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XIIth Legion "World Eaters" - Berserker Armor Rush


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Berserker Assault
XIIth Legion "World Eaters"
Gahlan Surlak
(5) The Red Butchers
2x Twin Power Axes
Chainfist, Power Axe
2x Twin Lightning Claws
Spartan (Dedicated)
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Frag Assault Launchers, Dozer Blade
Rapier Quad Launcher
Rapier Quad Launcher
(19) Tactical Squad (Surlak)
Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Vexilla
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(10) Tactical Squad (Inductii possibly!)
Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Vexilla
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(10) Tactical Squad (Inductii possibly!)
Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Vexilla
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
Deredeo Dreadnought
Armored Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade
Sicaran Battle Tank
Lascannons, Armored Ceramite
Lord of War:
Lascannons, Armored Ceramite
So, after feeling like Crimson Path wasn't really worth it and a Pod list wound up being way, way too expensive (like goodbye kidney expensive!), I am looking at this because I own some of it already and wouldn't mind picking up some of the cooler units, like the Spartan and Typohon. I love painting tanks, so that is a plus. Berserker Assault - so it was tricky to balance units. 6 infantry to 6 tanks. The Hatred should really give them a massive boost. Not sure if Bloodlust or Blood Madness would be better.

Anyhow, standard stuff here. Two Spartans roll up with Rhinos in tow. They make up my "Go take stuff" hammer. Depending on how things go, I considered the Inductii for the Rhino squads just so they had a one-turn punch to shift units, but not scoring kinda sucks. The Typhon erases units, the Sicaran takes out pesky light and medium armor units. Deredeo is AA insurance. Shatter Rapiers are meant to help bust up heavier armor and S8 with Sunder helps. The Spartans will deliver my hammer units and help lob out Lascannon shots to plink at heavier armor. Butchers just do what they do and Khârn rides with them or maybe Surlak's squad for the FNP to make him last a bit longer. 

Pretty standard format, but thoughts on the list? 
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Like the list, pretty standard world eaters but I've been rocking dual Spartans for a time now and although one dimensional, very effective.


A few changes I would prefer to see...


Drop the deredeo for a venator

I really don't like them and feel you have enough str8 sunder with the shatter shells. The venator gives you a bit if a chance against heavier armour. It's the tank you love to hate.. Most games, it will do nothing and you'll be "why the hell did I bring this piece of crap" but that one time it one shots a knight, shuts down a warhound all game or just hits with both shots all is forgiven. Plus it looks dope in world eater colours


Keep the rhino squads scoring, make the big blob inducti

The rhino dudes have one job, and that's objectives. You want your large squad getting stuck in so why not crank their nails up. Granted, Khârn can't go with them, but I really like him with butchers when I run him not Angron. Having ap2 at initaitive means a butcher or 2 lasts longer and can hit back. Surlak with the unductii for a squad that hits hard, and won't go down easy.


Arm small squads with bolters, not axes

As above.keep them camped and hidden. Bolters give them some added range to defend (I know right, defending...!? golly gee)


Typhon for Angron

This is just my personal thing. I love the angry man and him in a tac squad Spartan is leathal. The typhon seems a bit cheesy but I get it and I do love Spartan chassis so not a biggie


Put large tac squad in kharybdis instead of Spartan

So you loose some lascanons which is a shame, but you get the hammer and anvil you have been looking for. They drop down, cause mayhem, butchers charge off elsewhere or reinforce. Again, not a biggie and will be very much game dependent what would work better but just an option based on your previous list we looked at


Butchers all with axes not claws

Dude...world eaters...enough said!


Hope this gives you some ideas but ultimately the above list seems solid regardless

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Like the list, pretty standard world eaters but I've been rocking dual Spartans for a time now and although one dimensional, very effective.

A few changes I would prefer to see...

Drop the deredeo for a venator

I really don't like them and feel you have enough str8 sunder with the shatter shells. The venator gives you a bit if a chance against heavier armour. It's the tank you love to hate.. Most games, it will do nothing and you'll be "why the hell did I bring this piece of crap" but that one time it one shots a knight, shuts down a warhound all game or just hits with both shots all is forgiven. Plus it looks dope in world eater colours

Keep the rhino squads scoring, make the big blob inducti

The rhino dudes have one job, and that's objectives. You want your large squad getting stuck in so why not crank their nails up. Granted, Khârn can't go with them, but I really like him with butchers when I run him not Angron. Having ap2 at initaitive means a butcher or 2 lasts longer and can hit back. Surlak with the unductii for a squad that hits hard, and won't go down easy.

Arm small squads with bolters, not axes

As above.keep them camped and hidden. Bolters give them some added range to defend (I know right, defending...!? censored.gif)

Typhon for Angron

This is just my personal thing. I love the angry man and him in a tac squad Spartan is leathal. The typhon seems a bit cheesy but I get it and I do love Spartan chassis so not a biggie

Put large tac squad in kharybdis instead of Spartan

So you loose some lascanons which is a shame, but you get the hammer and anvil you have been looking for. They drop down, cause mayhem, butchers charge off elsewhere or reinforce. Again, not a biggie and will be very much game dependent what would work better but just an option based on your previous list we looked at

Butchers all with axes not claws

Dude...world eaters...enough said!

Hope this gives you some ideas but ultimately the above list seems solid regardless

Deredeo is my sole unit for AA work. I don't want to be without a good means of scrapping Fire Raptors and Lightnings, etc.

What about making the Typhon ...something else? Cerberus? I mean, that has a hilarious double-meaning if I put some War Hound icons on it. :D

Bolters... on World Eaters!? Blasphemy. But prudent!

Won't be doing Angron. While I love his character, I am not a huge fan of his model. Khârn is my bro. Love his story, love his model. Hoping to have 3 head styles, too. Bare, Sarum, and Sarum w/ the decorative side things (from the veteran Mk2 helmets).

I like the idea of a big squad in a Kharybdis, but won't they get utterly mauled staring down an enemy army themselves while the bulk of my army is across the table? That worries me. Arriving in style in Flare Shielded AV14 brutes seems safer. Tough call though, because I am a big Kharydbis fan. Might have to get one just to try it out and see after I get this list actually built. Right now, I need only about $300 to finish it, so I am not far off.

Why Butchers with Axes? Claws get me Initiative attacks to help chop up stuff that isn't a 2+ save, which is a LOT of stuff. The other dudes can mop up 2+ stuff. At least, that is my rationale.

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