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Looking for advice on an upcoming game...


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Not list advice as such, otherwise I would have posted in the Army List sub-forum. Basically some friends and I are having a little mini-tournament at 1,500 points but with a 500 point 'sideboard' – so 1,000 points core and then two 500 point 'bolt-ons'. The lists are fixed – we wrote them before we started and now we've started they can't be changed.


I won my first game against Space Marines (IF successors) plus Eldar allies, and my second game is next week against just marines (Crimson Fists). I'll post my two lists below with the differences highlighted in red, and then a reply with his list.


I'm looking for advice on which sideboard y'all think I should use and any tactical advice based on my opponent's list. I am thinking list A as B was supposed to introduce some AA but he doesn't really have any fliers. Alas I won't know which sideboard he will choose until the dawn of battle...


Thanks in advance brothers!





Commander Dante


Sanguinary Priest

- Jump pack

- Valour's Edge


Sanguinary Guard x5

- Chapter banner

- Axe

- Fist

- 2x Infernus pistols


Death Company x5

- Jump packs

- Fist


Death Company x5

- Jump packs

- Fist


Tactical Squad x5

- Heavy flamer

- Melta bombs

- Razorback (T/L lascannon)


Tactical Squad x5

- Heavy flamer

- Melta bombs

- Razorback (T/L lascannon)


Sicaran Battle Tank

- Extra Armour

- Lascannon sponsons

- Legacy of Glory: Battle of Sarosh



- Overcharged engines

- Siege shield





Commander Dante


Sanguinary Priest

- Jump pack

- Valour's Edge


Sanguinary Guard x6

- Chapter banner

- Axe

- Fist

- 3x Infernus pistols


Death Company x10

- Jump packs

- 2x Fists


Tactical Squad x5

- Missile launcher (with Flakk)

- Razorback (T/L lascannon)


Tactical Squad x5

- Missile launcher (with Flakk)

- Razorback (T/L lascannon)


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

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Sternguard x10

- Power fist

- Combi-melta x2

- Drop pod (locator beacon)


Tactical squad x10

- Power fist

- Plasma gun

- Plasma cannon


Scout Squad x10

- Veteran sarge

- Power fist

- 5x bolt pistol / combat blade

- 4x bolt pistol / shotgun


Scout Squad x10

- Melta bombs

- 4x sniper rifle

- 4x bolter

- 1x missile launcher (with Flakk)


Assault Squad x5

- Jump packs

- Power fist

- Flamer


Land Speeder

- Heavy flamer x2


Land Speeder

- Multi-melta

- Assault cannon


Devastator Squad x5

- Signum

- 4x missile launchers (with Flakk)


Devastator Squad x5

- Signum

- 4x missile launchers (with Flakk)







Sternguard x10

- Power fist

- Combi-melta x2

- Drop pod (locator beacon)



- Assault cannon

- Heavy flamer


Tactical squad x10

- Power fist

- Plasma gun

- Plasma cannon

- Rhino


Scout Squad x10

- Veteran sarge

- Power fist

- 5x bolt pistol / combat blade

- 4x bolt pistol / shotgun


Scout Squad x5

- Melta bombs

- 3x sniper rifle

- 1x missile launcher


Land Speeder

- Heavy flamer x2


Land Speeder

- Multi-melta

- Assault cannon


Devastator Squad x5

- Signum

- 4x missile launchers


Devastator Squad x5

- Signum

- 4x missile launchers


Predator Destructor

- Stormbolter

- Dozer blade

- Lascannon sponsons




Re-reading both lists I think his A is slightly more geared for AA and seeing as I have no fliers I'm pretty sure he'll go with B (and I should go with my A).


What do you guys think?!

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If you take your list A and confident he's taking list B you could either bubble wrap your vindicator or you could reserve it to force the drop pod to come on turn 1 and grab first blood and remove his locator beacon off the drop pod. Then when he deep strikes his speeders they are going to scatter.
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Emp will is usually a tie a, player with most fast kill wins the tiebreaker, so his got 2 speeders  and you have no fast, so you have solid shot at primary. 


Start with tacticals disembarked, wrapped around your razorback. He dosnt have any aoe so if your going second you can deploy tightly together since it's vanguard. ( or your could screen the razors with your assault stuff)


Try to make him pod his sternguard in front of you, that way you can charge them while not getting out position turn 2, see if you can position so you can kill his fist with shooting before assault if the fist guy is exposed.  Put dante as close to the fist model as possible in assault so he dies at init 5.


I'd consider going with list B, sternguard should die to assault and and the devs will probably be in a bolstered ruin with 3+ cover (you really don't need the vindi).  Put Dante with the death company so you have 2+ saves in both assault units against all his devs. That way his lascannons will have to chose between killing sanguinary guard or your mech. Sangunary guard can always hop from cover to cover and there is not that much ap 2 to worry about.


At turn 2-3ish you can always split off the death company and Dante if you need to cover more or the board. The Derdo should be walking towards the center so he won't suddenly be out of position. Try and grab as much cover as possible with your razorbacks. 


Edit, i was think was thinking of contemptor, never tried the deredo. Both lists look like fun, should be a good game!

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Interesting... If I do go with Sicaran over Deredeo, I'm thinking maybe I should keep it in reserve to avoid it getting popped by Melta shots from the Sternies when they pod in turn 1. They might get the Vindi instead but I can kill them in assault and then keep the Sicaran hovering around my Emperor's Will objective utilising its range...


Meanwhile I was thinking drive the Razorbacks up each flank using them to screen the jumping DC.


Not sure whether to deep strike Dante + Priest + Sang Guard...

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