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An Imperial Fist Descendant Chapter.


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Like I said, you can always do both... templar CT represents assault companies and IF CT representing devastator companies. There could be a rivalry within the chapter regarding the 2 disciplines explaining why you can't put ic from one into another's units.

This might also lead you to have two chapter masters (some other chapters do, I believe the Sons of Medusa are an example), or else the Chapter maintains an Emperor's Champion in the Assault Company (companies?) who is seen as an "honourary" Master by half the chapter, though he isn't officially?


We don't know exactly when the 7th founding occurs (between M32 and M34), would you have any ideas of why they were founded, what could have been the first threat they faced?

They were founded to help protect and defend the Imperium. They are fascinated by but highly fearful of Psykers.  They also have an extremely strong hatred for the Tau.


Not sure if they want to use fist or Templer rules because of following examples from a decade ago.


(It was fun holding back and dig in to defensive positions. Then unleash tons of bolter fire and missle launchers at opponents as they came forward. Then the Librarian with a Jump Pack would use the terrain to his advantage and hunt the heroes of the enemy army. People actually used to try to avoid that Librarian. It was so fun. Not Bragging.)


Then again they are highly afraid of psykers .


When I had a Templar army it was fun to rage across the field and tear into the ranks of opponents. Particularly tau and slaughter them. Not Bragging. )



Suggestions For Painting?


I like using a white basecoat but that doesn't seem so good for blue.

If I use a dark basecoat the blue barely shoes and they merely resemble Templars covered in splatters of filthy tau blood.


If I went with Fists Yellow it is cool but they seem rather grimy like they've been crawling through dirt and trenchs which might be ok but not sure.


If I had Antique Gold for the Yellow It seems actually quite good with a sort of darker golden yellow. But ink washes have to be VERY Careful for that otherwise they seem like a Camoflague Scheme.




Also, One possible RP/Fluff/Lore/Story Character that they fought against might be a renegade lord named Veldryss. But not sure which path Veldryss would follow if that guy went any other than undivided.


Either way, My DIY Chapter or Group Of Fists Really REALLY Hate Tau but also respect them as foes in a begrudging hateful way  as a rough draft idea On That.



For painting advice, you'll probably have better luck in the "FORGE" section of the Bolter and Chainsword, more specifically in the Painting or Questions parts.


What paints have you been using? I'd suggest trying out the "Base" Citadel Paints if you haven't yet, they're quite opaque so you should get a nice vibrant cover quite fast over a black or white primer. Obviously you'll still need to use several layers for the best finish.

Why do you think white isn't good for blue? It makes it come out brighter, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you apply correct shading through washes.


Also, I see Dosjetka has updated his Imperial Fists painting tutorial :)



For the rest, a renegade lord is always cool to have as an archenemy, but just his name is a bit light on details, no?

And a healthy but grudging respect for the enemy isn't a bad thing for Space Marines, since they Know No Fear, and are less likely to underestimate them that way.


Have you nailed down a theme you want to run with? Are you still interested by the siege aspects/the close combat aspects/the mixed character? Have you thought of a distinct quirk of their culture that will differentiate them from Imperial Fists, Black Templars and Crimson Fists?

Some paints seem ok but it's more that I didn't buy certain kinds and also I haven't practiced for 10 years.


It can make a good bright blue, but requires more paint and layers.


I was still deciding who but I probably wont know officially until I can get a rule book. But I have to sell my new condition boxed set of Mordheim to earn money to get a WarHammer 40,000 Army.


Well one idea might be that they were experimenting with trying to restore the 2 implants that Imperial Fists don't use so much. In the idea , they could have restored them but that also had a side effect of making them always tell the truth in every occasion. (Merely An Idea.) *

Steer away from genetic manipulation for anything that isn't 21st founding. It doesn't actually add anything to character unless very much played up (Lamenters, Black Dragons), and people often don't like it. I know you shouldn't care about what other people think, but there's not much joy in creating a DIY just for creating a DIY.


A good starting point if often to have a look at an ancient culture that hasn't been used yet in 40k. Even if you don't end up using that many ideas from them, it can still spark new ones in the brain :)

I know. It was a rough draft idea.


How about this idea:


They were 7th Founding. Instead of manipulating genetics. They devised ways to make up for the implants. Such as acid spray dispensers installed into their helmets and light stasis field generators designed to activate if the sensors in a marine's armor activate saying he is too injured? That way it wouldn't be genetic manipulation but could use 2 already existing items that certain other imperial forces use?


I'm open to suggestion.


These are rough draft ideas.


As for some traits of the chapter, One of their favorite methods of attack is to claim some territory, fortify it, then let the higher tier weapons such as missile launchers and such arrive. Then have their marines arrive in drop pods into terrain to attack after they have established a base or barrier?



That could work (though to be fair... Do Marines need acid jets? I've seen them used usefully a grand total of once in all the BL, GW and FW books I've read...)


That could also work, but how do they claim the terrain in the first place, and how do they fortify it? Really, it does sound like a very good idea, one that I've not really seen often in official fluff or DIYs... Except with the Iron Warriors :devil: that could always open up some interesting possibilities :)

Maybe have them use a mix like you suggested but as follows for an idea:


Their veteran Sergeants could have the Imperial Fists Style while younger marines have the newer chapter style? Sort of like the sergeants were there to help the chapter train along the way as teachers? Merely a rough draft idea.



Another 2 names I considered were: Angels Of Honesty, and Knights Of Honesty.


But Angels Of Honesty seemed more like a Dark Angel Descendant.


If Dark Angels supposedly have the most BLESSED and PURE Gene Seed, why do some seem reluctant to make chapters from them? It shouldn't be because of the fallen. That's a secret supposedly only the Dark Angels know about.


Dark Angels might worth a consider. But I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with them as I don't know if I would trust them considering half their legion was renegade.


As for Imperial Fists, That legion seems to appeal the most and I'm 100% sure why. But Rogal Dorn seems to be one of my top favorite Primarchs.


The one and only issue that I obsess about are those 2 glands they don't use like the others. I know I shouldn't obsess about that, but that's about lore and not rules. And for some reason that bothers me a lot. Other than that aspect, I really love Imperial Fists Most. Dark Angels I sort of like but don't really trust them so much On That.



I've always speculated the reason for not making more Chapters with Dark Angels geneseed, despite its purity, is because they have a nasty habit of abandoning Imperial efforts in favour of their own unknown reasons. Pesky unreliable Dark Angels . . .

Another 2 names I considered were: Angels Of Honesty, and Knights Of Honesty.


But Angels Of Honesty seemed more like a Dark Angel Descendant.


If Dark Angels supposedly have the most BLESSED and PURE Gene Seed, why do some seem reluctant to make chapters from them? It shouldn't be because of the fallen. That's a secret supposedly only the Dark Angels know about.


Dark Angels might worth a consider. But I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with them as I don't know if I would trust them considering half their legion was renegade.


As for Imperial Fists, That legion seems to appeal the most and I'm 100% sure why. But Rogal Dorn seems to be one of my top favorite Primarchs.


The one and only issue that I obsess about are those 2 glands they don't use like the others. I know I shouldn't obsess about that, but that's about lore and not rules. And for some reason that bothers me a lot. Other than that aspect, I really love Imperial Fists Most. Dark Angels I sort of like but don't really trust them so much On That.



I've always speculated the reason for not making more Chapters with Dark Angels geneseed, despite its purity, is because they have a nasty habit of abandoning Imperial efforts in favour of their own unknown reasons. Pesky unreliable Dark Angels . . .

I think it's more to do with the fact that the Unforgiven often function more like a Legion then independent chapters, which is borderline heretical in and of itself: the whole chapter system exists to limit the amount of men under a single marine's command, but for the Unforgiven, the Supreme Grand Master often has more then five chapters' worth of marines under his more or less direct command. So, the HLoT don't make any more men for him:P


Also, it is the posterboys Ultramarines who get the purest geneseed out of all the Legions.



Really, the missing organs of the Imperial Fists are nothing to write home about, and their absence actually makes them a whole lot closer to normal mortals. But in any case you'd spoken about creating some kinds of mechanical replacements, so I shouldn't worry about it overmuch.

So as for fluff/lore:


They recruit from several worlds.


They greatly value honesty above many traits.


They don't trust the inquisition but know better than to mess with them too much. Although they occasionally express their disagreement. But they are loyal.


Rough draft and not sure what else to add or mention.



Well, where are they based? What Segmentum?

This will help you figure out what major threats are nearby, for example Tempestus would yield a good amount of xenos, with Orks, Eldar and Tyranids all in abundance there.

Pacificus would yield a lot of rebels and traitors to fight, both chaos and otherwise.

Obscurus is mostly chaos with a healthy amount of Ork and Eldar thrown in for good measure

Ultima is much bigger, there's more orks, there's tau, some Kraken splinter fleets hanging about, and chaos spilling from the Marlstrom.

Then wherever you go there's always Necrons and Dark Eldar.

I forgot Solar, again Orks, rebels, some late stage Leviathan outings


Who do they get on with?

Who do they call ally in all this? Relationships affect who they are, look at the Iron Hands and the AdMech, that relationship caused a mostly bloodless split between the sons of the Gorgon during the Moraie Schism, hello Sons of Medusa!

Do they like the AdMech, does the AdMech like them back?

What about other Chapters? Do they look down on others for being less honest than they are? Are the Raven Guard and Raptors seen as deceitful?

Imperial Guard, Sororitas, Rogue Traders, Ecclesiarchy, Administratum, so on and so on. They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps, in this case you can use it to identify your Chapter


Are they a Crusading Chapter?

They recruit from several worlds, is this because they roam that wide area? Or do they roam the entire galaxy?

Are they fortifying a system that's prone to invasion or doing it as hey go along? How does the Imperium feel about that?

If they have a homeworld, they'd be affected by its culture and have a mentality to defend it. If they don't, then who they are is more likely based off who taught them, and they'll probably think about the wider Imperium and understand how it all works in more depth.


Any Heroes?

Not necessarily Chapter Masters or people who make the Chapter what it is today. Look at Sicarius of the Ultramarines or Korsarro from the White Scars. They're heroes in the sense that they're big players. We don't need to know about your heroes necessarily but I find it helps to think about who the role models are in the Chapter, the paragons and black sheep.


Do you have any ideas for big battles you like the sound of?

More than one of my DIY Chapters yet to be posted have been borne purely from one battle that popped into my head. I had a go at some Viper Legion guys I liked to imagine fighting Orks in the Scaurus System during the 13th Black Crusade. And Frozen Dragons brutalising a traitor guard invasion force on their icy homeworld. Maybe you see these guys fighting someone or something in particular?


Hope some of these questions helped rather smothered you. We don't need all the answers to them, it's more for yourself, helping you imagine who they are by poking you for details on someone. Good luck!

Possibly Ultima because I like the name and nostalgia for the Ultima series. But most of the people at the store I've been trying to build an army to join seem to like Tyranids and Tau. Some have Eldar.


They try to be close as possible to other Imperial Fist Chapters. They love the good natured duels at the Feast Of Blades, as that lets them try to train with their brothers as well as learn to better decorate their armor. There are some chapters they don't like or trust, such as salamanders, 21st founding, minotaurs, dark angels, space sharks. and some others. But they still sort of respect the dark angels and salamanders. They don't trust the dark angels. But they don't have a concrete reason why. They hate how the dark angels occasionally leave right in the middle of battle as one example.


They don't like the mutations of the salamanders but would fight alongside them.


They don't like the minotaurs because they suspect corruption among them but they know better than to mess with them.


They are mixed about the inquisition.


They don't trust the elder and have fought them more than once but sort of respect them. But consider them scrawny cowards.

They absolutely hate fighting necrons.

They also despise tyranids.


They like the adeptus mechanicus but aren't nearly well funded enough to aquire many items and vehichles from them.

They are sort of neutral with the sisters.


They respect most chapters of space marines.

They know the value of stealth and respect the raven guard but are sort of worried about their gene seed. They are obsessed with gene seed purity among their own and although have created modificationsa to replace the 2 implants they constantly worry about that and that fact about the 2 implants irritates them greatly.


They have a mix between crusades but have a low amount of worlds they recruit from which are near areas frequented by Eldar. So much so that the planets have Elven Names.


They are a new chapter haven't fought many battles but one of the Imperial Fists Librarians and some of the Templar Chaplains there were revered and occasionally assisted in the training of those marines.


They are worried about the 14th crusade. Back when they were imperial fists they actually managed to detect where several forces would attack. They only managed to help so much but they did manage to issue warnings and try to send what marines were available back when they were fists. As most of the marines there were Imperial Fists or Scouts back then.


That's a rough draft example On That.



Ok good!

Right so now it's time for some back and forth, I ask stuff you answer I ask why, that kind of thing. As I said before this is mostly to get you thinking rather than I need a concrete answer, don't feel like what you say is the final draft as it were. I'm sure loads of these pressurised answers will change as you think more and more about stuff or think about something that it turns out you really like.




'Possibly Ultima because I like the name and nostalgia for the Ultima series. But most of the people at the store I've been trying to build an army to join seem to like Tyranids and Tau. Some have Eldar.'

Ok, well there's all three of these running around Ultima, so that's good. The people you play with will probably have factions or groups inside those three that actually aren't there but that really doesn't matter, you can brush that small detail under the rug when you play. Just don't tell people here you're currently fighting Ulthwé Eldar

I'm using my phone, the mobile version doesn't have a problem.

In the browser version there's a button that says paste, it'll open a box you're meant to paste into, then it puts it in the post.

Or at least that's how it used to be, my laptop used to disagree with me on that anyway . . .

Then it's done what it used to do to me, the box where you are meant to paste into hasn't shown up.


That's ok, you've sent me the post to put up here, so here it is;



BrightStarNova said:


The people at the recent store I've been checking seem to have had had several armies. Several guard and eldar, several traitors, and several tau. The main Eldar there are Yianden and Biel Tan.


That is in terms of companionship and friendship. But they do often try to visit their parent chapter for advice and conferences.Well the chapter I've been making isn't so heavy into Scrimshaw like the Fists are. They practice it occasionally, but prefer decorating armor to skeletons.


'They don't trust many factions but that's based on rumor or from having dealt with inquisition declaring attacks on worlds when they believe they could have been saved. But they follow orders even though they occasionally make protest notes. They do so very politely and try to flatter the ego of the inquisitors. They dont want to get attacked like the Celestial Lions were. They are BIG on Honest and Honor. And they have contempt for those that dont admire honesty.



That depends on the kind of mutation. Increased strength and abilities are tolerated. But blatant and obvious diversions are subjective. They don't trust them very much. The 2 implants is a sore and nagging issue with them.


They try to avoid fighting other chapters. When they do, it is a "Training Routine" in many scenarios with paint instead of actual ammo.

They do fear the minotaurs because they have nowhere near as much funding and resources to combat them. They try to avoid them in general.


They strongly distrust salamanders but would ally with them. But they dont fully trust or like them.


They often cooperate with the inquisition. But they hate some inquisitors and like others. That varies from person to person.


They admire their mastery and skills, grace and beauty, but they also hate them because of their open attacks and contempt for non eldar. They might consider occasional truce with the eldar in order to fight stronger foes. But they do occasionally interact with them in peaceful manners. ( In 2nd Edition There Was Actually A Half Eldar Space Marine Librarian. I Thin He Was An UltraMarine. )


They find it a futile effort because the necrons seem limitless. They are loathe to send warriors to fight such a foe. When they have the chance they raid tomb worlds and attack the insides of monoliths or tombs with sieges and explosives rather than direct combat.


They hate them because they are parasites that drain worlds of resources and despoil nature and lands. Leaving barren rocks in their wake. They have actually attempted to restore some worlds through terraforming. But they have not made much progress in respect to that. In terms of terraforming, they are extreme ameteurs in comparision to the eldar in that aspect.


They are so so with the adeptus mechanicus. They admire and respect them greatly. But they also prefer infantry attacks rather than using tanks. They are not a well funded chapter so they try to adjust and teach their marines not to rely on tanks they dont have. (Mostly I barely have money and am trying to build an army from the beginning. Trying to make a justified fluff reason.)


They are not sure but they have fought with the sisters in training routines. But they find them rather zealous and extremely opinionated. They dont appreciate being told what to do by people that aren't brother marines, the inquisition or similar higher ranking people.


They know the value of stealth. They prefer open volleys of mass shooting and missle fire, but they can realize when such tactics wouldn't be as appropriate.


They greatly respect the red scorptions. They also dont like Ogrynns and Ratlings. They like Ogrynns more but dont like them. But they do admire their strength.


'They have a mix between crusades but have a low amount of worlds they recruit from which are near areas frequented by Eldar. So much so that the planets have Elven Names.'


It would be Alaitoc Eldar probably. The marines themselves have names that seem a mix between German and Elvish. They might name the worlds what the people call that place or might have some other reason.


They have Imperial Fist GeneSeed. They admire the tactics of the Templar and occasionally employ them. But their Gene Seed comes from the fists.


I used to have a Librarian with a Jump Pack that would fight against traitor marines. He would lurk in ambush with several other jump pack marines. Then they would jump and attack and instant slay them. People actually were sort of afraid when Animus Orbitus took to the field. (Not Bragging).


They meant the 14th as they HATE the other number and are also worried about another attack.



I'm not quite sure.


The chapters I seem to like most are the Imperial Fists and Dark Angels. I like the Blood Angels but hate how unstable their Gene Seed is. But I love the vampire aspect. Ultramariens I like except I hate their legion number.


My Chapter is very ritualistic and superstitious.


They are 90% Likely to be Imperial Fist Descended if they get created. Currently there are only 4 Close combat and assault weapon marines I painted in the Imperial Templar Scheme but with the White Helmets to denote Veteran Sergeant Status since I had them from a decade ago and the Librarian who could be Animus Orbitus in a different suit, or an Apprentice of his.


I almost considered Dark Angels but I dont like the traitor aspect, the primarch's name, and even though I sort of like them they half feel right and half dont. Even though I actually had an Angels Of Retribution or Angels of Vengeance army years ago. If I ever made another Dark Angels Successor they might be called "Angels Of Honesty" or "Imperial Angels" as some Ideas.


But This army is a Fists army and I really like Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists lore. Except the 2 Implants. That's the only aspect I dont like and like my army, that aspect annoys me quite a lot . Not complaining but actually tried to incorporate that annoyance into the army itself.



That wouldn't let me past. Maybe you coul paste that as a quote. I Apologize For Bothering You On That.





I'll reply to this later

Right! So another huge post incoming!


At this point people tend to fall out over how much they have to change or delete. So there's two ways you can move forward now;


1) ultimately except that this is YOUR chapter, YOU have total control over what they are like. You don't have to listen to anyone on here. If this is just to add a flavour to your tabletop games then you don't need everything to fit perfectly into the 40k universe, most tabletop games don't and they're still fun to play. Everyone has their own opinion. Yours is just as valid.


Or 2) read the comments below and realise I'm not destroying your work. I'm trying to get it to fit into the huge, messy and complicated universe that is 40k. There will be others here who will disagree with me, they're most likely just as right in what they say, if not more correct than me.


Keep going with this, you'll get there.

So, here's my comments;



The people at the recent store I've been checking seem to have had had several armies. Several guard and eldar, several traitors, and several tau. The main Eldar there are Yianden and Biel Tan.

Ok, well I'm sure we can help you build up some fantastic historic or current battles and rivalries with these groups.


That is in terms of companionship and friendship. But they do often try to visit their parent chapter for advice and conferences.Well the chapter I've been making isn't so heavy into Scrimshaw like the Fists are. They practice it occasionally, but prefer decorating armor to skeletons.

Many Chapters do visit their older brothers, Ultramarine Sucessors are known for it. For your Chapter it's a case of tracking down the Fists and the Phalanx, wherever in the galaxy that may be at the time.

On the schrimshawing bit, why do they decorate themselves as skeletal? Is there an undertone of death in their minds? Do they want to represent death to their enemies? Or is it more about themselves and maybe how they feel dead already or guilty for Dorn's failure to protect the Emperor?


'They don't trust many factions but that's based on rumor or from having dealt with inquisition declaring attacks on worlds when they believe they could have been saved. But they follow orders even though they occasionally make protest notes. They do so very politely and try to flatter the ego of the inquisitors. They dont want to get attacked like the Celestial Lions were.

They wouldn't know about the Lions being attacked by the Inquisition, no one but the Templars and the Inquisition really do. This happens during the Third War for Armagedon anyway so it's so far in the future it couldn't shape your thinking process.

It's healthy for a Chapter to be wary of the Inquisition. No need to outright fear it, but understand it's powerful. No need to suck up either, many Inquistiors expect Space Marines to be big headed and in control. So just carry on as usual, don't do anything bad and all is well!


They are BIG on Honest and Honor. And they have contempt for those that dont admire honesty.

They know the value of stealth. They prefer open volleys of mass shooting and missle fire, but they can realize when such tactics wouldn't be as appropriate.


Now to me, honesty and guile are almost complete opposites. For example it is not honest to lead the enemy to believe one thing when you're doing another, it's essential to good warfare and a brilliant tactic but not strictly honest. If your Chapter is big on honesty, I can't imagine them using what they would see as dishonest trickery. Stealth is slightly different but kind starts to slip in the same ditch.

Why are your marines so big on honesty? Where does that come from?

In relation to honour. Would some of these Inquistion missions be seen as dishonourable? Or is the Inquistion being happy more important than their honour?


That depends on the kind of mutation. Increased strength and abilities are tolerated. But blatant and obvious diversions are subjective. They don't trust them very much. The 2 implants is a sore and nagging issue with them.

So as long as it's useful it's fine?

Would they see the extra weapons provided by the bone blades on the Black Dragons as ok or monstrous?

Would they see the inhuman level of endurance displayed by the Sons of Antaeus as a benefit or unnatural?

Some would say growing tentacles is a benefit but it's heresy so it deserves to die in the eyes of the Imperium.

As a Chapter obsessed with purity, would they really tolerate mutation because it's useful?

Why do they care so much about these implants?

I get it stems from your own personal dislike of them being missing, but why would they care? The Fists don't, the Templars don't, the Crimson Fists dont. Why do your marines want to be 'complete' so bad?


They try to avoid fighting other chapters. When they do, it is a "Training Routine" in many scenarios with paint instead of actual ammo.


That's a concept I've never heard of before. Not knocking it, just new. What I meant when I asked this was, if it came to war between two Chapters, full battle gear and bolter rounds, pure hatred, then would your Chapter fight or try to talk out of it?


They do fear the minotaurs because they have nowhere near as much funding and resources to combat them. They try to avoid them in general.

So they fear them because they'd lose?

Space marines are all destined to die one day, wouldnt it be more honourable to lose fighting something seen as evil, rather than run it for the sake of survival?



They strongly distrust salamanders but would ally with them. But they dont fully trust or like them.

Is this because of the mutations? Or something else?

Do you personally like them or dislike them?


They might consider occasional truce with the eldar in order to fight stronger foes. But they do occasionally interact with them in peaceful manners. ( In 2nd Edition There Was Actually A Half Eldar Space Marine Librarian. I Thin He Was An UltraMarine. )


Illiyan Natase is an impossibility. In the 2nd Edition many things were still being worked out, things which have been changed and cemented since then. This hybrid for example is illegal in the modern 40K, ignoring the fact he is an astropath who went on to work with the Dark Angels and then the Ultramarines, as a Chief Librarian in power armour. There is a reason he is no longer around.


However that said there is still some records of space marines and Eldar working together, mostly against chaos or necrons. These sometimes end with them turning on each other, usually for misunderstandings. But sometimes it works out and everyone goes home. That doesn't mean they can hang out or share a planet however.

By the way, to a space marine, there is no beauty in the xenos.


They find it a futile effort because the necrons seem limitless. They are loathe to send warriors to fight such a foe. When they have the chance they raid tomb worlds and attack the insides of monoliths or tombs with sieges and explosives rather than direct combat.

It's never futile to fight the Emperor's enemies!

If a huge force was heading for a forge world, would your Chapter let them pass or fight?


They have actually attempted to restore some worlds through terraforming. But they have not made much progress in respect to that. In terms of terraforming, they are extreme ameteurs in comparision to the eldar in that aspect.


Space marines have no ability to terraform. This is an ancient art of the old Mechanicum, that was lost to history. Not even the Adeptus Mechanicus can do it well anymore.

Besides your Chapter is full of warriors, not people who restore dead planets.


They are so so with the adeptus mechanicus. They admire and respect them greatly. But they also prefer infantry attacks rather than using tanks. They are not a well funded chapter so they try to adjust and teach their marines not to rely on tanks they dont have. (Mostly I barely have money and am trying to build an army from the beginning. Trying to make a justified fluff reason.)

How about you just say they don't have many tanks? Or that the tanks are elsewhere while your army is on the table top, busy fighting something somewhere else, far far away?

As I've said before you'll need good relationships with the AdMech to create these implants.


It would be Alaitoc Eldar probably. The marines themselves have names that seem a mix between German and Elvish. They might name the worlds what the people call that place or might have some other reason.

As I've said the Imperium doesn't care what the Eldar call it, they call it something else. The Space Marines would be the same, as they ultimately fight for an alien free Galaxy.

Why do you want Eldar names for the planets? Is this a personal thing?


I used to have a Librarian with a Jump Pack that would fight against traitor marines. He would lurk in ambush with several other jump pack marines. Then they would jump and attack and instant slay them. People actually were sort of afraid when Animus Orbitus took to the field. (Not Bragging).


They meant the 14th as they HATE the other number and are also worried about another attack.

They avoid the number 13? Is this a personal thing because space marines usually don't care so much. And everyone will laugh when they call the 13th Black Crusade something else. It's the 13th because it's bad luck.

Also it's impossible for your Chapter to be new when the 13th Black Crusade is on. As the 13th Black Crusade is at the end of the timeline.

The Ultramarines made an effort to prove that 13 isn't an unlucky number by being good.

Are you personally superstitious about the number 13? As you've avoided it at all costs.


My Chapter is very ritualistic and superstitious.

In what sense? About death? Symbols? Tradition? Faith? What do they feel brings good fortune and bad fortune?

Does this help them or hinder them?



I feel like you should work on this heroic Librarian, let us know who he and what he's done. I'm interested to know.


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