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To breach or destroy

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Since you've already got some haywire going, try out the Destroyers. My preference is Grav over Plasma, but then again I'm the guy who'd probably end up killing the entire 6 wound squad with one turn of Gets Hot.

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Gravaphrons are intensely useful for me, but I have yet to play a game against horde type opponents. I have yet to use plasma for the same reason. My very first game playing Skitarii I put plasma on vanguard in my warlord's unit and all of them died within one game turn from getting hot, so until I can run a war convocation I'll probably steer clear of plasma. Having said that, plasma is extremely versatile, since it can damage anything shy of AV14 but also can obliterate crowds of weakly armored infantry. It glances less reliably than haywire but penetrates more reliably up to AV12. I think I'm talking myself into running plasma next time I play...
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Grav. Compliments the rest of your force the best. Although, my own plans include 12 Kataphrons:


4 breachers, magnetized arc/torsion. Prefers arc, mainly for range here.

8 destroyers, 4 with grav and 4 magnetized to have grav/plasma.


Grav, arc and torsion are all fairly new and might change with next edition/codex, so having the option to switch them out is useful, to say the least.

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I partial to an even mix of Grav and Plas on my destroyers. I tend to run my Dominus with them so he can heal the odd plasma burn. The flamers are nice too.


I second magnetizing the Destroyers main gun. It's very easy. Heck you could even do it with just blue tack as its a fairly tight fit.

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Grav all the way has based on my experience it is surprisingly versatile and most importantly helps deal with those nasty MCs ( Riptides, Wraithknights ect.) That are so popular nowadays. They are also pretty damn good against Vehicles as well, roll two sixes when trying to penetrate their armor and you have destroyed a three-hull point vehicle, have seen 2 squads of these bring down an imperial knight in one turn. Against swarms of Infantry thanks to the volume of shots alone they're not completely useless, this is reinforced especially if they take flamers.
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Well I'm buying them tomorrow. 3 grav kataphrons and 2 kastellans with all the guns

Recommend magnetizing the Kastelans for most bang-for-your-buck. Just some green stuff in the hands, a little trimming on the arm piece so it can slide into the hands, a little drilling on the shoulder mount and weapons, then add your magnets.

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