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mechanicum 1500 pts first try


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Ty for your help Frater Domus I have changed some things and what do you think


mechanicum legio cybernatica 1490 pts army




Archmagos Dominus (260 pts)

+ Abeyant, Cyber-familiar, Machinator array, void shield harness




Adsecularis Covenant (50 pts)

+ Las-locks, The rite of pure thought


Adsecularis Covenant (50 pts)

+ Las-locks, the rite of pure thought


Castellax class battle-automata maniple (290 pts)

+Castellax +darkfire cannon, castellax +darkfire cannon, enhanced targeting array, frag grenades


Castellax class battle-automata maniple (250 pts)

+Castellax, Castellax, enhanced targeting array, frag grenades


Thallax Cohort (145 pts)

+ 3 x thallax, phase plasma-fusil


Thallax Cohort(145 pts)

+ 3 x thallax, phase plasma-fusil



++Heavy support


Thanatar Class siege-automata Maniple (300 pts)

+ enhanced targeting array, paragon of metal


Any suggestions on how I can make this better thanks

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Just a quick question, what else is your Dominus equipped with?


Checking my Mechanicum Red Book, I make him out to be 220 with an Abeyant, Cyber-Familiar and Machinator Array. I assume the final 40 points are on weapons so is there any chance you could add in what they are when you get a moment. Cheers.


Other than that, I should point out that the rules for the Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort says that for Fast Attack and Heavy Support choices, a unit with the Cybernetica Cortex rule must be taken before any other unit.

Your Heavy Support is fine for this, however, Ursurax don't have this rule and so I don't think you'll get to fit them in this list as you will need a different Fast Attack choice first.


Cutting the Ursurax does however free up 190 points you can spend. I'm just learning the Mechanicum list myself so I can't offer too much advice but I would say your list is a little lacking in anti-tank.

I would therefore use this 190 points to purchase a Krios Venator with Extra Armour (155 Points).


That will leave you 35 points to give your Thanatar Paragon of Metal (a great upgrade so your Dominus can babysit the Castellax whilst allowing your Thanatar to roam).

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Your Thanatar should be 300pts. I would consider taking bolters and power blades on your second castellax maniple or a siege wrecker. I'm not sure how useful the two meltas would be especially compared to the dark fire cannons.
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