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How to use Brother Corbulo as an HQ or Warlord?


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Greetings Brothers.


I'm curious how some of you use our High Sanguinary Priest, Brother Corbulo? I want to add him to my army, but I'm drawing some blanks on how he best fits into our forces.


So far for named characters I have Dante, Captain Karlaen, Astorath the Grim, and Captain Tycho. Mephiston and Brother Corbulo are on my list to get. So is the Sanguinor.



Corbulo is an interesting one. But consider the following. He has initiative 5 base. His Warlord trait is Speed of the Primarch, for +1 Initiative, and the Red Grail grants an additional +1. In a Baal Strike Force, he will gain a further +1 Initiative on the charge, for a total of Initiative 8. Striking at strength 6, with weapon skill 6, and 5 rending attacks.

What do we do with this information? I have no idea, but those numbers are pretty great to look at.

The problem with Corbulo is very much the same as the problem with Mephiston, mobility/transport. The only real options are storm raven,land raider or drop pod. and none are very well suited to a combat character(tho he is a combat buffing character he still needs to be in combat for his buffs to work). 


we all know the problems that land raiders have in that its to many points in one basket, storm ravens may see a little more use as transports instead as well as gun boats now that the majority of flyers don't have skyfire(from the new rules) and drop pods leave your unit very exposed for a full turn. 


I'd probably either drop pod him in not with the turn one drop pod units to try and make it so the enemy has to much to deal with to worry about Corbulo's unit, or in a storm raven with the changes to flyer rolls making flyers more survivable (this is untested and just my assumption).

Raven is entirely meta dependant, including how they rule skies of death. A pod only works if your going whole hog, and it's just another squad spilling out to rend stuff, so a list filled with dc, dc dreads, fragiosos, and assault squads all in pods, would work fantastic as even if the unit is assaulted, his buffs still work, where the death company don't.

And land raiders were dead for awhile, grav guns just buried them. (A problem with any expensive, non superheavy vehicles these days)

Sad, cause we all love them.

I've had some success with a death star style drop pod. Command Squad, psykers of choice and Coteaz. Before the FAQ you could mix in some White Scars psykers for hit and run and hunter's eye. 3 melta shots with ignore covers in a pod is scary. Add Coteaz for protection and powers and a Xeno inquisitor with grenades (I often take one anyway for servo skulls anyway)


Command squad

Mephiston (optional)


White Scars lvl 2 librarian with Hunter's eye


Xeno inquisitor


Pair with a Skyhammer Annihilation force and you have a very threatening alpha strike.


Would make it 10 models. 3 psykers, plenty of fun stuff to go for. Not as effective as a true lib conclave death star. Depends on how serious your game is. Probably want to have multiple threats coming down to force your opponent to make bad/difficult choices. 

He works rather well with Vanguard Veterans in a pod with Mephiston or even Gabriel Seth.


Just load up the Vanguard with Shields and a couple of low AP weapons (and maybe a Grav Pistol for concussive), hopefully tank the enemy fire with 2+ / 3++ / 5+++ and then charge next turn for an absolute Blender. The 2+ is from Meph but you just LoS anything super threatening coming for him.


Between them Corbulo, Seth and Mephiston in any combination will straight up Kneecap a Knight in close combat. Having +1WS and I from the Grail is surprisingly powerful as it makes your vanguard pretty hitty too.


Keep them alive by going massed pods with Dreads in too.


Otherwise you can do what I do... Use a Caestus and put him with Assault Terminators, as they only count as 1 transport slot for that particular vehicle.

I've enjoyed putting him in my LR crusader with a bunch of assault termis. I also roll inordinately well in my FnP. The extra initiative is very nice for the claws. The land raider . . . It dies like a land raider, but whatever.


I once had my termis take 14 grab wounds (gravturrions with tiggy) and I lost a grand total of 1 model, thanks to storm shields, FnP, and the Emperor's grace!

It's not optimal, to be sure. But there's a definite benefit. WS5 is brilliant when the termies are only getting 2/3 attacks, and as we all know, there's not a lot more durable than stormshield termies with FNP. Perhaps there's some value to having a mixed squad?

  On 6/20/2016 at 1:48 PM, Brother Lemartes said:

Would you use th/ss termies with him? I feel like its not ideal since they don't get the extra initiative

I like a mix. I know it's not ideal, but whatever. You still get the far seeing eye, and his chainsword can technically glance a land raider on the charge. I actually first ran him with termis because my other 2 priests have jump packs.


Personally, I love corbulo's model. And his fluff.


Mini Sanginius for the win!

  On 6/20/2016 at 2:28 PM, Charlo said:

Just use a normal priest for assault termies.


Save Corbulo for somewhere his abilities are truly needed.

Like I said, I do it because I don't have another priest on foot

  On 6/20/2016 at 2:37 PM, Charlo said:

In which case go nuts!


But outside of the re-roll you aren't getting much for the extra points.

But . . . Rending chainsword


heaven's teeth is such an awesome name.

Worth keeping in mind, as I've seen it suggested he goes with Assault Marines, is that until our 'dex gets an update our marines either take jump packs or go in a Rhino or Pod. If they were to accompany Corbs in a Stormraven (or Land Raider) there would be an empty-until-after-deployment transport in your army.


Him with Vanguard is a great spot to take advantage of all his rules. Lightning claws and storm shields mixed with some melta for armour, pick your favourite method of delivery. Add Mephiston to taste.

Another little bit of Synergy, add Malakim Phoros to a squad with him and let him tank a single wound (depending on hoe good your FNP rolls are!)

He then adds to Corbulo's squad buffs with Rage as well as going absolutely bat censored.gif crazy himself.

Stormraven, corbulo, DC dread/cassor and a unit of DC marines. Sure its a hefty pointtag, but this assault troop can cause mayhem on pretty much anything it touches. If you have the points then tuck in a librarian or go for a librarian dread instead of the DC dread.

Going to try something similar but in a Caestus, probably with Tactical terms as that is what I have and the Caestus can transport a lot of them.


Corbulo, Phoros, Meph and a Terminator squad - maybe Seth and a Captain if I feel like making the biggest basket of eggs ever.


Phoros is kind of insane considering he gives Hatred and potentially Rage to this squad O.O


Slightly sad my Terminator captain I modelled with TH/ LC can't be used as an Iron Hand with Gorgon Chain and joined by BA for super 2+ FNP fun anymore. But thems the breaks I suppose!

I have often thought that Corbulo would make a Terminator Assault Squad armed with lightning claws would be a decent combo, probably have to put them in a Stormraven. but if they are also backed up by say a Dreadnought now it could be really effective.

  On 6/21/2016 at 1:35 PM, kalenein said:

I have often thought that Corbulo would make a Terminator Assault Squad armed with lightning claws would be a decent combo, probably have to put them in a Stormraven. but if they are also backed up by say a Dreadnought now it could be really effective.


Pretty much, 2+ saves aren't that common and S5, AP3 Shredding hitting at WS5 with potential I6 will even do a decent job against a WK at a push:




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5 LC Terms and Corbulo VS WK


5 Terms:


20 WS5, S5 AP3 Shredding Attacks   >   13.333* hits   >   2 to 4 wounds overall.




5 Attacks S6 Rending   >   3.333* Hits   >   0.6 Wounds.


About 4 Wounds total.


Obviously after the first round only Corbsy can harm him, but having 5++/5+++ against the WK isn't bad.


Add in a Chaplain for re-rolls to hit and things get a lot better.


Plus you can always use a clutch re-roll from Corbulo if you haven't already.



But against anything else without a 2+ they will fully shred them before they get to hit.


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