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1,000pts EC List for Maelstrom Tournament


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1,000pts list for III Legion in Maelstrom tournament - I welcome feedback and advice:




Eidolon - RoW 3rd Company - 185pts




10 Kakophoni - Orchestrator (Artificer Armour) - 290pts

D/T = Rhino


10 Legion Tactical Squad - Sergeant (Power Weapon, Artificer Armour) - 210pts

Additional CC

Sonic Shriekers


Heavy Support:


Spartan Assault Tank - (Armoured Ceramite) - 315pts





Kakaophoni are backfield objective getters/holders.

Eidolon and Legion Tactical Squad are in Spartan, charge up the board towards opponents back line. Eidolon and Tacticals can split off and take a unit each if required. 


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Have you looked into a Legion Delegatus? For 1000 pts you have a lot of points sinked into two models that I do not think will be worth their points: The Spartan and Eidolon.


I am sure they will both survive, don't get me wrong, but I do not think they will make their points back and/or have a huge effect. I think taking the Delegatus with two squads of Legion Veteran Tactical Squad for versatility and the Kakophani as a Heavy Support Choice would be more worth while. Plus, if your Delegatus survives you gain a VP!


Just made this list (And it keeps the Spartan...maybe for one of the Tactical Squads?)


+++ New Roster (890pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (890pts) ++
+ HQ (65pts) +
Legion Centurion (65pts) [Power Armour]
············Rite of Command
················Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]
+ Troops (285pts) +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (160pts) [4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Flakk Missiles, Tank Hunters]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (125pts) [4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Sniper]
+ Heavy Support (540pts) +
Legion Spartan Assault Tank (295pts)
The Kakophani of the Emperor's Children (245pts) [9x Chora]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [iII: Emperor's Children, Traitor]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
This is just a broad stroke list to improve upon
(DISCLAIMER!!: Have not done a game of 30K yet)
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Griffon - thanks for the reply.


I looked into using a Delegatus with Chosen Duty or 3rd Company.

The problem with 1k points is survivability, especially in Maelstrom where you need to score points each turn. 


In the end, I used the list at Warhammer World, and the Spartan only died once (MB's and 3 Kraken's) did for him on T4 of that game. However, Eidolon did serious work, so glad I took him over a Delegatus. 

He single handidly killed and sweeping advanced more points than other model killed in the whole tournament and got MVP. I7 on the charge, in a challenge, with a 5 S8AP2 attacks.. wrecked vehicles, tactical squads and even solo'd 3 warlords. 


It was the Spartan that was the hero, able to move up and disgorge Eidolon and Tacticals into other troops - sweep then consolidate objectives etc. 


The list you put out Griffon could be killed pretty quick and not having relentless Kakophoni limits their use to only 36" range - relentless gives 42" etc. Bio-Shocking a delegatus and their squad killed them all by rolling that juicy 6 on the D6 after they failed their leadership from unsaved wounds.  

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Nice work on the list GG! Looks like it would have been a real beatstick list to play with.


Only suggestion for future games is to swap the Tactical's bolters for chainswords and pick up a flare shield on the Spartan. ;) Would need to find another 5 points, but that would be a brutal upgrade!

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Yup. This is something I realised as only 1 person brought a tactical support squad with MG's and still only 5 of them, I was worried about more Melta weapons but there was none so it was wasted. 

A flare shield is something that is now stock on my Spartan following this event. 


Dropping the bolters, would save me 2pts a model but they are modeled with them so it's WYSIWYG and I have to keep them. 


I now have put Eidolon into all my fluffy lists as anything higher than 2k Fulgrim is better imo, esp. for Maru Skara.


As a note, I did manage to win the tournament with this list but mostly through the Sons of Horus player who finished 2nd, whiffing all his kraken missiles on my spartan and my Kakophoni running away through killing themselves via Gets Hot! (5 in a single shooting turn).... running back onto an objective. Next turn, I drew secure Objective 2 twice!! 


Be great to hear more stories of the III Legion showing others up, like we were meant to do ;-)

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