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scale... Gladius vessel? )


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Hey everyone! smile.png

Getting back to 40k after a long break, and along finishing my Guardians of the Covenant 40k army, want "wierd" smile.png

With release of battlefleet gothic armada, and rumors about restart it's tabletop version, i decide to built one (or maybe more after) of SM vessels (to shelf, or, maybe, some boarding action game)

so, here is the question: anyone met something like this, maybe blueprints, or inside arnament diagrams?

For outer look will use 3d view from Armada game

Thanks! smile.png

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thanks all for replies!


40k ships are terribly large, so you may want to consider just a few decks, that's about all I know.


yeah... transfer founded size's of ships into game scale, and figured that smallest SM vessel (Hunter class Destroyer) will be 20 meters (65.62 ft) long :)) (Battle barge - amazing, almost 160 meters | 525 ft !) 

too big for starting alone atm :) 



I would recommend playing boarding action games of Zone Mortalis. You could link the games in a narrative type style and have a great time.


yes, after calculating sizes will look in that side. But, i think about 3D-space-hulk terrain, that found in the web :) for hulk itself, and boarding actions (with adding more wide rooms).



anyway, building whole ship or its part, will be thankful for pictures or schemes of ships interior, i guess someone here really a big fan of SM battleships, and have wide collection of theirs interior :) (maybe, i must wait for SH: Deathwing PC game, to see that myself :D)


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