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Play Test Feedback requested.


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Hey guys, I've been toying with the idea of making a "Blood Glaive" (tongue.png) decurion style formation for BA friendly play.

I was wondering if any of you have groups that would permit a little bit of play-testing of these ideas and then give feedback here?

The following formations form part of the detachment:

1: BLOOD GLAIVE - BA Detachment


+1 Initiative when charging into combat.

Descent of Angels:
"All units equipped with jump pack may reroll their reserve roll if deploying by deepstrike. These units scatter 1d6" instead of 2d6" ".

If 2 Demi-companies are chosen, all Rhinos and Drop Pods that are taken as dedicated transports or Jump Packs that are purchased are done so at no additional points.

1-2 Demi-Company, 1 Death Company Formation, 1+ Auxiliary, 0-1+ Command



Captain or Chaplain

3x Tactical squads

1x Assault Squad

1x Devastator Squad

(1x Honour Guard, 1x Dreadnought or Furioso Dreadnought)


Objective Secured,

Quick To Battle:

"Blood Angels thirst for combat and as a result are trained for rapid deployment and fearsome strikes. As such, BA units from this formation may disembark from a Rhino or Razorback that has moved up to 12", rather than the usual 6". The vehicle may not move Flat Out thereafter. Additionally, any BA units from this formation that exit a stationary Rhino may launch an assault in the turn it disembarks. Note, this does not apply to units that have disembarked from a destroyed Rhino, as the occupants are too busy clambering from the wreckage to launch an assault. Additionally, Any BA units from this formation with Jump Packs that deploy from deepstrike may roll for reserves from Reserve from turn 1.".


0-1 Chaplain or Sanguinary Priest*

0-1 DC Dreadnought** per Demi-Company

5-20 Death Company Models***

* The Chaplain or Sanguinary Priest may be exchanged for Astorath/Lemartes or Corbulo respectively.
** The DC Dreadnought may be exchanged for Cassor the Damned.

*** The Death Company may be exchanged for ....those other guys with all the bling.

Leader of the Lost: If a demi-company's Chaplain is not already doing so, the DC must be led by either a Chaplain or a Sanguinary Priest.


A. 1-3 Units of Scouts

B. 1-3 Units of Baal Predators or Other Predator Variants AND 1-3 Units of Vindicators (no squads)

C. 1-3 Units of Storm Ravens (no squads)

(no special rules for above)

Design Notes:

I've kept the additional auxiliary units minimal to test the main points I want to work on- which should be very apparent.

At the moment, the style is simple and based off our closest "codex-adherent", non-codex brethren, the DA.

It draws strongly from the 2nd and 3rd edition BA codicies, using the framework of the most recent formations to give a good buff to the demi-company, and then another buff to the overall Blood Glaive. The buffs I have chosen are representative of the BA mythos and fighting style, with no freebies given beyond the core focus.

Now...who would like to give this a bash?

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I enjoy the stationary rhinos into a charge, but since I think it should be for everyone, I'm kinda biased. I would definitely add something that makes jump packs more appealing, currently the only list you want to build with this is mechanized infantry.

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Not bad!


I don't have enough models to do it justice, but it seems pretty cool.


I actually think limiting it to a stationary Rhino is a bit weak, just look at the other Decurion, they give re-rolls to high heaven or in the case of DA an extra shooting phase against assault armies or SW can even launch an assault in the enemies friggin' assault phase!


I'd say we can still move 6" and charge for sure, having to be stationary seems overly conservative and only really means we are either plowing up the board turn one only to then hope out boxes aren't slagged.


I'll also Echo what The Unseen said about jump packs.

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added 2 small bonuses to make the jumpies more attractive - also put it in the Glaive formation rather than the Demi, to make it more appealing overall.


Now that is great! Free Jump packs makes a HELL of a lot of sense and rolling Dante's bonuses into the formation means he could get something else as a Warlord Trait.


As the most experienced General in the Imperium often being looked to to command huge campaigns (Armageddon etc) he should get to choose two traits from a couple of tables IMO.


Maybe one BA and one Strategic?


I think on top of this the Sanguine Wing (Sternguard, 2 Vanguard and Raven) would be a really nice addition to this. Especially with the free JP. I'd remove the 10 man Requirement though as that isn't something enforced in too many Codex formations of a similar vein.

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Defs. But wanting to keep the add-ons to a min and really focus on those core playstyles.  My thinking is the more conservative and less changes/additional rules, the more likely friendly groups are to accept it into their games.

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Yeah totally agree!


My last opponent had to be convinced to use the new +2A to Dreads rule that came from GW though so doubt I'll get this in :P


Although it's straight up ripping it from 30k, getting a 5+ Cover to anything that Deep Strikes with a pack seems like a great upgrade, could even replace the reserve manipulation.

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I would add an assault demi co add an alternative to the regular demi co. ..


1 captain or chaplain

3x assault squads,

2x bike, or assault, etc


Everyone must be mounted in a transport or jpack or bike.


The gladius would requite no more than 1 assault demi per regular demi....


Other rules Idk...

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Its a great work but I'm not sold on the mandatory death Co.

Don't get me wrong, they're great, but the DC shouldn't be on all the fields of battle the blood angels go (from a fluff point of view).

Sometimes, we don't even go crazy at all.


But a great idea for Flesh tearers!

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"Quick to battle"


Maybe allow jump pack units in reserve to deep strike turn 1? This fits with the theme and adds strength to the jumpers. Currently it screams rhino rush to me, especially with fast rhinos.

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Its a great work but I'm not sold on the mandatory death Co.

Don't get me wrong, they're great, but the DC shouldn't be on all the fields of battle the blood angels go (from a fluff point of view).

Sometimes, we don't even go crazy at all.


But a great idea for Flesh tearers!

I hear ya.  The concept was 2-fold, though.  


1, to impose a tax on the formation. 

2, to recreate the 2nd and 3rd Ed style lists where DC were iconic.   3rd ed had us roll for DC and get them from every squad on a 4+. That made us gravitate to Chaplains with their additional free DC.  That was based off of the strong focus of the DC in 2nd ed too, where them and some special characters were essentially the only unique units to us.  



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