Storm-shield)

Callidus Assassin



Rhino x 2

Razorback (TL Heavy-bolter)


Random:  (I have an assortment of Khorne models as well that I was considering converting to BA)

Chaos Lord x 2

Bloodletter x 2 (the old models, obviously)

CSM Bike (not an attack bike, but a lone biker)

Bloodthirster (the old model again)


As you can see, I have 49 BA models, and a couple of chaos that I don't mind using for bits.  I've stripped all the paint and deconstructed just about everything to start from scratch.  All of these models predate 4th edition.  If I were to put together even a 1000 point list I think I would be annihilated just for lack of new weaponry we have access to.


I have bought 2 BA update packs, but they only came with heads, shoulder pads, torsos and some daggers and a chalice.  I feel like I could piece together a Sanguinary Priest, but I wouldn't have a model for the Narthecium.  Also, I though about converting the CSM Bike into a Captain on a Bike.  I didn't think that would be all that difficult.  


It sort of sucks to think about, but I don't see another option besides just trying to find a few packs of weapons bits online and trying to update it that way.  I was just looking to get BnC's respected opinion before I did anything further.  Any conversion suggestions?  As a side note, I think I'm going to pin these guys, so I can swap weapons in and out.  Thanks all.

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Hello and welcome back to the hobby!


You have the makings of an army there - don't worry too much about new weapons, etc, the Blood Angels haven't changed too much!


Youre right in that the upgrade packs are just that, they dont come with whole models.


You have 2 tactical squads, with 2 rhinos, which is a decent backbone for an army.


I'd avoid buying just weapons for now, and buy more guys.


From what I see, you have no long range anti tank, and no short range.


Worthwhile additions could be:


5Man assault squad, 2 meltas, 2 infernus pistols, drop pod

predator annihilator


3x attack bikes with multi meltas

3x bikes, x melta


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So I would make two suggestions.

1) You don't appear to have any psykers there - Add a couple, so that phase isn't completely one sided when you play.

2) Aircraft are now a thing in 40K. You will need some anti air to combat this.

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I've thought about getting a Librarian. I thought I had Memphis ton at one point in time, but either way...I need one. Are our air support options pretty limited?

Yes. The only thing we have with skyfire as of the new Death from the Skies is Flakk missiles. Which are 10 extra points for each missile launcher. Ick. (Not sure if you know, but you hit on 6+ against flyers unless you have skyfire).


If your group is not using the new version of the Skies of Death book, the Stormraven can be kitted for anti-air. Flyers used to all basically have sky fire. Now if you are using the new book, only certain ones (not the storm raven, our only flyer) do.


Unless you're going with allies (which I dislike) you don't really have any good options. I'm really not sure what I would do about this. Maybe talk to your opponent before games to see if it will be an issue. If they are bringing flyers you could consider paying for falkk missiles.


Also, LIBRARIAN dreadnoughts! What's more awesome than that !?! (well, and Exorcist tank, for one thing . . .) shameless sisters of battle plug

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The only good anti air we have access too comes in the Forgeworld range (GWs newer even more expensive resin range of models). I plug these models all the time (because they are 2 of my favourites) but a Deredeo dreadnought and / or a Sicaran tank are epic anti air. The problem is they are expensive. Both in terms of monetary cost and points cost. Then you also have to get your opponent to agree to let you use them. They both have official Warhammer 40K rules and stats from GW found in a book called Imperial Armour volume 2 (but this book is another additional expense) - alternatively free pdfs can also be found online... My line has always been "If you want to use the new Death from the Skies expansion rules / kit that's cool, but I will in turn be using the Imperial Armour expansion rules / kit. Both are legitimate GW product, so it's hard to argue for one and not accept the other (although some people do on the basis that Forgeworld stuff is seen as a luxury range that exists outside the main body of the classic Games Workshop range).
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I've thought about getting a Librarian. I thought I had Memphis ton at one point in time, but either way...I need one. Are our air support options pretty limited?

Yes. The only thing we have with skyfire as of the new Death from the Skies is Flakk missiles. Which are 10 extra points for each missile launcher. Ick. (Not sure if you know, but you hit on 6+ against flyers unless you have skyfire).


If your group is not using the new version of the Skies of Death book, the Stormraven can be kitted for anti-air. Flyers used to all basically have sky fire. Now if you are using the new book, only certain ones (not the storm raven, our only flyer) do.


Unless you're going with allies (which I dislike) you don't really have any good options. I'm really not sure what I would do about this. Maybe talk to your opponent before games to see if it will be an issue. If they are bringing flyers you could consider paying for falkk missiles.


Also, LIBRARIAN dreadnoughts! What's more awesome than that !?! (well, and Exorcist tank, for one thing . . .) shameless sisters of battle plug


Okay, thanks for the heads up.  That is actually something I hadn't even considered.  Everyone I used to play with...no longer plays.  I have a few shops in the area that I'm fairly certain hold matches.  I don't know what sort of armies to expect, let alone rules used.  I'll look into this more before I go buying anything just yet.  


A librarian dreadnought sounds pretty awesome.  I've read over the stats several times now, and I must say it is pretty tempting to just order one.


The only good anti air we have access too comes in the Forgeworld range (GWs newer even more expensive resin range of models). I plug these models all the time (because they are 2 of my favourites) but a Deredeo dreadnought and / or a Sicaran tank are epic anti air. The problem is they are expensive. Both in terms of monetary cost and points cost. Then you also have to get your opponent to agree to let you use them. They both have official Warhammer 40K rules and stats from GW found in a book called Imperial Armour volume 2 (but this book is another additional expense) - alternatively free pdfs can also be found online... My line has always been "If you want to use the new Death from the Skies expansion rules / kit that's cool, but I will in turn be using the Imperial Armour expansion rules / kit. Both are legitimate GW product, so it's hard to argue for one and not accept the other (although some people do on the basis that Forgeworld stuff is seen as a luxury range that exists outside the main body of the classic Games Workshop range).

Yeah, I really like the look of pretty much everything that Forgeworld offers.  I've always been a bit cautious though about Forgeworld.  The group I used to play with didn't really use anything from them, being as expensive as the models are.  Plus being based in the U.S. means that much more in shipping as well.  I'll still keep these suggestion in mind though!

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I've thought about getting a Librarian. I thought I had Memphis ton at one point in time, but either way...I need one. Are our air support options pretty limited?

I have topic on our anti air issue 


Yeah, I just finished looking it over.  There seems to be a general consensus there.  I need to figure out what sort of meta I'll be dealing with before I worry about it.

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If youre looking for bits, can I reccomend the vanguard vet box over the assault squad?

It's the same price, but you get a thousand more bits, and you don't get that censored.gif ugly sergeant head.


Assault squad - 1 hammer, 1 shield, 1 claw, 1 sword, 1 axe, 1 fist, 1 grav pistol, 3 plasma pistols, 2 flamers.

Veteran squad - 4 hammer, 4 shields, 8 claws, 1 sword, 1 axe, 1 fist, 2 grav pistols, plasma pistols.

I bought one for some more plain looking ASM legs, and the eviscerator, but I wouldn't do it again. I'd just convert the eviscerator from the 5 chainswords you get in the veteran box.

Even the death co box is better.

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