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IA; Stormwalkers


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This chapter is a Games Workshop chapter without a history. I chose it because i liked the name.
KEY---RED = Me talking to you --- GREEN = Something i need to remember to write or edit at a later date

Stormwalkers 3rd Tac 4th company


Warcry - Wild laughter and cursing in Ha'Kaij'on

Founding - 18th (mid M.36)

Primarch - Jaghatai Khan

Successor of - White Scars

Homeworld - Ha'Kaij'on, Segmentum Tempestus

Chapter Master - High Chieftain Shan'tze

Allegiance - Imperium of Mankind

Forces - approx 800 space marines

Heraldry - Storm grey (primary) Electric Blue (secondary)




"On Saargreb our enemies teaches us. On Saagreb we learn that surrounded not good for army. Surrounded army suffers. Come brothers. Let us teach Eldar scum how well we learn."

Chieftain Tseg'ur to his troops before the Slaughter of Zoija


Created from the gene-seed of the White Scars, the Stormwalkers have proven to be as insular and free-spirited as their parent chapter. To the frustration of many Imperial officials this chapter does not seem to see anything wrong with simply disregarding orders that go against their own moral code. The Stormwalkers do not make any great point of doing so, most often they will simply go about completing the objective of any such order in a manner of their own choosing. Only their impressive list of battle honors, which is the envy of chapters hundreds of years older than them and a point of pride for the White Scars, has saved them from the censure of the High Lords of Terra.


Based of the world of Ha'Kaij'on, a world ear-marked for potential as a space marine homeworld due to geological and cultural similarities to Chogoris, the Stormwalkers first had to convince the belligerent native population to accept them before they could begin waging war on the enemies of mankind. This alone took the nascent Stormwalkers chapter almost a Terran standard year and required many shows of martial prowess, cunning and bravery. The effort has proved to be worth it since the local Ha'Kaij'oni are noted as having a higher rates of acceptance of the White Scars gene-seed than any other chapter from this genetic line apart from the White Scars themselves. The Stormwalkers took the name of mythical beings that did not have to fear the ferocious storms that rage across much of the planets surface. These beings were said to be greater than men and that they made their home in a great golden hall under the Stormspires, the only mountain range on Ha'Kaij'on.


Shortly after the chapters founding the Stormwalkers were called on to aid in the Dark Marches Crusade under Lord Commander of the Segmentum Tempestus Hal Orpheus. Still eager to prove themselves the chapter committed it's full forces to the offensive aiding in the recapture of dozens of worlds. Relying on the hit and run tactics already proven by their parent chapter, it was the Dark Marches Crusade that shaped much of the chapters combat doctrine. On the world of Saargreb VI the chapter were surrounded by a large force of humans under the influence of mind controlling xenos parasites. The Stormwalkers assault troops used their jump-packs to get behind enemy lines and carve a path that their Stormriders (biker assault) could use to break out. Although the fighting was hard, the ferocity of the the space marine forces proved too much for the human drones. The Stormwalkers found afterwards that the victory left a bitter after-taste. When they killed the parasite queen the psychic shock killed all the humans under the influence of the xenos breed.


In orbit around Carbaron the Stormwalkers fleet had to fight it's way through an extensive array of automated defenses before they could assault an the main fortress of the Kyaad. Once they did manage to reach the surface the plan was for the Stormwalkers terminators to form an anvil that the chapters more fast moving elements could smash the agile aliens against. Unfortunately the relatively inexperienced spaces marines underestimated the strength of their foe and the engagement costing the chapter most of it's suits of terminator armor. The Stormwalkers have never replaced the suits they lost, both in homage to their lost brothers and because the heavy, slow suits do not mesh well with their preferred method of fighting.


To the humans of the Keleopine Cluster the Stormwalkers are known as the 'desd'in thriah', the 'angels without restraint'. They are called this because soon after their involvement in the Dark Marches Crusades the chapter cleansed the Keleopine Cluster of the Dark Elder raiders that had been preying on these worlds for centuries. The final battle was one of the most definitive routes in the whole Crusade. The Stormwalkers managed to ambush the Dark Elder on the world of Zoija. To their chagrin the Dark Elder found themselves encircled by a ring of high speed death as they were surrounded by the chapters assault elements. These bikers did not attack however and the foul xenos found themselves picked apart by devastators positioned on a nearby ridge, all the while being laughed and jeered at by the space marine forces. (Actually happened. I was the Dark Eldar. It was a very bad day to be an Haemonculus that day.)


Currently the 6th and 8th War Clans are aiding rogue traders with exploration missions on the outer edges of the Segmentum Tempestus. Within the chapter it is fairly common practice for Chieftains to declare that their Battle Clan is 'On the Hunt'. No more than two clans at a time are permitted to go on the hunt. While hunting, squads from that clan will accompany rogue traders, explorator fleets and any other endeavor that operates on the fringes of the Imperium. This practice was brought about both to ease the chapters wanderlust and to allow the Stormwalkers to learn more about the threats facing their segmentum. Such Hunts do not usually last for more than fifty years. During times of great turmoil Hunting Clans will be recalled and all further hunts will be postponed or suspended. Similarly, if a Hunting Clan finds a foe that poses a threat to the wider Imperium, they might call for aid from the rest of the Stormwalkers chapter. Such calls for aid are not undertaken lightly and, as was the case with the Tarentex Intervention, can avert a major disaster before it begins.


Combat Doctrine


"Does summer storm stay because man wishes it so? No. It stay until it is needed no more, then it go. So is with us."

High Chieftain to Lord General of the Servost Warguard


The Stormwalkers, like their parent chapter, prefer to strike hard and fast. Unusually, for a space marine army, they are known to make use of tactical withdrawals and deliberately sloppy-looking positioning to wrong foot their enemies. As a chapter they do not have much experience fighting in enclosed spaces, such as space hulks and hive cities, preferring to fight on open ground when they can.
They have much larger than normal compliments of bike and jetpack assault squads. The entire 1st clan is equipped with either bikes or jetpacks. Very few of the chapters brother-marines show the requisite skill with heavy weapons to become devastators. These devastator squads are always mounted in rhinos to allow them to keep up with the fast paced combat style of the chapter. Those that do become devastators are respected within the chapter, but also always stand apart from their brothers. It is rare for a force comprised of Stormwalkers to have any terminators with them at all as they intensely dislike how cumbersome terminator armor is and it does not mesh well with their fast, fluid style of fighting. The Stormwalkers also do not use dreadnoughts as, like the White Scars from whom they descend, it is inimical to them to imprison a warriors spirit so.  
This enigmatic chapter is typically alone even when surrounded by other Imperial forces. They will usually appear, preform whatever missions they have and them leave again, all without opening a vox channel to their 'allies'.


"We have raised you from babe, through child to man. You have learned all we teach. Now begins real lesson. Come back to us, na-jat. (little brother/pupil)"
Said to the current High Chieftain at the beginning of his Trial.
All newborn babies on the Stormwalkers homeworld of Ha'Kaij'on are genetically screened for compatibility with the chapters gene-seed. Those found to be compatible are taken by special group of chapter serfs, known as mentors, and raised and taught by them until they reach the age of ascension. Removing them from their tribes like this ensures that the aspirant does not develop the tribal rivalries that permeate Ha'Kaijoni society. In the early years of recruitment from Ha'Kaij'on this was not the practice and, on several occasions, tribal rivalries lead to brother-marines fighting each other. Removing those who are genetically compatible as babies also allows the chapter to ensure the quality of their training and to instill loyalty to the chapter. It also allows the space marines of the chapter a closer connection to humanity than would normally occur. It is seen as a great honor for a clan to give children to the chapter in this way. While the chapter does not have any rule against recruiting from worlds other than the homeworld it is extremely rare. Such recruits will live on Ha'Kaij'on from the moment they are chosen and usually end up feeling like outsiders within the chapter. Shortly before the age at which a space marine receives the first of their implant organs. At this age the child will be judged by one of the Stormwalker chieftains. If he is found worthy he will be allowed to undergo the final test before implantation begins, the Trial.
The aspirant will be taken across the homeworld by Stormbird, which will travel from morning until night. Then the aspirant is given a substance called Gaij. This will alter his consciousness, changing the way he sees the world around him. The gaij has been known to occasionally induce visions of the past or the future. Although gaij has never been found to have any connection to the warp, it is worth noting that most of those who receive visions later show psychic potential. In this fashion the gaij also serves as a detection system for future librarians. A space marine will stay with the aspirant until the gaij takes effect. From that point the aspirant has until the next new moon to make it back to the chapters fortress-monastery, the Cavern. Despite all his training the young man will be disoriented and won't know which direction to go in. The journey would be dangerous even without the gaij altering his senses. The world of Ha'Kaij'on is wracked by many fierce storms and has little in the way of cover. Many of the planets animals consider lonely humans to be little more than tasty snacks. Only one aspirant in six makes it back to the Cavern beneath the Stormspires alive.
(I was hoping to draw heavily, again, on the White Scars page for organisational tips. However the organisation section on that page states the White Scars as not having any devastators or dreadnoughts, then goes on to list a codex--compliant organisation with dreadnoughts removed. As a result the actual organisation bit of this section is a bit of a mess. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.)
The Stormwalkers follow the principles laid out in the Codex Astartes wherever possible, since they have a deep respect for the wisdom it contains. In place of the more usual titles however, this chapter has chosen to pay homage to the culture of their homeworld in it's naming traditions. With respects to this the chapter master is called a High Chieftain, captains are Chieftains, Chaplains are Thunder Speakers and Librarians are Storm Seers. The titles for techmarine and medic do not translate from the Stormwalkers native language of Ha'Kaiji, so these are most commonly referred to by their standard titles. The Stormwalkers also refer to their companies as Battle Clans or War Clans as this is the closest translation from Ha'Kaiji that Imperial Gothic can mange.
Most of the chapters veterans prefer to go into battle mounted on bikes. The members of these units are called Stormriders and are all members of the 1st company. The low number of devastators and terminators have also necessitated some changes to the structure laid out in the Codex Astartes. The Stormwalkers are only able to field eight squads of devastator marines in place of the codex-compliant eighteen squads. A decision was taken early in 896.M37 to split the devastators units so that there would be a squad for each of the battle clans. The chapters larger number of tactical and assault marines was similarly divided to keep each battle clan on equal strength. As befits a fast moving successor of the White Scars, the Stormwalkers have a much larger pool of rhinos, which are used to allow the foot troops to keep up with the rest of the army, and more speeders than are common. The chapters few suits of terminator armor are used only by the command echelons of the chapter. Even then most of the Chieftains would far rather ride into war on the back of a bike, than lumber along in a suit of tactical dreadnought armor.
Noteworthy Battles
Tarentex Intervention (453.m.41) - The campaign that would become known as the Tarentex Intervention occurred during the last Hunt of the 6th War Clan. Three squads of the 9th had joined the expedition of the rogue trader Phagus Moxilla. He was tasked was to the Tarentex Reach, a small collection of potentially habitable worlds, and leave colonies if the worlds proved suitable. Moxilla's ships had just entered the Tarentex Reach when they detected the presence of a Tyranids around Terentex III. The splinter fleet had apparently stopped to consume the uninhabited worlds biomass and germinate more forces before it reached the more heavily populated worlds of the Imperium. The Stormwalkers immediately dispatched word to their chapter calling for aid. Knowing they did not have sufficient force to stop the splinter fleet completely, the Stormwalkers convinced Moxilla to land his military forces, which included the 213th and 264th Farex Rangers and a small detachment from the forge world of Mor Ganis, and attempt to slow the tyranid advance. They made their stand on Tarentex IX. In spite of heavy casualties, the Imperial forces managed to hold the tyranid swarm at bay until reinforcements from the Imperial Navy and Stormwalkers chapter arrived. In the end the splinter fleet was totally destroyed.  
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Looks promising. However, I must advise you to rewrite your description of gaij and its effects. If gaij gives one visions of the FUTURE, then it may awaken psyker abilities, which means it may invite DAEMONIC POSSESSION or otherwise draw Daemons' attention towards a Marine aspirant. If the Inquisition hears that gaij has such effects on a user, gaij will become a controlled substance, its use and distrubution tightly regulated, AT BEST- at worst, the Inquisition may see the Chapter's use of gaij, as intentionally making the Marines vulnerable to Chaos corruption, and grounds for declaring the Stormwalkers "Excommunicate Traitoris" and performing Exterminatus on the Chapter home world.



Bjorn Firewalker

Looks promising. However, I must advise you to rewrite your description of gaij and its effects. If gaij gives one visions of the FUTURE, then it may awaken psyker abilities, which means it may invite DAEMONIC POSSESSION or otherwise draw Daemons' attention towards a Marine aspirant. If the Inquisition hears that gaij has such effects on a user, gaij will become a controlled substance, its use and distrubution tightly regulated, AT BEST- at worst, the Inquisition may see the Chapter's use of gaij, as intentionally making the Marines vulnerable to Chaos corruption, and grounds for declaring the Stormwalkers "Excommunicate Traitoris" and performing Exterminatus on the Chapter home world.


I actually did this deliberately and will be addressing these exact concerns. I just haven't worked out exactly how i want to write it down yet.

How about stating,"The gaij has been known to FORCE POTENTIAL PSYKERS TO EXPERIENCE visions of the past or the future," (emphasis mine), meaning only those who will become the Chapter's Librarians, will have visions of the future? (Those who experience visions of the past, will only view their own past, unless they're potential psykers.)

Nice start, I did a similar Chapter myself a few years ago http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/250378-ia-stormbringers/


I find the idea of selecting recruits at birth and raising them 'in-house' an interesting one, although I'd have to say it feels slightly more Ultramarine in style than a feral/tribal White Scars Successor? Might be worth adding some explanation of why they've ended up using such a method?

Normally I´m too lazy to read IA´s but I liked this, you made your text very reader-friendly, thanks for that.

Well while you`ve given a good impression of what you´re chapter is about, I kind off miss something which sets them apart from their progenitors.

Don´t get me wrong, the pieces fit together really well, but most of their "trademarks" are already to be found at the Scars.

I don´t want to appear mean, but I somehow wonder that you made this chapter, so you can paint White Scars in another colour scheme.

I mean: If this is the case it´s actually totally okay, but maybe you can come up with some extra ideas to spice it up a bit.

Like: What are their motivations? Do they have some kind of archenemy? Did they ever had to fight another imperial force due to their concepts of honour?

Chapter beliefs? How is their relationship to their progenitors? Seems like they could very likely fight together with the Scars in a campaign or two...

The chapter organisation could be a little fleshed out, too I guess. happy.png

That´s pretty much it for now I guess. You don´t have to change anything according to my advice, if you don´t want to of course.

You have a solid concept, just a little standard (in my opinion!!!).

I liked the idea with the mind-controlling Xenos, they reminded me quite a bit of Enslavers though... But I guess the galaxy is big enough for more than one breedof brain-slugs... msn-wink.gif


" Before the process of implantation begins the potential recruit receives tissue compatibility tests and psychological screening. If the testing proves successful the recruit becomes a neophyte. After the organ implantation process he becomes an initiate.[1][2a][3]    " (lexicanum: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Creation_of_a_Space_Marine )


Maybe just: "Initiation" ?

Guest Mordray

Anybody know if there is a particular word for the genetic modifications a human undergoes to become a space marine? I've got the feeling there is but can't seem to find it.

I've only ever heard it called the Rites of Initiation... also technically the rites aren't genetic modification, but rather prolonged biological hacking and/or hijacking... with exceptions the Blood Angels and the Space Wolves both appear to use some form of genetic infusion to aid their geneseed in activating.

  • 1 month later...



Tarentex Intervention (453.m.41) - The campaign that would become known as the Tarentex Intervention occurred during the last Hunt of the 6th War Clan. Three squads of the 9th had joined the expedition of the rogue trader Phagus Moxilla. He was tasked was to the Tarentex Reach, a small collection of potentially habitable worlds, and leave colonies if the worlds proved suitable. Moxilla's ships had just entered the Tarentex Reach when they detected the presence of a Tyranids around Terentex III. The splinter fleet had apparently stopped to consume the uninhabited worlds biomass and germinate more forces before it reached the more heavily populated worlds of the Imperium. The Stormwalkers immediately dispatched word to their chapter calling for aid. Knowing they did not have sufficient force to stop the splinter fleet completely, the Stormwalkers convinced Moxilla to land his military forces, which included the 213th and 264th Farex Rangers and a small detachment from the forge world of Mor Ganis, and attempt to slow the tyranid advance. They made their stand on Tarentex IX. In spite of heavy casualties, the Imperial forces managed to hold the tyranid swarm at bay until reinforcements from the Imperial Navy and Stormwalkers chapter arrived. In the end the splinter fleet was totally destroyed. 


Added the first noteworthy battle, the Tarentex Intervention.


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