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How to use Brother Corbulo as an HQ or Warlord?


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I have my space hulk ones and while an Assault Terminator unit would no doubt be more efficient, I'll be damned if I'm not using those awesome guys!

Wish I had those models. It would make buying our exceptionally underwhelming assault terminator kit almost worthwhile. I do, however, have a crap ton of LC termies waiting to be assembled after I pilfered their TH/SSs for my Deathwing army.


Corbs, Mephy, Terminators. Delicious.


Still, I think that in theory I would rather have Vanguard solely so I could still sweep my enemy. I know it's situational but it's bit me in the arse more than once! Sadly I don't own any Vanguard worthy of the deployment orders just yet. Soon....

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I was thinking...


Gabriel Seth


5x CC Scouts


Seth only has AP4 and Corbulo AP - so neither is really geared against 3+ or 2+ targets. That little unit would be an anti-infantry squad, the scouts offering cheap bodies to protect the two characters with FnP to help keep them alive longer. They'd all benefit from the weapon skill and initiative bonus too.

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I was thinking...


Gabriel Seth


5x CC Scouts


Seth only has AP4 and Corbulo AP - so neither is really geared against 3+ or 2+ targets. That little unit would be an anti-infantry squad, the scouts offering cheap bodies to protect the two characters with FnP to help keep them alive longer. They'd all benefit from the weapon skill and initiative bonus too.


Eh... Seems a waste to put the great combat characters with the force multiplying buffs with our underpowered scouts!

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Considering I have Meph, Corbs, Terminators and Caestus I'll run this next game... Wish my 815pt Basket of Murder-Eggs luck!


RANDOM bit of rules questions but my Caestus can shoot at a target and my Unit that just disembarked previously doesn't have to assault the same one right?


Might give it ignore cover on Blast Weapons for fun - I actually got it from a Frater on here on eBay and he said the legacy that does that is pure destruction.

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I have often thought that Corbulo would make a Terminator Assault Squad armed with lightning claws would be a decent combo, probably have to put them in a Stormraven. but if they are also backed up by say a Dreadnought now it could be really effective.


This is what I do. Slice and dice Terminators are my favorite though still sadly a bit underwhelming for the points. My sergeant is the only one with TH/SS to tank some wounds, and I usually add a cheap Chaplain (though a Librarian or even Mephiston would be good too, but I prefer to have them start on the table) - plus a DC dread with a talons.


This is pretty much my standard Apocalypse StormRaven loadout kit and sometimes when we do bigger games or team games I'll use them, but it's a costly bunch for games less than 2000.

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biggest eggs-basket Ive ever done was Corbulo, Dante, Mephiston and 8 hammernators, in a game vs chaos demons...

They did wreck 9 plague drones with dual heralds (invis for 2 rounds), 1 GUO, and 1 defiler in CC...

Corbulo gives his buffs, Dante takes all challenges while Meph adds some psychic prowess. Hammernators does what hammernators do...

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It irks me that Vanguard quickly get more expensive than Terminators even when you kit them the same (or even close to similar). I was theorizing a squad to accompany Corb-phiston but it all just got too damn expensive.

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Agree with the above, delivery is the issue.


I run Corbulo in a LR Redeemer with a 5 man terminator assault squad (3x lightning claws, 2x TH/SS or vice versa). It has performed well for me. I really like the mix of lightning claws and TH/SS as it gives you good options against pretty much anything. The Init 5 lightning claw models are very deadly against MEQ. The TH/SS terminators are deadly against vehicles and MCs/GMCs. Having Corbulo striking at Init 7 is nice against Eldar/DE. 


The terminators with FNP are rather durable. To increase their staying power, I use the Corbulo once-per-game reroll the first time I fail a 2+ terminator save. 


Taking a LR is always hit or miss depending on what your opponent is fielding. They can single handedly win you the matchup in some games and then be complete garbage in others.  

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Eh... Seems a waste to put the great combat characters with the force multiplying buffs with our underpowered scouts!



My thinking was that they're both characters unable to use a jump pack and lacking strong AP so they fit together nicely, with the WS and Init being a nice extra boost for Seth. On the charge Seth has 6x Str 9, AP 4 hits and Corbulo 5x Str 6, AP -. They both have Rending but rolling 6s is unreliable so realistically most targets with 3+ or 2+ armour will get their saves. As we have plenty of other characters to send after strong armoured targets, these two excel against hordes of lower armoured infantry. I don't see the point in putting them with something like TH/SS Terms as they serve different purposes, and a unit that's geared to go for AP2 targets can simply get FnP from a normal Priest at lower cost.


The two of them together already have a high anti-infantry damage output so adding them to an expensive unit like VVs could be overkill, and a lot of our squads would be wasted on foot slogging. I'd see Seth as the primary damage dealer with Corbulo second, and the main thing they need is some foot slogging bodies to act as a shield and take hits.


LC Terms would be the toughest shields for the pair but they're not cheap and could be overkill when Seth and Corbulo are there to dish out damage. That brought me to CC Scouts - they're no slackers in anti-infantry combat, they're already on foot and they're cheap. To provide bodies/wounds in front of the two characters they do what's needed at low cost.


Corbulo wouldn't be there to buff the Scouts, he'd be there to buff Seth and deal decent damage with his own Str 6 attacks. The scouts would just be there to shield them as the lowest cost option.


I could send them against normal infantry and save my specialist units for the tough targets.

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I saw a recent turney list with 10 TH Assault Terminators Sang Priest and a grey knight combo.

Captain Stern for the +1 invulnerable save, Draigo for portal reasons, and an termi librarian ml3.

You can put in courbulo instead of the priest and enjoy the reroll on the forthcomming hammertime!

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