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A tiny list for Tiny Games 1500 1st Legion

Lord Blackwood

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So this list is pretty much just the stuff from my buy in  ,its meant to be a bit more " fair"  than my armored breakthrough list. Mostly for fun ya know. Its a 1550 list sure , but its really just meant to be plugged into my 2000 point armored breakthrough list to act as gap filler  anyway this is what im  going to look  to run. I feel like it lacks anti tank  but it was also built with the  FAQ for Melta Bombs in mind. 

+++ Tiny Biker Gang (1550pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1550pts) ++
+ HQ (655pts) +
Legion Praetor (655pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Legion Scimitar Jetbike with Heavy Bolter, Melta Bombs, Molecular Acid Shells, Paragon Blade, Rad Grenades]
Legion Command Squad [5x Combat Shield, Legion Scimitar Jetbikes with Heavy Bolters, 4x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Legion Standard Bearer, Molecular Acid Shells, 3x Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon]
Master of the Legion [Ravenwing Protocol]
+ Troops (680pts) +
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (315pts) [Molecular Acid Shells, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]
Sky Hunter Sergeant [Calibanite War Blade, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]
Legion Outrider Squad (365pts) [6x Legion Space Marine Outrider, Twin-linked Plasma Gun]
Outrider Sergeant [Calibanite War Blade, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades]
+ Fast Attack (215pts) +
Xiphon Interceptor (215pts) [Ground-tracking Auguries]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [i: Dark Angels, Loyalist]
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Okay. Looks like apretty strong list for such small points, but I ain't no connoisseur of the secrets of the bathrobe marines.

Xiphon is cool but you might struggle against armour (contemptor talon or the like, the cortus dread is very cheap and choppy). Your Praetor is also super beef. Too much indeed, you don't need artificier armour because jetbikes already gives you a 2+ armor save and I'll drop the digilasers for a cyber-familiar.

Other than that looks pretty solid but I'm not a tactician tongue.png

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