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How much blood do blood Angels drink?

Damon Nightman

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Maybe this will keep some of us occupied until the faq...

So I'm always told I play space vampires because we drink blood on occasion, but how often is that really? I was led to believe we do it all the time during daily rituals and drink the "blood of sanguinius" which I'm not sure if that's true or what blood that actually is... But upon reading about the blood drinkers who specifically ritualistically drink blood which helps with the flaws, it makes it sound like no other chapters do this...

So do other BA chapters only drink blood in battle when the thirst strikes? And even so do they bite people's necks per say and actually try to drink the blood during battle or just try to tear people about leading to a bloody mess?

Are there some occasional rituals involving blood drinking?

Is corbulo and other priests meant to actually have blood in the chalices while traveling the battlefield?

If you look at 4chan it has a BA daily routine which includes a lot of blood drinking, but I think it's presented jokingly

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It's left vague for us to decide. Older fluff had us drinking it more often than newer fluff. In the Blood Quest comics they did it a few times to kill people. Captain Leonaidos even drank the blood of his fallen brothers before the final battle with the Orks in the beginning of the comic. It was after a speech.


It is part of the ritual of initiation to drink blood, though.


The thing with Sanguinius' blood isn't to drink it, it's that it is directly injected into them. In old editions our priests could actually do that in battle too. (Basically they do a blood transfusion). It was better than what other chapter apothecaries could do, but you risked killed the priest.


Mephiston, in 3rd Edition could not do sweeping advances because he had to stop to drink the blood of the enemy, and Moriar the Chosen (our first DC Dread) had actual decides built into his claws in order to drain the blood from his enemies.


But those were both examples of those who fell. Basically it was the red thirst that would make you drink it.


The Blood Drinkers are different because they drink the Blood as part of a ritual to curb the thirst and prevent it, rather thangiving in.


Keep in mind, they do view it as a curse.


As for their daily routine, they spend the time not training either doing art stuff, or sleeping in their sarcophagi to purify their blood.

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Haha not this one at least!

What do you mean they used it to kill people? Like they bit someone's neck and sucked the blood out to kill them?

I don't know if I like this old fluff... Especially the old DC dread sucking blood through his talons. I think that's a bit much for me... It definitely sounds like the vampire tones were a lot heavier earlier on..

Do the priests actually have blood in the chalices during battle?

Did we lose sanguinius' blood during on of the older novels where the blood fiends and Fabius bile made us look like fools?

Fabius got some of it I thought..,.

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First off, I wouldn't rely on that Swallow Novel for anything. Many will say it did happen, but based on the current timeline, it hasn't happened yet, and I take it as a dream and therefore not an actual canon event.


For Grails I wouldn't know for sure, I would think its up to you. In Blood Quest the main character had a grail that he filled right before battle and drank in rememberence. I'll PM you the scene when I get home if you want. (It will be a few hours). Basically he filled it, said that they all fought well, the final battle is at hand, don't fail, and then drank.


In the comic they did do that. However, the guy that did was in the grips of the Red Thirst (like permanently losing complete control). His brothers actually thought it was distasteful. In fact, the whole reason that character joined the quest was because he knew his days was numbered and he wanted to die a hero before he completely lost himself to the thirst.


The Blood Angels were more vampiric, but it was to show just how far they had come. They didn't like the thirst. The rules even reflected it. If you rolled a 1 at the beginning of the turn for any of your units, they HAD to move towards the closest enemy, so your heavy weapons could be screwed, but that's how it is described in the fluff.


That's what I loved about them, they were angels that had a very real curse. The new edition just doesn't succeed in showing it. It lost that feeling.

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Oh yeah I love the whole once majestic Angels to dark blood mad rageaholics. I just don't like the super heavy vampiric blood drinking , I think we can still be tragic without specifically boring people's necks and what not.

Not disagreeing about the new edition

Def pm me the scene if convienient!

Would you say blood quest is worth reading at this point? Didn't realize it was actually about them going on a literal blood quest lol

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Yes, it is definitely worth the read. It is wonderful. It's three parts.


The quest they go on is to get the Blade Encarmine back. Keep in mind it is old, so it was before Raldoran was the first Chapter Master. The Blade Encarmine was a sword given to the first Chapter Master by Sanguinius.


Also, like I said, it was only one BA that drank blood from the neck, and it was because he was losing control (he was past the point of no return). Also, it wasn't him going out of his way to do it, he had to kill the guy, and so basically it was his way of slitting the guys throat.

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I like to think of it on different levels. Most of the time they keep it in check, it is more like an itch that comes and goes to those of stronger will. But in the heat of battle it becomes more like an addiction: think Dune and Spice if you've ever read any of those books. The more blood shed the stronger the hunger grows.


Some loose themselves to it, while others only briefly succumb. But this is also separate from the black rage, but both are triggering effects, just on differing levels.

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Actual blood drinking among the chapter is part of certain rituals and traditions. If I recall from what I read its usually a very small amount per brother, shared among brothers (such as we all take a swig from this grail cup full of our vitae, before the battle and symbolize our brotherhood, etc etc) and done as part of ceremony. Not some orgy of blood guzzling from grail cups.


Now during battle Blood Angels do get a lure for blood spilt as part of the Red Thirst.

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You know why Blood Angels are optimistic despite their flaw? Because the most important thing Sanguinus gave them is "B Positive."

Seriously though, this is the example of 40k being more fantasy despite looking like Sci-Fi. Their belief in the blood doing something seems to be enough to overcome the typing of their respective blood sources.

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I got that part lol, I was just talking about the second part of the second paragraph about why it isn't scifi. Not disagreeing I just don't get the belief in blood overcoming blood types thing.


I'm confused help me lol


Edit: I don't get why drinking blood and blood types are related. I didn't think the drinking blood has to be compatibe with your own blood, but I admit I don't know a lot about blood drinking science... Or much of any science lol

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I completely understand the first part! Lol that was never a question, I don't know how i can clarify any better than my post above about what I was actually asking.

How does blood typing, belief in blood, and drinking blood related to it not being Scifi? To me it sounds like he was saying they are drinking blood that is not their blood type and that isn't scientifically correct. But I did not know you had to drink blood that was of any particular type in relation to your own, I only thought that mattered with blood transfusions which may have been what he was talking about I just wasn't sure....

I promise I understand that b positive is a blood type and it sounds like "be positive" in relation to attitude. Really I swear I get that part guys lol

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In Japanese culture blood type is a big deal, most of the time they reference it with their hobbies likes etc.


In some scientific studies blood type is directly correlated to behaviors such as cleanliness, unorganized, etc. behaviors it's rather interesting. In many vampiric novella some of the blood cursed joke about the differing taste of each blood type.


However in the case of Blood Angels I feel blood type should have zero to do with the narrative.

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Your right that ingesting blood wouldn't matter for the blood type, but supposedly the I induction prices for neophytes includes transfusions, and somehow the drinking of sanguinary priest blood would be part of the DNA change making humans into Astartes. maybe the progenoid are the key? This is mostly in the 5th Ed codex.


So it's not just ingestion that the blood Angels participate in. Maybe there's enough O neg or universally accepted blood type priests to start the process.

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Are there not nano bytes within the blood to instantly begin any repairing process within reason? Or something like that. 40k years in the future, there are going to be some genetic alterations that might present completely differing strands of DNA and perhaps even modified blood types. But that's really hard for us to grasp as 1. It's all fiction when talking about 40k and 2. We can't really for see how the universe will look or the effects it will have on humans 38,000 years from now.
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