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Painting Blood Angels (deep red, not GW style)


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Hi everyone!


I've been reading a bit here and there, did a google search as well as in the painting subforum, but couldn't find what I was looking for:


I want to paint a test mini for my space marines as a Blood Angel, but the GW style is just a little bit too clean and orange for me. I've seen some great pics but sadly no tutorials for achieving this slightly darker, deeper tone of red. I've had some bad experiences painting red armor when it came out very flat and boring, so I'm hoping maybe one of you can point me in the right direction.



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This is what I go for as well... but keep in mind without that strong contrast (orange) they won't photograph as well in my experience. They don't have that "pop" - which is honestly fine with me as long as they're not orange.


I go very heavy on the shadows so I can still bring up the highlights without going too far 'orange' and still having some contrast.

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I paint my Angels a bit darker than some I've seen and could describe my process if you're after this look:




I think that's the direction, do you have a pic from the front?


Got any reference pictures for the style your looking for?

Yes, I do:


Like that but not as weathered (grey area):




Like that (braintyrefire):




And that, too, from PJ1933 of this forum:




The last one is brighter than the others, I guess I'm looking for something in between if that makes any sense, maybe more in the direction of the first two.

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Are you going to be using an airbrush?


If yes, you can easily layer some heavy dark shadows on most of the model, and all of it from underneath... then just Mephiston zenith highlight with the slightest bit of EvilSunz Scarlet as final highlight or edge highlight.


Mephiston red is such a great color too!

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Are you going to be using an airbrush?


If yes, you can easily layer some heavy dark shadows on most of the model, and all of it from underneath... then just Mephiston zenith highlight with the slightest bit of EvilSunz Scarlet as final highlight or edge highlight.


Mephiston red is such a great color too!

No, I don't have an airbrush nor will I be getting one in the foreseeable future. I have started using zenithal basecoating recetnly if that helps.

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I chose that one because it showed the highlighting best. The picture of the same model from the front I have on hand is a bit darker overall but you'll get the idea I think. Figured I'd show it off in a bright picture first instead of showing the dark one then being all: but wait, I actually did highlight ever so slightly with orange! laugh.png


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I chose that one because it showed the highlighting best. The picture of the same model from the front I have on hand is a bit darker overall but you'll get the idea I think. Figured I'd show it off in a bright picture first instead of showing the dark one then being all: but wait, I actually did highlight ever so slightly with orange! :lol:



Thank you NTaW! I'm not a color expert, why do your pics/the paintjob seem to lack contrast compared to the others even though the color goes into the same direction? Could it be the camera/lighting? I struggle to put words to the difference between your paintjob and the others other than weathering or a slight gloss effect. I like it, but it looks, for a lack of a better word, too 'simple' for what I would like to achieve. Hopefully that doesn't come across rude, it's certainly not meant that way.
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I would base in Mephiston Red, then add a lot of shade, perhaps Nuln Oil, then do your highlights in a fresh layer of Mephiston Red. Maybe a little Evil Sunz Scarlet applied very strategically? That should give a deeper darker red look to your Blood Angels.


I understand what you're talking about with the orange vibe. I'm trying just to keep mine base-Mephiston Red, Shade- Carrogburg Crimson, then a highlight of Mephiston red and Evil Sunz Scarlet.

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Very similar to what I did, Helias.


Briefly, because I'm of my phone and posting as such frustrates me,


Mephiston Red

Nuln Oil like you mean it

Mephiston Red

Evil Sunz (maybe Wazdakka..? Will check after work)

Bloodletter Glaze


Last step is absolutely crucial in tying the highlights together and deepening everything up. Picture colour discrepancy based on lighting, side picture is a sunny look at the highlights. Picture from front is..well...just a picture from the front. Not great for anything but shows that the highlighting isn't anywhere near bright.

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@NTaW, could I trouble you for a before/after pics regarding the glaze ? It would probably help me understand what you mean by "tying the highlights together and deepening everything up")


Forgive my photos, these are all quite old. I haven't painted any BA in a while. This is a model just red with Mephy Red and one next to it with all the shading and highlighting done. I know with the sunlight (at the time I was on the 19th floor, lots of that) kinda washes out a lot of the blending but pay close attention to how much darker the red is from left to right. Considering Mephy Red is the dominant colour on both that Bloodletter Glaze is just essential to deepening everything up. In addition, because you're coating all the highlighting work you've done with the same colour is helps to smooth out the edges between paint A and paint B.



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Very similar to what I did, Helias.


Briefly, because I'm of my phone and posting as such frustrates me,


Mephiston Red

Nuln Oil like you mean it

Mephiston Red

Evil Sunz (maybe Wazdakka..? Will check after work)

Bloodletter Glaze


Last step is absolutely crucial in tying the highlights together and deepening everything up. Picture colour discrepancy based on lighting, side picture is a sunny look at the highlights. Picture from front is..well...just a picture from the front. Not great for anything but shows that the highlighting isn't anywhere near bright.


You're right, Wazdakka Red is a lighter shade but more subdued. Great for a darker red Blood Angel.

I've always loved the scheme by ilikebmxbikes on warseer.


Tutorial at bottom of page 1.



Those are BEAUTIFUL Blood Angels ... one of my favorites that I've seen. Thanks for that link :)

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I've always loved the scheme by ilikebmxbikes on warseer.

Tutorial at bottom of page 1.


Oh that is a cool thread, been going through it for the last 15mins, there's a lot to see! Thanks!


And thanks for your input everyone, very helpful!

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@NTaW, could I trouble you for a before/after pics regarding the glaze ? It would probably help me understand what you mean by "tying the highlights together and deepening everything up")

Forgive my photos, these are all quite old. I haven't painted any BA in a while. This is a model just red with Mephy Red and one next to it with all the shading and highlighting done. I know with the sunlight (at the time I was on the 19th floor, lots of that) kinda washes out a lot of the blending but pay close attention to how much darker the red is from left to right. Considering Mephy Red is the dominant colour on both that Bloodletter Glaze is just essential to deepening everything up. In addition, because you're coating all the highlighting work you've done with the same colour is helps to smooth out the edges between paint A and paint B.


I think I see what you mean. Thanks ! Guess I'll need some glaze then msn-wink.gif

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  The lighting isn't great, and I'm unsure if the colour is too Carmine for your tastes, but this was P3 Sanguine Base, shaded with Badab Black, then highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Sanguine Base and Sanguine Highlight, and then a final highlight of Sanguine Highlight. 



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They're some of mine – you can see more on my blog, The Mighty Brush. I have noted down the process I use in a few posts but I do use an airbrush.


I saw a nice deep, dark red on some Word Bearers and the process was very simple:


1. Primed with Khorne red

2. Carroburg Crimson wash

3. Highlights with evil suns scarlet









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They're some of mine – you can see more on my blog, The Mighty Brush. I have noted down the process I use in a few posts but I do use an airbrush.


I saw a nice deep, dark red on some Word Bearers and the process was very simple:


1. Primed with Khorne red

2. Carroburg Crimson wash

3. Highlights with evil suns scarlet











Your Stuff always reminds of the stuff Raffa used to put out on The Massive Voodoo, his OSL is insane as is yours!


I wish I could Paint half as good as either of you! 



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Thank you for "raising your hand" LutherMax! I just a look through your blog and it looks very very good! I also found your "recipe", but like you said, there's a lot of airbrushing involved. Maybe I'll still give it a shot with zenital basecoating involved. Definitely like your pics!

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