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2.5k Questoris


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I'm doing the 30k events at LVO next year and that means I've got some painting to do. With that in mind, I'm thinking about using my knights, since it'll be far less models to paint. However, I don't want to be that guy so I'm hoping for a knight list that isn't any meaner than a pure knight list kinda has to be. Here is the result.



Knight Seneschal Lancer



Knight Martial Paladin - Occular Augmentics and Rapid Fire Battlecannon


Knight Martial Paladin - Occular Augmentics and Rapid Fire Battlecannon


Knight Martial Gallant - Meltagun and Icarus Cannon



Knight Arbalaster Crusader - Stormspear Rocket Pod, Thermal Cannon, and Occular Augmentics


Knight Arbalaster Castigator - Occular Augmentic


Battle Plan:

Crusader and Castigator handle anti-air and middle class armor. Gallant and Lancer advance forward while the paladins find an objective and park themselves there, laying down templates. Otherwise, play it by ear.



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