simison Posted March 15, 2018 Author Share Posted March 15, 2018 "We've reached the rendezvous point." ~~~ For better or for worse, first impressions carried an inordinate weight when judging a person's worth and character. Thus, while he might enjoy quite the advantage when meeting with recruits from worlds he had liberated, Alexandros always wore his parade armour when he met with the newest additions to the Fifth Legion. He stood in the largest landing bay aboard the Elpis, a line of ten legionaries standing behind him, volkite chargers held at attention. No longer was Alexandros a flash of purple in a sea of grey as those early days with his legion, but now they mirrored the colours he proudly bore. The same could not be said of the stormbird that landed before him. The Deliverer of Strength had fallen into an odd niche. It had not been present with the legion at Balov when they had spent two entire years adjusting to Alexandros' reforms and being repainted in purple and red. Yet, it had been produced before its manufactorum had received Alexandros' instructions of colour scheme, leaving it in its factory-grey. It was one of a few dozen vehicles that were on the cusp of meeting the legion standard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 16, 2018 Author Share Posted March 16, 2018 Regardless of its external appearance, the stormbird performed its duty with precision, landing smoothly in front of the Primarch. Alexandros held his helmet in the crook of his arm, while his left hand rested on the pommel of his sword. With a hiss, the ramp opened, and one-hundred Halcyon Wardens marched out. Alexandros watched with a smile as he passively judged their performance. It would not be long before he would have to restrict this personal practice. Quite simply, too many recruits were being added to the legion, especially with the new protectorate systems sending regular cohorts of recruits. The recruits formed four ranks before their gene-sire and stood at attention. "At ease and helmets off!" Alexandros commanded, his voice carrying above the din of the landing bay. With movements not as smooth as their drill, the recruits managed the task. As Alexandros scanned the faces before his eyes focused on one familiar face. Although his eyes moved away, Alexandros' smile widened. Hello, Mahtva. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 Crook of his arm, I assume? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 18, 2018 Author Share Posted March 18, 2018 [Fixed, thank you.] Gone was the thin youth always on the verge of starvation. In his place stood a man in his prime. Wearing a solemn face, accentuated by a thick moustache, Mahtva gave no physical sign he had heard Darshan's psychic message. But Darshan could see the fierce pride blazing in the man's aura and felt a particular joy welling in his own soul. "Welcome to the Fifth Legion, the Halcyon Wardens," Alexandros began, his words drenched in enthusiasm. "You are here today not because of chance biology nor of indefatigable will. You are here because every one of you made a choice. You were willing to make a sacrifice for the benefit of humanity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 20, 2018 Author Share Posted March 20, 2018 As Alexandros continued his speech, he couldn't help but analyze the lineage of the recruits before him. For the first three years of his command, Terra maintained an uncontested monopoly as the recruits from Jermani continued to pour in. It was only in the fourth year did Delos begin to send her sons to join the Fifth Legion. Fair-skin mixed with tan and dark. Where once the clipped, guttural tones of Low Gothic dominated, now was joined by flowing and elongated tongues. Not long after their arrival, the Delians represented the majority of the recruits. This was not due to favouritism on Alexandros' part, but simple demographics. A planet could produce a great many more recruits than a nation-state. And now Balov would be represented among the legion, the first of the protectorate systems to have the honour. "Let my words guide and strengthen you as we embark on this noble mission to lift humanity high into glory!" The recruits cheered after the fire in their souls had been carefully fed by Alexandros' speech. He allowed them to bask in the moment. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Mahtva cheering with a knowing look. Alexandros winked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 21, 2018 Author Share Posted March 21, 2018 Alexandros gestured to a sergeant now joining them. Darshan took a moment to read the Warden's chosen rank. "Lochias Hoffman will give you your assignments. Until the day we meet again, I bid you good fortune and may you honour the Fifth Legion." With a quick salute, Alexandros took his leave as the recruits saluted a moment before Hoffman began bellowing at them. Alexandros headed for the exit as he made plans to meet with Mahtva later. Undoubtedly, it would have to take place in the Elpis' sanctam. The ten legionaries followed behind him, striking a balance of giving him a bit of space with being close enough to intervene if necessary. Alexandros glanced at the nearest one. "Deshpande, time?" The bodyguard promptly answered, "1050, my lord." "Good, I'll have a few minutes to spare for Kharkis." ~~~ As usual, the officer of the XVIth Legion stood at attention next to Alexandros' throne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 25, 2018 Author Share Posted March 25, 2018 Ayatollah Kharkis may have appeared as the undisputed commander of the 8-13th Scout Fleet. The Sixteenth Legion was one of a few legions that had not the numbers to warrant their own Expeditionary Fleet when the Imperium crossed the borders of the Sol System. The campaign against the Dirigiscrae of Neptune had reaped a fearsome tally on the young XVIth. Alexandros wasn't sure if it had been at Lord Commander Hennasohn's command or if it had been a decision among the entire Praetorate, but the Sixteenth chose to separate itself into twenty sub-fleets and attached themselves to other Expeditionary Fleets. Each sub-fleet was then commanded not by a single officer but a democratic council of 'Monarchs', which meant that Ayatollah Kharkis did not truly command the 8-13th but merely served as a representative of the Monarchs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 26, 2018 Author Share Posted March 26, 2018 And the entire Monarch council held a grudge against Alexandros. When he had assumed command of his legion, Alexandros had desired to fight with his sons and his sons alone. It made no difference that he had personally arranged for the Cthonian Headhunters to join the 8-13th, which had allowed the legionaries to campaign independently. After Balov and his reforms, Alexandros had contacted them to renew their previous arrangement, only to deal with cold resentment. Although it might had been easier to simply allow ties to be cut, Alexandros had been championing the power of diplomacy at Balov and felt that this too provided a learning opportunity to the Halcyon Wardens. In the end, it had taken two new Cardinal-class heavy cruisers to appease the XVIth's bruised pride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 28, 2018 Author Share Posted March 28, 2018 Kharkis' salute was brusque but professional and quickly returned by Alexandros. "Report," Alexandros said. "We've finished establishing a perimeter around the fleet, my lord. No hostiles or unusual signs to note." "Well done." As usual, the compliment was ignored by Kharkis, who stood at attention. Alexandros could order 'at ease' but had quickly learned the Ayatollah preferred to be at a position of attention. "Are you prepared for the briefing? Will any of the other Monarchs be joining?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 30, 2018 Author Share Posted March 30, 2018 "Yes, my lord, and no." In theory, there was no need for the other Monarchs to attend, but Alexandros couldn't help but wonder if this was motivated equally by practicality and spite. Regardless, Alexandros nodded and answered, "Very good. How does this day find you, Kharkis?" Kharkis' sea-green eyes hardened. The Terran warrior gave Irvin a good running in professionalism, but Alexandros suspected that Kharkis was more frustrated by the subtle influence of Alexandros' power. He wasn't quite sure how to describe itself without resorting to words better suited to unenlightened mysticism, but the Primarch possessed an aura of sorts. He had never been aware of it, until he had met the Emperor. The Emperor emitted something similar and different. Majesty was the word that came to mind. Being in the Emperor's presence was to stand before the power and brilliance of a star in the shape of a man. Yet, Alexandros did not exude such raw might. Instead, he had learned that men and women were predispositioned towards him in friendship and trust. It was against this power that Kharkis resisted. Even without his telepathy, Alexandros could easily imagine Kharkis fighting to hold onto his grudge through sheer willpower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted March 30, 2018 Author Share Posted March 30, 2018 Kharkis grunted. "Well enough, my lord." The Ayatollah was spared from further conversation when a shout came from navigation, "Detecting Warp signatures, my lord." "Ah," Alexandros said with a smile. "They're here." ~~~ Reality screamed in the void as it tore open. Escaping the hellish currents of the Immaterium, a fleet smaller yet mightier than both the 35th and 8-13th combined took its place next to them. Bearing the black and white of Clan Anasem, the ships assumed formation as reality healed behind them. The 2nd Expeditionary Fleet had arrived. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 2, 2018 Author Share Posted April 2, 2018 While half of the fleet featured the familiar shapes and blocky construction typical of Martian shipyards, the other half were sleeker and embellished with the touch that bespoke of the Akiran shipyards. Before the Imperium had discovered Madrigal, Icarion had successfully unified the planet and expanded his rule to the rest of the system. Among these other planets was Akira, who's shipyards boasted a tradition dating all the way back to the Dark Age of Technology. Although it could not match the sheer fame and power of Mars, Akira distinguished itself with an emphasis of quality that was sought by many admirals. Thus, though the Halcyon Wardens outnumbered their cousins in ships, Alexandros doubted their numerical advantage could guarantee their victory. At the very least, the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet possessed a potent advantage in its capital ship: the Thunderchild. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 2, 2018 Author Share Posted April 2, 2018 Although both the Elpis and the Thunderchild share the designation of Gloriana, it would be impossible to confuse the two such are the differences between them. Elpis was based off an old and unused design of warship Alexandros had found in the Terran archives. Featuring a hammerhead design, a long neck contained cannon batteries as it connected the ship's 'head' with a short and thick main body. Two eagle wings unfurled from the main body, which happened to contain lance batteries. In contrast, the Thunderchild emulated one of the two standard battleship designs with a large body and a thicker neck joined to a pointed prow. Yet, this was all that it shared with its smaller cousins as the Thunderchild enjoyed a symmetry and grace that rendered it pleasing to the eye. In lieu of the Elpis' wings, the Thunderchild boasted an enormous crest on its prow, a tsunami wave captured at its greatest height. This beautiful crest conveniently hid the Thunderchild's greatest weapon: the volkite sahi. Nor were the differences limited to appearances but were extensions of different martial philosophies. With long-ranged lances, several launch bays, additional layers of armour, and strengthened void shielding, the Elpis was a master of attrition and fleet support. Wherever it placed itself among the fleet, the Elpis anchored the entire line. This would not suit the Thunderchild as it boasted improved engines and more varied weapons systems, allowing it to serve its master as an even more effective ship-killer than the Elpis. Several void battles had been recorded where Icarion had actually used the Thunderchild's prow as a ram. A sight that Alexandros hoped he could see once in his life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 3, 2018 Author Share Posted April 3, 2018 "Communications," Alexandros commanded, "Contact the Praetorate and inform them that they are to assemble in hangar bay one." He turned to Kharkis. "I extend an invitation to you to fly on my stormbird, if you are so inclined." Kharkis shook his head. "I'll take my own transport." With a nod, Alexandros said, "Very well, I'll see you on the other side shortly." ~~~ With war yet to make its reappearance, the hanger bay was more quiet than usual. This is not to say it was silent as various squads and centuries did embarkment drills, tech-priests completed maintenance checks, and pilots practiced their craft. Alexandros greeted or acknowledged each group between him and his destination. As expected, most of the Praetorate had already arrived since Alexandros had the longest trip from the Elpis' bridge all the way to its head. There were other launch bays closer to the ship's center, but hanger one was the largest and most notable since it opened directly to the ship's front. Since this would be Alexandros' first official meeting with the First Legion, a level of decorum and theatre was necessary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 6, 2018 Author Share Posted April 6, 2018 To that end, Alexandros' personal stormbird would serve. As a Nepheros-class stormbird, it possessed the distinction of being one of the largest stormbirds of the entire Great Crusade. Gold edging served to distinguish the Byangoma from the rest of its kind. "My sons," Alexandros said after he returned their salutes. His eyes scanned the group of officers. "Where is Weyland?" Qapibain answered, "He should have received the order." Before anyone could explain, the sound of heavy footsteps broke through the bedlam. While most of the legion officers predominantly bore the purple, the figure who approached favoured Martian red. Even for a simple meeting with another legion, the High Lord of the Forge could not part with his servo-arm. Alexandros appreciated the fact that Weyland did not carry his ax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 8, 2018 Author Share Posted April 8, 2018 "Weyland," Alexandros greeted. "I'm surprised you're running late." A burst of binaric chant replied. A second later, Weyland repeated in Gothic, "Apologies, my lord. Was performing maintenance on malfunctioning plasma cannon. Delicate operation, could not leave until operation completed." "Acknowledged. Gentlemen, shall we?" ~~~ As the Byangoma shot into the void, Alexandros stood in the center of the landing bay, surrounded by the Praetorate and his bodyguards. "Who has served with the First?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 9, 2018 Author Share Posted April 9, 2018 "After Icarion reformed it," Alexandros added. Several raising hands fell back down, leaving half of the Praetorate remaining. "Good, then this will serve as an introduction and a refresher course. Madrigalan culture places a large emphasis on honour and social cohesion. In that regard, they tend to favour social rituals that show proper respect and deference. Right before we disembark, we will assume formation. Ruel, you'll stand on my right, Praun, my left." The Lord Commander and the Commander of the Signal Corps nodded. Continuing, Alexandros gestured to Crassus, Lothar, and Qapibain, the Brigadiers. "You three will form the first rank behind me. Adalbard, Villrof, and Scholl the next rank, while Vonsmith, Ludendof, and Niemann will form the last rank." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 11, 2018 Author Share Posted April 11, 2018 "Desh, you and your men will form two columns of five on our flanks as an honour guard. The Lightning Bearers will have their own party waiting for us. After we have disembarked, they will greet us with a bow. All of you are expected to bow as low as they do with myself excepted. They'll lead us to my brother's strategium. From what I've been told, when we reach the location, we will be declared before Icarion and bow again. Throughout the meeting, use titles at all times. Only by Icarion's command can this stricture be relaxed. I expect all of you to properly represent the Fifth Legion. Any questions?" There was a pause before grey-eyed Qapibain asked, "While I have no intention of embarrassing ourselves, how severe are the repercussions if we fail to observe all of the social necessities?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 12, 2018 Author Share Posted April 12, 2018 "Officially, none. The Lightning Bearers pride themselves on their professionalism. However, you will learn that campaigns will become much more difficult as First Legion units ignore requests for support. You will discover that you will be unable to enter their camps, along with a reluctance to share intelligence. Not to mention that the First is favoured by the Emperor above all of the legions." "Sounds petty," Niemann said. Alexandros glanced at the former destroyer. "It's no different than how the titan legios or the knight houses operate. Pay proper respect, and in turn be respected. This will be the first time I've campaigned with my brother, and I want this to go as smoothly as possible. Understood?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 17, 2018 Author Share Posted April 17, 2018 "Yes, my lord." ~~~ By the time the Byangoma's ramp opened, Alexandros and his legionaries were in formation. The moment the ramp rested on the floor, they marched out. Awaiting them was a party of three Lightning Bearers. The forward one bore a helmet with the signature datemato crest, marking him out as one of the First Legion's highest officers. His sapphire irises bespoke of the First Legion's geneseed, but his darker skin and bright hair marked him as a Terran instead of a Madrigalan. "Greetings, Lord VonSalim. I am Valorion Manst, Sentinel of the Second Company," the officer declared with a low bow, going well past his waist. Merely deeply nodding his head as custom dictated, Alexandros replied, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sentinel Manst." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted April 17, 2018 Share Posted April 17, 2018 I'd make it a full bow. The I Legion don't want to be seen being impolite. Ooh, thought. From this campaign up until the Insurrection, Lightning Bearers should make a point of bending the knee to Alex. Edit: tomorrow I'll sort you a shout for the Lightning Bearers when Alex meets them in proper numbers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 18, 2018 Author Share Posted April 18, 2018 I'd make it a full bow. The I Legion don't want to be seen being impolite. Ooh, thought. From this campaign up until the Insurrection, Lightning Bearers should make a point of bending the knee to Alex. Edit: tomorrow I'll sort you a shout for the Lightning Bearers when Alex meets them in proper numbers. Bending the knee? Isn't that a little excessive? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted April 18, 2018 Share Posted April 18, 2018 Not once Alex had proved himself. This would just be for the Second Son Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted April 18, 2018 Share Posted April 18, 2018 Got the shout, to be delivered by one of the Lightning Bearers when Alexandros is hailed by Icarion. "May no defeat mar the indomitable shields of the Fifth Legion!" Then it would be answered by a jumble of "Indomitable!" and "VonSalim!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted April 18, 2018 Author Share Posted April 18, 2018 [Would the bending happen constantly as Alexandros walked about or just at formal functions?] Behind Alexandros, the Halcyon Wardens matched Manst's motion, though a couple of them struggled with unfamiliarity. Once all were upright, Manst said, "If you would follow me, my lord." With an about face, the Lightning Bearers marched forward. Maintaining an exact distance of seven (human) paces, the Halcyon Wardens followed. Given its colossal size, the Thunderchild was less a ship and more of a flying city. It took five minutes alone to simply cross the hangar to the proper exit. Although much of the hangar mirrored a similar scene on the Elpis, one element stood out. In addition to the transhumans performing drills and maintenance throughout the deck, they were paralleled by mortal warriors bearing crimson armour. No simple armsmen, these were the Rakurai that Alexandros had read in his reports. Not every man was capable of becoming a legionary. Yet, that did not bar him from war if he so chose. Failed aspirants and men of the Sphere who wished to fight beside their lord were recruited into the Rakurai. While they would never enjoy the protection of power armour or wield the strength of a volkite, the Rakurai were outfitted as well as the famed Solar Auxilia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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