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And suddenly I have Guard too...


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A friend of mine is downsizing his model collection and I acquired a bunch of guard.  I haven't quite done a full inventory yet, but I have the following:


Company Commander (and squad I think)

Ordnance Master

100 odd infantry/vets 
4 Valkyries (magnetized for all weapons loadouts)

5 chimera (a pair magnetized for hydra)

2 Basilisk or Medusa (unsure which for now)
3 Sentinals

1 Manticore


So with that, I still have to inventory, but what is a good start for a small(ish) allies for BA or DA?  Looking for fluffy more than WAC here.  I am not looking to add a mess of Leman Russ tanks...looking to work within what I have.

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Welcome to His Guard :D Looks like you have a great start there, I'm guessing they're probably Basilisks? You have plenty of models for an allied force so you'll have a lot of choice.


Sentinels can be cheap and useful, and whether infantry or vets your troopers will form a good core to a list. You already have the makings of a nice artillery company so that would be a good start. Troopers to hold the line for the artillery to do the killing, and maybe some Valkyrie borne vets to drop in and "trouble shoot"?

Depends on what you want to do. Being BA i find we lack number of bodies and long range blasts

Inf squads with lots of bodies for tarpitting with priests or holding objectives

If you play ba like me then all your units end up in the enemy deployment zone. Using the guard artillery formation at least you will have something remain in your deployment zone

Thanks guys.  I was surprised when he said "here" and still haven't had time to go through the boxes.  Been a busy week.  


I was already leaning towards doing artillery so it helps to know that I was thinking in a good direction.  For my BA I probably wouldn't take the Valks since I have a pair of Storm Ravens but for my DA (I haven't yet picked up any flyers for them) that would be good air support.  I just have to figure out how to use the infantry in this.  


Should be interesting.  

Artillery is a lot of fun, plus very cool thematically. You need a fair few troopers as they'll hold the line and protect your fragile arty but they will do some fine killing for you. A couple of Wyverns as mentioned would be great at tackling enemy infantry, don't forget that the likes of Bassies have the option to direct fire without the minimum range.


Generally I prefer to keep Platoons cheap and that fits here. Weapons like flamers and grenade launchers fit the bill and help focus them on tackling enemy infantry which is what they're best at I reckon. A single Platoon can put a lot of boots on the ground too so will likely be all you need unless you go higher point values, so you can flavour with some Vets. With BS4 they can use the better weapons like melta and plasma to greater effect :)

If you're working along side another army anyways an allied detachment can fit a lot in for guard. I normally field one platoon and nothing else for troops and still usually have 60-80 dudes before even adding in another codex. Flamer + autocannon to pop vehicles and deter charges, hiding behind an aegis with some mook manning a quadgun goes a long way and works out to maybe 5-600 points if you keep things cheap, leaving plenty of room for a few toys from the guard codex or a proper army list from your choice of Astartes codex, and looks like a proper slice of battle where the space marines are saving a beleaguered guard emplacement.

The hidden gem of what you have is the CCS with Astropath --> we BA don't get no Psychic Shriek. 


Depending on how you play BA/DA could determine what of those IG benefit you the most, but 5x Chimeras = 4x Veterans with Meltas and a Mech CCS for some SERIOUS OBSEC/Anti-Tank (Ignores Cover/Tank Hunter Orders + Meltas = watchout!) 


Alternatively, as sebs_evo7 says, masses of cheap bodies to hold enemies in place for your Charge and/or hold Objectives while your Death Company do Death Company things is an awesome and price-effective complement. 


Allied Detachment:



Company Command Squad (175pts)


--Master of Ordnance


--Dozer Blade



Infantry Platoon (280pts)

--Platoon Command Squad (30)

--Infantry Squad (50)

--Infantry Squad (50)

--Conscripts x 50 (150)



Manticore (170pts)




Size to fit. 


I would add a Ministorum Priest (25pts) or a Sanguinary Priest (60) to the Conscript Blood and you have one heck of a middle-of-the-board-clogging tarpit that can multi-assault half the enemy's army and tie them up while you clear out the rest. The CCS drives behind the blob, giving them Orders (FRSRF for 150 lasguns shot < 12", Run Run Run! etc...) and tossing out Psychic Shrieks. Infantry Squads and PCS camp on backfield OBJ, and the Manticore sits AWAY from OBJ launching doom at the enemy. Keep the Manticore away from OBJ, that way (especially if he uses Drop Pods) your enemy is forced to decide between killing the scary thing and taking an OBJ. 

You have everything but an Enginseer to make an Emperor's Wrath Artillery Battery too:


Company Command Squad + Chimera (give the Company Commander the Volkov's Cane relic to make orders issued within 6" only fail on double 6's, which is very helpful since the vehicles in the formation only count as having Ld8 for the purposes of orders).


Basilisk Battery with 1-2 Basilisks

Hydra Battery with 1-2 Hydras





Now you can issue Ignores Cover orders to your Basilisks/Hydras/Manticore.  The Hydras make for pretty good AA (8 Twin-Linked Autocannon shots with Ignores Cover will ruin most Flyers day, and might even give some FMC's pause).  Basilisks with Ignores Cover will make short work of MEQ that aren't in transports, and Manticores with Ignores Cover decimate 4+ models and can even do Anti-Tank work in a pinch.  It will be somewhere in the region of 600-750pts though, depending on whether you go for 1 or 2 Basilisks/Hydras.

After inventory I have about 2850 (rough estimate while watching Supernatural).  Valks with metlacide vets sounds fun addition to my marines.

2 Basilisks
1 Manticore

3 Sentinels (magged for flamers or lascannons)

3 Chimera

2 Hydra (magged for Chimera)

5 Compnay Commanders
1 Officer of Fleet

1 Astropath
1 Master of Ordnance

80 lasgun infantry

5 flamer infantry

4 grenade launcher infantry

14 melta infantry 

1 sniper

2 heavy weapon teams (lascannon and morter)


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