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Help me name my titan legion/lots of pics

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Good Evening my fellow gamers


I began this project years ago after getting involved in a group called siegeworld,and wanted my own titans but could not afford the armourcast models that were out at the time.The first 2 reavers where built with far less knowledge towards scratch building than I have now,as can be seen between the wip pics of what the reavers used to look like to what the knight titan house hold build ended up like.All of the following save for the model of the baron are scratch built with very little money,but lots of sculpting and bit bin digging.


The Reavers are based mostly on the older armourcast versions with a smattering of detail work of the new ones.


The warhounds are build from the template floating around


The knight titan household began before the current model line came out,in the old fluff the warden was the old baron whom stepped aside,the wardens were also slow and hulking so I made it hunched over and its heraldry more inline with the other titans,the knights are in the color of the current baron,with the baron being a mix of both color schemes.


I rather consider these about 80-90 percent done,but would appreciate any suggestions or feedback,,,but atm I am out of resources as I have been off work for awhile as my shoulder has to be operated on. I want to go back and add more details via more bits and decals from the knight titan sheets,,but that will have to wait till I am mended


As to naming,,,the legions symbol is a yellow lightnight bolt.

















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really cool stuff! Not sure I have anything really productive to contribute, its just that I know it's painful to start a topic and get nothing.


A name . . . lets see . . . Legio Exitium


eh. according to google:


exitium (latin)

destruction, going out, exit, ruin, doom, demolition
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Well the colour scheme is similar to the Fire Wasps (Legio Ignatum), perhaps something similarly Latin inspired 'Legio Fulminis' or  'Legio Inluminatione' are the best sounding variants of Thunder or Lightening I could come up with to go with your symbol.

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Thanks gentlemen,youve given me so rather good suggestions to ponder over.



Any thoughts,reactions,suggestions as to the titans themselves?


I know the missle pods need some work but have not found the right bits yet,want to make little louvers for each bay and better missles ,may cut the older two off completely and make it more in line with the 3rd one with the dual turbo blaster arms.

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