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An Imperial Fist Descendant Chapter.


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I meant that the fists are obsessed with scrimshaw. My chapter would rather decorate weapons and armor. For example some Templar carry around lanterns with skulls in them.


Then maybe they can have a neutral relationship with the inquisition. Or try to be on good terms with them but don't always follow orders. Like if they get an order they don't agree with they will tell them to find somebody else for that task.


Rogal Dorn was also supposedly a major fan of honesty. He was even reported to have both almost never told a lie ever if at all, and was renowned for being the most honest primarch. The chapter doesn't favor deception tactics but occasionally like stealth. But they rarely use that. But they are always honest when in conversations. But they do occasionally try to find loopholes.


The scythes from the dragons would be fine. Beneficial mutations are fine by them. Such as the Wings Of Sanguinius.


If the mutation was like a tentacle hand they would probably replace it with bionics.


They might accept a mutation if that is unique to an individual as long as that doesn't compromise the gene seed .


They care about the implants as they don't feel as superior as other marines that have those. They also have a completions sort of compulsion. That might also drive them to search relentlessly for relics and artifacts, complete missions when they might be better served going somewhere else. And similar examples if that makes sense.  Some might say they are so completionist that they could be considered obsessive compulsive.


They would not seek confrontation. They would try for a peaceful solution. Then a compromise. If they had to fight they probably wouldn't shy away from a fight without good reason. But if it didn't benefit them they would be reluctant to commit resources to a fight.


They wouldn't want to fight the minotaurs because they know there is a difference between being brave and foolish. They wouldn't want to send troops to fight an opponent they had no chance against. Also if "rumors" about high lords backing them were true they wouldn't want to risk their own chapter. But they would probably try to intervene if it was to protect innocents.


With the dark and the red glow they sort of seem like traitors. So they find them tough to distinguish between clever traitors and honest marines. But they give them the benefit of the doubt and will fight alongside them more readily than certain other chapters.

(I actually had a salamanders army once. )


Then they might occasionally ally with elder against greater foes and then agree to leave the area if they fought well together as a truce and respect for each other in battle. Not as allies or friendship, but the honor of not immediately attacking due to having recently fought together. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be willing to fight those very same elder the next week for example?


They would send what resources they had available to fight. They would send several people to warn the forge world. But they wouldn't commit the entire chapter to a single battle or war.


Then probably no to the terraforming unless there was plausible way of doing that, like secretly using xenos artifacts. But even then probably not.


Then perhaps they haven't requested many tanks as they prefer infanty and jump packs? The tanks could be somewhere else, like in the larger battle instead of that particular skirmish.


Well the names like Mytharion, Mytharius, Mikkaru, Mythrynn and some other ideas might fight but some of them seem more Elvish than Space Marine. So merely trying to make sense and also name's block.


I'm very superstitious. So they might not be new if they were 7th founding. I didn't used to be so superstitious and obsessive compulsive but I've had many traumatic experiences since then. I actually fought several battles and reports in that campaign years ago with some marines on each side. The berserkers had iron or wolves in the name. The Imperial army was either Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, or both. They actually got into one or two of the lists of combatants. Not any major references. Merely that they were there.


They are very superstitious in general by nature and try to learn much about beliefs in order to fight that. As their superstitious nature has hindered or delayed them on occasion. Such as how the adeptus mechanicus believe they have to light incense and pray whenever they turn a bolt.


Animus Orbitus was a Librarian in the Imperial Fists chapter. His original armor was blue and he wielded a force weapon ( Forgot what kind but the figurine didn't have a helmet.) He was gifted a set of yellow armor and lightning claws by another space marine chapter. He used them for a while but went back to his original weapons and armor. That greatly offended the unknown DIY chapter and they went from friends to neutral at best. The artificers of the other chapter took that as an insult to the honor and skill of their chapter.  They were offered a chance to become friends again during several battles with ships in space( Taking place in battlefleet gothic) But they didn't have the ships or way to get there to assist the other chapter. They received no word of the other chapter ever since.


Animus Orbitus and His occasional guard would concentrate on the greater heroes of the enemies and would concentrate upon the infantry when they had taken care of those. He slew many monstrous creatures. He was wounded in a battle with one of them. After that the records were not available to mention if he recovered or if his apprentice took his position ( I don't have that figurine anymore so I've been considering using a Librarian with a Force Axe either as Him or an Apprentice)



I tried to post pictures of the Imperial Templar and Imperial Fist style paint jobs for some variations between blue and yellow. The yellow actually was better than the blue. But it wouldn't let me put pictures even with url On That.



Thoughts on the idea of a similar paint scheme as the Imperial Fists, but a darker golden yellow?  I ask even though I like both but the yellow actually seemed much better than the blue when I did a sort of dark inkwash On That.



Ordered 3 Tactical Squads. So The Army In Theory Has 3 Tactical Squads, 4 Veteran Sergants ( I Used White Helmets For Them. I Think That's Right) And A Librarian With A Force Axe And Jump Pack.


I was considering assault squads next but not sure.  I Love Missile Launchers, And I Love Jump Packs. That's Why Dark Eldar Scourges Were So Awesome. But For Marines I Think Melta Bombs Is Their Optio.



Hello again!

Have you come any closer to coming up with a name for these guys?

Or a colour scheme? Have you decided to go with yellow now?

To post a picture here, I've had to upload it to my gallery as an image and then use that URL to put it here.

These two things make it much much easier to see them as actual Astartes. A colour scheme makes it easier to visualise them acting out as living beings; walking down the corridors off their ships, fighting xenos, boarding drop-pods, doing handstands and so on. The name makes them seem more familiar, less like strangers and more real. Also makes them easier to reference biggrin.png

As for your reply to my ceaseless questioning:

Lots of Chapters keep skulls and other macabre items on them, some are from friends and allies, sometimes its from worthy enemies or punished traitors. For your Chapter, is it the occasional skull or are they into having lots of skulls?

If you're going to refuse the Inquisition, you have to be aware that's technically illegal under Imperial Law and would warrant the Inquisition taking aggressive investigations against you. Depending on the strength of the actual Inquisitor this could vary in result from an annoying man with little power claiming your corrupt, to a whole cabal of Inquisitors trying to kill you, Celestial Lion style. Which would make an interesting side story. Anyway I feel that you like being a good guy but don't want to do bad things because you followed orders. . . .hmmm stick with what you've got for now. The strong sense of honour your guys have would mean they'd stand by their decisions and claim they cant do certain stuff. Like you said. That was a redundant paragraph.

For your Templar Fist People, I would recommend keeping stealth to a minimum, maybe just keeping it with the sneaky 10th Scout Company. This way your marines still seem headstrong like Black Templars and they've faced their enemies for a good honest fight (to the death).

As for the mutation scenario, it seems strange for them to be obsessed with purity but ok with mutation. In 40k ANY mutation is seen as bad because its different to what the God-Emperor apparently made. Like God apparently making mankind in his image, its bad if you stray from that ideal because then its not what God decided, its the same in the super religious Imperium of 40k. Even Space Marines believe this to a degree. So usually beneficial or not, if you're different then that means you're bad and must die, horribly.

I'm not saying "hate all mutation!", however if you choose to not mind the occasional mutant then be prepared for other Chapters and groups to look down on you or in some cases think you're a heretic and should die, horribly.

I like the 'make us whole' vibe I'm getting from their missing implants. I'm sure you don't mean it to be, but in my mind this drives them down a road where they get dark minded, paranoid and obsessive. Where they get overly-protective of what they have and defensive of what they haven't, even if no-one mentioned it. Like a self-hate saying they're not good enough.

Although I'm fairly sure that in reality these guys are just censored.gif about it.

The Eldar Allies bit sounds much better, far less heretical thumbsup.gif

Are the names Mytharion, Mytharius, Mythrynn and Mikkaru unchangeable?

​On the Necrons bit, most Chapters would refuse to send the whole Chapter, seeing it as foolish and stupid unless there's a big reason. For example in The World Engine, the Astral Knights have a reason they have to stop the World Engine before it hits Varvenkast. For this reason they act differently to the other Chapters involved in stopping the World Engine. Most Chapters keep a Company or two on their homeworld at all times in case of invasion. ​

What I was trying to say was that Space Marines don't really get to avoid fights, because of who they are and what is expected of them they kind of HAVE to fight, there's no other reason for them to exist.

Besides, every xenos or traitor your Chapter doesn't kill is an insult to their precious honour. blink.png

It's fine if you're superstitious, just be careful on how that affects these superhuman warriors who often care very little for such things. In future I would recommend avoiding calling the 13th Black Crusade the 14th, people will genuinely think you're either jumping the gun on the next one (if there ever is) or that you're talking about another set of Crusades they haven't heard of, I did. Instead just call it Abaddon's latest Crusade or his Last Crusade. That way there's no tempting fate on your end and no confusion this end msn-wink.gif

Not that your guys will see much of it unless they're fighting there.

Space Marines can be superstitious, but usually its related to battle and is something more obvious than dodgy numbers, random coughs on voyages, birds associated with bad luck or other omens like that. They may think a particular Captain is cursed if he consistently faces impossible odds, or that a Brother that lost their Standard is doomed and bad luck. Maybe going into battle without a fresh clip is seen as testing fate? Or a marine who doesn't have an instant smooth link with his 0armour at the start of a campaign is apparently destined to die in that battle?

Do you see what I mean?

I like the idea of this Librarian, I'm not entirely sold on Animus Orbitus, if only because it could just as easily be the name of a ship or weapon. If you want to keep it, I wont try to stop you, its your name. But I do like the idea of an assault Librarian acting as a champion killer.

On a side note, he could always have painted the new suit blue and used that (even if you just kept the model the same) unless this is based on a real rejection?

Anyway, this hero needs to be brought back into the fight!


Oh! The model could be his apprentice and the original is now in a Dreadnought doling out advice and occasionally vengeance?

(I don't know . . . )

Actually I meant the other Templar chapter seem to carry skulls in lanterns around with them. My guys don't seem to do that as much. But they do like to collect a trophy from each battle when possible. Preferably a fragment of an opponents weapon or army. Hide in the case of a Tyranid. If it is a weapon they attack the weapon or purify it in some manner. Such as if they found an elder weapon perhaps they hurl that against a plasteel wall so nobody can actually use the item. But if it would be heresy they wouldn't do that.  That's merely an idea for a series of trophy mounds. Some in the chapter prefer to avoid touching the xenos filth altogether and have developed a habit of placing beads or gems in a pile , or coins where each represents a battle.


So what would be better? Refusing to do certain acts? Doing them , but under protest but still being compliant? Refusing but suggesting some chapter who might be more willing? Being eager to help either way?

When the inquisition does a task that doesn't conflict with their sense of honor or morals, they are more than happy to help and prove their loyalty.


They can appreciate stealth and know the value, but rarely actually use that. Some of them have contempt for stealth, while others consider being stealthy to land a drop pod in the middle of a base from nowhere and barge in bolters roaring.


Nope. They generally hate most if not all mutation. But they hate open and noticeable mutation most. Perhaps they hate mutation in general but with rare exception.  It might also be an issue of debate among the marines of the chapter, with some having various opinions depending upon each marine or captain? It's tough to explain or ask what I meant. Some might consider a mutation with n actual proof being there other than itself, such as increased strength as a Blessing. But others might seem suspicious of why somebody seemed so strong.


The obsession and paranoia about the wanting to be complete was actually sort of what they were trying to be. But also able to solve that such as acid spray dispensers in the mask or portable stasis packs in their armor. They are highly plausible and have no effects on the rules except maybe some dice bonuses when trying to escape in one of those old flavor scenarios where they need to escape and the cell is made from iron bars or some such.  Some of them might actually be glad they don't spit acid as they might have to be more careful why and when they spit. Such as spitting in the wind during a sandstorm and subsequently melting a guardsman behind them. maybe?


Those were names of older characters and heroes. So might be changeable, but most fist and Templar names I've found seem Russian, German, Chinese, and Japanese.  Most Crimson Fist Names if not all that I've found seem either Portuguese or Spanish.


The worlds they recruit from vary in clime from Ice World To Temperate, but some are medieval world level. Some are more advanced. No real difference aside from story and terrain generation.


They aren't cowards but refuse to commit an entire chapter to a single campaign when they can avoid doing that.


They don't call that crusade the 14th. They merely refer to it as the "most recent"  That might have been a typo or mistake when explaining.


Well they are not religious but will pray for Good Luck and Blessings at shrines dedicated to the Emperor although they don't know if they consider him to be a God. But they don't discourage people from thinking that as they don't know one way or the other.


Their official paint is  like Imperial Fists, but with a darker kind of earthy yellow with an ink wash to be darker but similar.


I might try to make a new thread on this topic as I decided what founding and chapter they would be from. Your  questioning does help mostly. But the issues about superstition are solved in that they might not be so superstitious. But will occasionally seek blessed relics. Sort of like Relictors, but not nearly as heretical or extreme.


As for Animus Orbitus, I don't have the original Figurine anymore and I deeply regret that. But I actually found His Arm. So that might actually fit into the lore as if he went missing but all that was found was his arm. It was His Arm and Armor, and half of his lightning claw.


The Force Axe Librarian is being patterned the same way as how Animus was. I haven't decided if is Him or an Apprentice. But if it is the Apprentice I would consider converting the arm to be hanging from the belt of the new Librarian.


Another idea could be that the new armor is the embracement of the gift of the armor from the other chapter and He found the Axe more wieldy.


Merely more ideas and this is interesting making a new chapter.


Imperial Templars is still the best name But I might need a new badge for them. But the Red Cross seems good so far. But might be different to fit with the yellow of the armor.



No I know you meant the Black Templars, I was just saying lots of Chapters do it, not just the Black Templars.

Drop pods to the face are far from stealthy, it's direct and full of noisy violence. As a rule the Imperial Fists and their Successors are big fans of the conventional battle, all out attrition warfare where their superior might crushes the enemy. I've personally imagined your chapter following similar methods of war. However if you'd rather go down a more tactical approach that's fine too, just need a reason a Chapter so close to their progenitors don't follow their methods.


The names of the marines in those Chapters are all inexplicably human, avoid Eldar sounding names.

To be fair the only bit in the names that sounds off is the Myth bit. It's adds a fey element to an otherwise decent ending. If it's the names of heroes important to you then keep it regardless, at the end of the day this is yours and important bits should stay. If it's not that important I would advise rethinking them.


In regards to the Librarian's arm, I would recommend having it as a relic to the Chapter, stored in a shrine. Like the bones of Dorn's hand, it could be the last part of a hero. On that note it' would look strange to have an arm hanging from the belt, and unweildly. Could always mount it on his backpack if he has to have it somewhere, held across the top like a mounted sword?


Have you got any images? Or is it still a problem getting them up here?


On the names bit, Imperial Templars is fine, as far as I know no official Chapter has it.

If you ever want a name that's further away from their progenitors I'd recommend;


Wardens Veridical

Oath Keepers

Knights Inviolate

Amber Fists

Golden Crusaders


Keep going with this, we're starting to uncover who these guys really are, I'm looking forward to seeing them


I find that the most important first step of creating a chapter is finding a name that you like and will stick with in the future.

Another important early step is to find a colour scheme that suits you. The best ways to find a good colour scheme are to: try out painting some miniatures in different colour schemes or use the B&C painters.

An ideal step would be to write down your ideas in a word document or on paper so that it is easy to find when you come back to fluff that idea out, without having to sift through pages of comments.

For your chapter's history, you should try to come up with some ideas for important battles that have taken place throughout the chapters history, these are likely to be moments that define the chapters character and shape their future. These battles could range from: Betrayal amongst their own ranks to the loss of their leadership, a Chaos incursion on their homeworld to the destruction of a Tyranid splinter fleet. This will help to fluff out your chapter and show that they are a force not to be messed with.

If I went with the arm strapped to the backpack that would probably get knocked aside in combat or by the wind since the pack is a jump pack.


If It was the original animus but in new armor it could be that he went with the gift weapon and armor or new armor completely but actually came to embrace the idea. If it was the Apprentice the Apprentice might rename Himself as Animus Orbitus Elf Secondus in tribute.


It wont let me paste words or pictures.


When I try that gets stuck on the insert url but then doesn't accept or even let me leave the page.



I said El, as in El or Le, meaning "The" Such as Animus Orbitus El Secondus which would translate as "Soul Reaver The Second." Roughly.


I don't know how.


The army idea might be good. but that seems sort of awkward and tough to imagine.


Animus= Soul. Orbitus= Reaver/ Bereaver   El/Le= The  Secondus= Second(As Far As I Know).



They have  the same paint scheme as the fist but darker with an ink wash. But they sort of need a badge design as well. I don't have transfers. So an easy design would be better.     One of my old armies had a V on top of an M to make it seem like a Bat. Another old army I had was an army called The Beast Hunters. The Beast Hunters were Bright Blue, with a Yin Yang Symbol.


(It's not that I had so many figurines, it's that I kept repainting them trying to decide what army I wanted. So they were the same figures with tons and tons of paint figuratively.)




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