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How do we feel about Scouts now...?


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A year or so back, I was championing the humble Scout as an excellent option for our Troops choice. Not just to fill a minimum tax, but genuinely as a valid unit choice. I was told it couldn't possibly work because they just weren't good enough. They would take too many hits against them in combat and they couldn't do any damage with their shooting, apart from anything else.


I'm curious how we feel about Scouts now? With their host of special rules and their improved statline, they can deliver a supremely swift punch into the heart of an enemy army. Scout Bikes, similarly, should surely get some serious consideration thrown their way.


We have spent the last however many months lamenting that our Scouts should be as good as Space Marine Scouts. Now that we've got what we were clamouring for, does anybody actually intend to put their money where their mouth is and play Scouts in their army?

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Before the FAQ, my "Combat" squad of scouts has a fair number of kills under their belt, including one hilarious game where they charged a 3 man squad of thunderwolves and WON. (My opponent definitely didn't expect that) I enjoy a unit with 5 ccw and bolt pistol, 4 shotguns, and a sergeant with either a combi/lightning claw, or power maul, all with cloaks and a mb. Now that their shooting at bs4, and not getting hit on 3's in combat, their significantly better than they were, and they weren't bad before. Shotguns take the lead to soften up something before an assault, and then take the overwatch hits, then the unit puts out around 20 str 5 I 5 attacks on the charge, with a PW vet sarge, they can do surprising amounts of damage to light infantry, MEQ's if your unit is bigger and you get the charge, and even small units of tougher things. Also, they absolutely wreck tanks if their left alone. They love munching on backline artillery tanks that weren't adequately wrapped and were expecting los blocking stuff to save them.

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10 scouts, pistols+ccw, vet sergeant, power fist. Add Mephiston, chuck em in a Stormraven. Skies of Fury them onto something tasty and punch/force it to death.


Yes, I intend to use scouts. The same way I have done for a while now. They're just better now.

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I plan to run them with Cypher when the need arises. Full unit of 10.


Infiltrate, start popping off pistol shots then go for high value targets.


Which, upon looking at it is even more awesome than I thought as with Camo cloaks the squad will have stealth/ shrouded and Cypher also grants them Hit & Run!

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I like scouts, but I love tactical marines. Especially our fancy artificers' work. If we had scouts that represented the BA a bit better I'd love to purchase more.


I do minor conversion works on my scouts to please my visual representation. I think 1 squad of 5 with snipers, Bolters, and cloaks make a great field camping objective holders, but the utility of tactical marines and what they offer on specialty weapons are still my #1 go to.

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Personally, both the Lost Patrol good box game and the recent Errata lead me to buying add scouts.


Now i've a Lost Patrol box, and so, 5 scouts waiting to join the fights.^^




About the Wargear, and after reflection, i choose that my Scouts will have 4xBolter + 1xHeavyBolter, since i intend to use them as a second "Tactical" squad. To add to their survivability, option wise, i calculate to give them Camo-cloack and Veteran Sergeant.


I also took into account, the future possibility that Blood Angels Scouts could benefits of the Land Speeder Storm, that in such case would act as the Shooting Mobile Firebase for the scout squad.

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A quick question on the wording in the codex, would appreciate feedback from the forum on this...


Have just re-read the codex page on scouts, with an aim at making a close combat unit (I have a unit of snipers with cloaks already). It says "may replace boltgun with a space marine shotgun or close combat weapon - free"


Am I reading that right as free power weapons / pistols?


What I'm asking I guess is do power weapons / chain weapons / etc count as a derivative branch of the "close combat weapon" tree, or are they their own tree?

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I swear by Sniper scouts with Camo cloaks.

I've very rarely had a game without at least 2 squads of scouts camping on my objectives and going to ground for tasty 2+ cover.

And now they actually have a decent chance at hitting somthing, I might even try taking teh C/C scouts as well now. :)

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No, a close combat weapon is a specific piece of wargear. It grants the Scouts an extra attack in combination with their bolt pistol.

... Just like a chainsword...

They literally have the exact same rules.


Every one handed Melee Weapon gives +1 attack if you have a pistol.

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No, a close combat weapon is a specific piece of wargear. It grants the Scouts an extra attack in combination with their bolt pistol.


To clarify, it's a specific item that is just a one handed melee weapon.


That means it gets +1 attack when you combine it with a second eligible weapon - not just the bolt pistol.


Anyway, Bolter scouts - time to replace the tactical marines? If you get lucky with 2 rolls on strategic, you might get the stealth (ruins) warlord trait, which combines nicely with camo cloaks...for a 2+ cover in ruins.


My shotgun scouts are loving it.

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No, a close combat weapon is a specific piece of wargear. It grants the Scouts an extra attack in combination with their bolt pistol.

... Just like a chainsword...

They literally have the exact same rules.


Actually, a chainsword is technically a completely different piece of wargear from a close combat weapon. They just happen to share the statline.


Every one handed Melee Weapon gives +1 attack if you have a pistol.

Unless it's a Specialist Weapon, of course.
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