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spare models, which 2nd legion should i pick?

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So have got a spare Models left over from my BaC set and the miss mash of spares, which i needed to complete my Alpha legion force, but can't decide which legion to go for with what is left?


Praetor; Terminator armour

Centurion; Terminator armour


10 breachers, 2 spec weapons, Serg thunder hammer.

10 Tactical marines, extra ccw.


10 Veteran tacticals, 2x Ml's, serg pow fist.

5 Terminators 


10 heavy bolter marines.


Have made a vanilla list with librarian consul, but unsure which way to head after that which traits would suit this force?

Had been thinking maybe Iron warriors or Imperial fists (battle scribe would not allow them terms?) 

aiming for something that isn't so infiltration heavy as Alpha legion, my current painting project?

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You could always run those heavy bolters as a Dark Angels HSS with molecular acid rounds. 


Iron Warriors alongside Alpha Legion fighting for Mezoa could be cool though. Might be worthy picking up Narik Dreygur if you go that route and can get ahold of him! And you could run the heavy bolters with those shrapnel shells. Not like the AP4 was doing anything to enemy power armour to begin with, so might as well get Pinning out of them.

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Hello shall reply in order;


Will leave Ultrasmurfs as had my fill of painting Blue, (tzeentch/alpha legion player) so want change of palette.


I had bought two sets of BaC and have had two sets of devastators so used the spare bolters from there to make the set as really like the look of them, even if they are slated by everyone....


have actually opted for Imperial Fisters now, due to entering a painting comp at store and using the paints selected for that to fisnish the army as have converted the mechanicum model into a forgelord to use as leader.


possible options now being;


10 tac marines extra ccw.

10 breachers 9have a landraider painted AL but can use as transport)

5 flamers.

5 missile launchers,

10 Veterans.

5 terminators with chainfists.

1x contemptor.


will be adding a scorpius to my AL so can use that in list as well and will have 2 rhinos to use as transports if necessary.


was thinking belt the breachers and tac squads up in tanks unload them and use the vox's to call in the termies adn the barrages before using bs5 bolters to thin the enemy before assaulting.

Keeps to the strengths of the fluff, bolters& breachers....


I'm sure many will say get rid of the heavy bolters, but want to keep them, will get them their own rhino as well once i've saved enough again.... :) 

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