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Militia SQUATS & Mechanicum 2.5K


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As I've made pretty public to the forums, I'm planning a Squat army at the moment for 30k! Astartes can wait until BA get featured tongue.png

Here is a list that is almost at 2.5K

Provinces were originally going to be Abhuman's and Survivors to get the S4 30" Lasguns, Rhinos and power armour - but I decided to drop survivors so that I could be Sworn Brothers with Mechanicum and get access to their stuff a little nicer. Not to mention getting a nice squad of Secutors with AP2 Plasma-fusils devil.gif

Basic idea is the blobs of T4 4+/ 6++ blocks of Grenadiers hold the line letting off S3 30" shots at BS4. Discipline masters make them Stubborn LD9 just like a Dwarf Should be. Medics add the 5+ FNP to this further increasing to their stout determination. Could put bolters on them instead too, for fluff if anything. Maybe one squad of each...? Also considering adding a squad that has Augmented Weapons to go and hit stuff in melee at S4 and tie them up.

Force commander is tricked out purely to take down a couple of whatever might appear in the deployment zone if need be. Can easily lose some gear on him though.

Sentinels Outflank or Scout with MM to start harassing armour without Ceramite.

Medusas and Thudd Guns shell the enemy hard - I'm undecided on breacher shells as the Mechanicum certainly covers the Anti-Tank I'd need and those Big Pie Plates from normal Medusas cover a bit more.

As for the Mechanicum: Magos is tricked out to be a pretty fighty Dwarf Lord (hence Malagra) with a master crafted Chain Fist to hurt anything reliably. He runs with the Secutors in a Triaros who get to benefit from the Merchant Princeline warlord trait to make the Plasma-Fusils AP2. So they let off a casual 48 BS5 S6 AP2 shots, sure to ruin whatever they find (except Vulkan... I guess.)

Tech Thralls are the only thing not too fluffy, but I'm just going to say they are mining slaves/ bots. They just hold a point and unlock the allied detatchment for a measly 105pts

Krios LAZORSZ round off the list with some quick, survivable mega Anti Tank/ Elite Unit.

Still got about 100 or so points to play with too.

So what do we think? smile.png

If anyone has a good idea as to what could be Squad Bikers too... I'm all ears - both army lists are failing me currently. Closest I can get is Vorax...

+++ SQUAT (2390pts) +++
++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Age of Darkness) (1280pts) ++
+ HQ (274pts) +
Discipline Master Cadre (84pts)
····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs, Needle Pistol, Power Weapon, Refractor Field]
····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs, Needle Pistol, Power Weapon, Refractor Field]
Force Commander (190pts) [Cyber-familiar, Digital Laser, Iron Halo, Mastercraft a single weapon, Needle pistol, Power Armour, Power Fist]
····The Muster of Worlds [Abhuman Helots, Cyber-augmetics]
+ Troops (350pts) +
Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (175pts) [Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lascarbines, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon, Vexilla]
····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (175pts) [Discipline Collars, 17x Grenadiers, Lascarbines, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Rotor Cannon, Vexilla]
····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
+ Elites (40pts) +
Imperialis Auxilia Medicae Detachment (40pts) [3x Medicae Orderly]
+ Fast Attack (105pts) +
Imperialis Auxilia Sentinel Scout Squadron (105pts)
····Auxilia Sentinels [Multi-melta]
····Auxilia Sentinels [Multi-melta]
····Auxilia Sentinels [Multi-melta]
+ Heavy Support (511pts) +
Auxilia Heavy Ordnance Battery (371pts) [Discipline Collars]
····Artillery Carriage Team [breacher Shells, Medusa Siege Guns, 8x Militia Auxilia Crew]
····Artillery Carriage Team [breacher Shells, Medusa Siege Guns, 8x Militia Auxilia Crew]
····Artillery Carriage Team [breacher Shells, Medusa Siege Guns, 8x Militia Auxilia Crew]
Imperialis Auxilia Rapier Battery (140pts) [Discipline Collars]
····Rapier Team [Quad Mortar ("Thudd Gun")]
····Rapier Team [Quad Mortar ("Thudd Gun")]
++ Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List (Allied Detachment) (1110pts) ++
+ HQ (245pts) +
Magos Prime (245pts) [Abeyant, Archmagos Prime, Chainfist, Cyber-familiar, Malagra, Mastercraft a single weapon, Phased Plasma-fusil, Rad Grenades]
+ Elites (460pts) +
Myrmidon Secutors (460pts)
····Myrmidon Lord [2x Phased Plasma-fusil]
····Myrmidon Secutor [2x Phased Plasma-fusil]
····Myrmidon Secutor [2x Phased Plasma-fusil]
····Myrmidon Secutor [2x Phased Plasma-fusil]
····Triaros Armoured Conveyor [blessed Autosimulacra, Extra Armour]
+ Troops (105pts) +
Adsecularis Covenant (105pts) [Revenant Alchemistry, 20x Tech-thrall, The Rite of Pure Thought]
+ Heavy Support (300pts) +
Krios Battle Tank Squadron (300pts) [Krios Venator Tank Destroyer, Krios Venator Tank Destroyer]
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A bit light on units, no? I mean, fair enough, you have plenty of bodies, but those bodies are not very though. However, I am not an expert on artillery lists, so the amount of dakka may be enough to clear the opponent. Beware of Pod lists though. I can see those being rather problematic seeing as they can close in very quickly.


As for bikers, Mechanicum and Militia don't really have them. Having said that, the Ursarax(SP?) are JP Infatry and thus move similarly to bikes. You could make really cool jet engine choppas where the Dorfs are riding on and move like JP.

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One tiny point that jumps out at me.


I think you'll have a far better time with a Myrmidax Magos. The +1 attack and WS is attractive, but hatred works out better most days *and* you can take two plasma fusils :D

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A bit light on units, no? I mean, fair enough, you have plenty of bodies, but those bodies are not very though. However, I am not an expert on artillery lists, so the amount of dakka may be enough to clear the opponent. Beware of Pod lists though. I can see those being rather problematic seeing as they can close in very quickly.

As for bikers, Mechanicum and Militia don't really have them. Having said that, the Ursarax(SP?) are JP Infatry and thus move similarly to bikes. You could make really cool jet engine choppas where the Dorfs are riding on and move like JP.

Perhaps - but the blocks will be surprisingly resilient I feel, bar against something like a Typhon - but such is the paradox of 30k tongue.png

Still a good few chunks of hard to shift infantry, a couple units of artillery and high AV tanks plus some walkers up front.

I had considered Ursurax and they actually seem pretty perfect looking at it (I2, high toughness, 4+, fast, good shooting even and it's CHOOM!)

ogryns as exoarmour to toughten up?

I had lots of plans to do these, but to get them to where I'd like requires the Survivors of the Dark Arg Province to give them a 3+, which I can't run.

Though I do plan to make my Myrmidon models be sort of catch all - as they will have power axes, so when not running Mechanicum I can plop them in the list as Orgryns!

One tiny point that jumps out at me.

I think you'll have a far better time with a Myrmidax Magos. The +1 attack and WS is attractive, but hatred works out better most days *and* you can take two plasma fusils biggrin.png

Forgot about Hatred, that is also pretty Dwarven! Losing an attack makes him slightly weedy though, only getting 3/4 on the charge...

I'm unsure if the -ap trait carries over to the Magos if he's in the squad (probably not...) so I'll probably go with a Photon Gauntlet and a Thruster, or two Thrusters for lulz for ranged output.

Looking at it I'm wondering (besides fluff) if the Thudd Guns are worth it... Could be better off with something else instead?

Appreciate all the input guys 'n' gals!

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I know what you mean - the Thud Guns are questionable. No shatter shells for Militia, and no phosphex upgrade available, so I'd take some quad multi-lasers for a budget option.


Your Force Commander can also drop his power armour, given he already has a 3++. Saves you 10 points.


I too am not sure that Merchant Princeling will boost an attached characters AP. The safe bet is taking a Myrmidax with 2 photon thrusters, as they'll fit nicely with the AP2 plasma-fusils! I'd also to get a Paragon blade on the Archmagos, for an extra attack and an at-initiative option.


You know what is another cool option for Merchant Princeling? Myrmidon Destructors with irradiation engines. AP2 Torrent Fleshbane flamers, with rad-phage. :)

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I know what you mean - the Thud Guns are questionable. No shatter shells for Militia, and no phosphex upgrade available, so I'd take some quad multi-lasers for a budget option.

Your Force Commander can also drop his power armour, given he already has a 3++. Saves you 10 points.

I too am not sure that Merchant Princeling will boost an attached characters AP. The safe bet is taking a Myrmidax with 2 photon thrusters, as they'll fit nicely with the AP2 plasma-fusils! I'd also to get a Paragon blade on the Archmagos, for an extra attack and an at-initiative option.

You know what is another cool option for Merchant Princeling? Myrmidon Destructors with irradiation engines. AP2 Torrent Fleshbane flamers, with rad-phage. smile.png

They do get shatter shells with the frag! Just nothing else... If they had Phosphex I'd be weeping chemical death tears right now cool.png

Good catch on the FC, probably just a leftover from excessive Battlescribe tapping.

I considered Destructors and they could potentially be even more powerful as they could wall of death with them too, I also have a massive Flamer Template fetish and giving a squad of them torrent would be insanity, especially with fleshbane preferred enemy... Holy Balls.

Buuut I only get a single Heavy Support slot and the Krios just seemed to good to be true as well as adding some really sturdy AV and reliable Anti Armour/ MC to the list.

For anyone wondering, for 3k I'd probably just end up dropping a Stormhammer in! Every Dwarf needs a fortress of guns :D

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Damn, all that sounds absolutely incredible! I can already imagine how awesome they will look on the tabletop!

Thanks! It's an idea that has been brewing in my head for a while...

Some visual stuff in the hidden section:

Hidden Content
  • I plan to have Irondrakes as my Grenadiers, the plate armour can easily pass as a 4+ or 3+ if I play survivors. Guns will be Bolters or Skitarii Ranger Rifles. Probably add a backpack too to make the armour a little more powered looking.
  • Magos will be a Dwarf on Shieldbearer's for the Abeyant surrounded by dudes in hefty exo armour (Puppets war Valhallan Champions, but more Beard)
  • Ad Mech Tanks look pretty squatty anyway ph34r.png
  • Then Artillery will just be made a little Squatty by covering it in shields/ hammers/ using the fantasy range etc

Another actually crazy Idea I've just had is Scyllax... What If I put Two Hammerer's or something on a single base, one with a melee weapon and one with a range one...? Or I have two melee to represent an enhanced array!

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Unfortunately the wording for Merchant Princeling is a little vague.


As of Crisade Imperialis, it just says "one squad of the owning player's choice with the infantry type."


I guess if you want to timeframe it out, I don't think an IC would get the AP bonus. I would assume you pick that squad when you roll/pick the warlord trait at the start of the battle, which would be before the squad and IC are actually deployed.


So something to talk over with your opponent, I suppose ^_^

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mechanicum bots have lots of armour but high toughneess instead of armour, abhuman ogryns are T6

Yep! And with the right province a 3+ too. Very killy with power axes. No decent ranged output on them makes me very sad though. Best you can get is a BS2 heavy bolter.

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They do get shatter shells with the frag! Just nothing else... If they had Phosphex I'd be weeping chemical death tears right now cool.png

Did Rapiers pick up shatter shells in the Crusade Imperialis Army List book? Coz they don't have them in Book V... Can't wait for my book to arrive. Hurry up FW! Express order! :)

Absolutely love the concept Charlo! Will be a really good use of some WFB/Age of Sigmar models. I've been tempted to use Orruks as Ullanor Orks myself!

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They do get shatter shells with the frag! Just nothing else... If they had Phosphex I'd be weeping chemical death tears right now cool.png

Did Rapiers pick up shatter shells in the Crusade Imperialis Army List book? Coz they don't have them in Book V... Can't wait for my book to arrive. Hurry up FW! Express order! smile.png

Absolutely love the concept Charlo! Will be a really good use of some WFB/Age of Sigmar models. I've been tempted to use Orruks as Ullanor Orks myself!

Oh no I'm wrong on the shatter - ignore me, I'm thinking of SA!

Sadly the AoS models are pretty poor thus far for this :( Fyre Slayers just look a bit silly to me and the lack of armour doesn't help. Weapons may come in handy though...

Will post an updated list later.

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They do get shatter shells with the frag! Just nothing else... If they had Phosphex I'd be weeping chemical death tears right now cool.png

Did Rapiers pick up shatter shells in the Crusade Imperialis Army List book? Coz they don't have them in Book V... Can't wait for my book to arrive. Hurry up FW! Express order! smile.png

Absolutely love the concept Charlo! Will be a really good use of some WFB/Age of Sigmar models. I've been tempted to use Orruks as Ullanor Orks myself!

That would be pretty cool, the new orruks are certainly bigger!

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