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Basing drop pods

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Putting the final touches on my XX legion. And noticed the drop pods stand out as there not based. Which bothers me more than it should lol, however what base them on is the question. They don't line up right with bases that are out there and add to transport issues and placing them down on the table top as well.


What I been thinking about using are CDs, pick up pack from staples Office Depot ect there super thin and can be converted up nicely. But than you run in to the issues of bases getting in way and could lead to rule issues and what not. Simple solution to this just magnetize it and remove it if problems arise.


Anyone else base drop pods are just say :cuss it and don't bother with it

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Almost nobody I've ever seen bases tanks, pods, and any vehicles that they don't have to.


Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't! Personally, I think they look nice on bases, and I actually wish that *every* model in 40k came with a base size specified in their rules. <shrug> That's just me though.


Another alternative is just to have a loose base/footprint template as you suggest. This has the added bonus of being able to mark the vehicle when wrecked - leave the base on the table, and take the model off. :)

Yeah that's good alternative method to CDs, basically looking to do the same with with CD bases. Plus trying to make a few to look like there landing.


I have based a few rhinos on WFB square monster bases, not sure if they would like right on the new designs ovil bases.


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