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2k White Scars - Chogorian Brotherhood


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Hey all.


Just a small tester list that I've thrown together with an eye to field after I'm done with my Word Bearers for ETL V. I'm not completely satisfied with it, as it seems as if I'll run into some issues with the footslogging portion of the army; any thoughts?


HQ - 360pts

- Legion Praetor - 195pts - Master of the Legion: Chogorian Brotherhood, Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Legion Scimitar Jetbike /w Heavy Bolter, Paragon Blade

- Legion Centurion - 165pts - Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Consul: Librarian, Psychic Mastery: Level 2, Melta Bombs, Thunder Hammer

Troops - 935pts

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 330pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant (Power Fist), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Plasma Cannons, Melta Bombs)

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 330pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant (Power Fist), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Plasma Cannons, Melta Bombs)

- Legion Tactical Squad - 330pts - x1 Legion Tactical Sergeant (Artificer Armour, Power Fist), x19 Legion Tactical Space Marines (/w Bolt Pistol and Chainsword/Combat Blade)

Heavy Support - 705pts

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron - 240pts - Legion Predator Tank (Sponsoons: Lascannons), Legion Predator Tank (Sponsoons: Lascannons)

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon - 290pts - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (x1 Grav-flux Bombard)

Total Points: 2000/2000

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So from a competitive point of view and not fluff here goes.


Praetor - absolutely fine although check out the Cyber Hawk if want to run infantry. 10 points is worth it every time.


Librarian - this guy is good and meshes well with the Jetbikes but honestly he's too many points.


Jetbikes - as much as I hate it plasma cannons are the worst option as you Jink you can't shoot. Volkite is the best option as it goes well the heavy bolters of the rest of the squad. Melta is OK if you really need more anti tank but armoured ceramite kills melta in 30k.

Also power Glaive instead of power fists every time. And even then they are not really needed as you don't want your Jetbikes in combat.


Tactical squad - why? What are they adding to your list a support squad wouldn't, ore even outriders, or nearly any other choice.


Sicaran battle tank - yes!


Predator squadron - for what they are armed with I think another Sicaran would be a better choice and free up more points. Failing that give them the plasma turret and scare the hell out of your opponent.


Leviathan - yes! But only with a drop pod. Seriously don't take him unless he has a pod. I know that seems harsh but you need this guy in the opponents face straight away.



As much as I hate to say it this list is also not legal. Chogorion Brotherhood requires you to take fast attack for every heavy support. So if you have 3 heavy support you need 3 fast attack.


Sorry brother I don't want to rain on your parade. Genuinely happy to help as much as possible. I recently done a write up about my experience with the Chogorion Brotherhood RoW. Feel free to check it out



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Hey man, that's alright; I'm largely angling for competitiveness over fluff at the moment. I'm not surprised I didn't catch the Fast Attack/Heavy Support issue; I'm stuck using BattleScribe at the moment, and it doesn't seem to display everything all the time. Limitations, I guess? :p


With that said, I've scaled the list back and knocked it around a bit; the Centurion is gone, the Tac Squad is gone, the Jetbikes are equipped with Volkite Culverin's, the Predators have been swapped out for another Sicaran and the Leviathan has a drop pod now. This leaves me at 1520/2000pts, with a need to take three Fast Attack choices to balance things out with the Heavy Support.


Three Attack Bike Squadrons, Land Speeders, a Seeker Squad, Storm Eagle, w/e? I'd love to be able to keep the Centurion (although, as you pointed out, he's too many points if he's got everything on him).


HQ - 205pts

- Legion Praetor - 195pts - Master of the Legion: Chogorian Brotherhood, Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Cyber-hawk, Legion Scimitar Jetbike /w Heavy Bolter, Paragon Blade

Troops - 610pts

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 305pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant, x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins, Melta Bombs)

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 305pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant, x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins, Melta Bombs)

Heavy Support - 705pts

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon - 290pts - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (x1 Grav-flux Bombard, Dreadnought Drop Pod)

Total Points: 1520/2000

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Definitely grab phosphex for the Leviathan.


Afterwards, maybe just grab some outriders with(out) special weapons to give you more scoring units.

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As usual I agree with slipstream. Phosphex for the Leviathan is a good idea. Your list at the moment lacks the ability to pop a Spartan easily. Personally I would squeeze in 1 or 2 lightnings with 4 kraken missiles, ground tracking augaries and battle servitor control and then take some Javelins maybe? Off the top of my uead the Lightnings with that build are 210 points
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With those alterations, that produces the following.


HQ - 205pts

- Legion Praetor - 195pts - Master of the Legion: Chogorian Brotherhood, Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Cyber-hawk, Legion Scimitar Jetbike /w Heavy Bolter, Paragon Blade

Troops - 610pts

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 305pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant, x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins, Melta Bombs)

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 305pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant, x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins, Melta Bombs)


Fast Attack - 495pts


- Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - 75pts - x1 Legion Javelin Attack Speeder


- Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter - 210pts - x2 Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles, Battle Servitor Controls, Ground-tracking Auguries


- Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter - 210pts - x2 Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles, Battle Servitor Controls, Ground-tracking Auguries

Heavy Support - 705pts

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon - 370pts - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (x1 Grav-flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod)

Total Points: 2030/2000


That'll put me a little over the limit; I could drop the melta bombs from the jetbikes?

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That may not be a bad idea. Personally I only generally run them on Sargents as they so rarely get used. Failing that maybe a normal speeder instead? Probably won't do anything though. If you dropped the bombs though and also dropped the Cyber Hawk as you have no infantry that could actually use it. These points could be used to put melta bombs on your Sargents and Praetor. Maybe give the Javelins a lascannon and 2 hunter killers and maybe even add some armoured ceramite to the list off the top of my head.

The javelin can outflank so even 1 lascannon and 2 crack missiles may get luckyour on rear or side armour

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Right, so with that in mind, the alterations come out as;


HQ - 200pts

- Legion Praetor - 200pts - Master of the Legion: Chogorian Brotherhood, Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Legion Scimitar Jetbike /w Heavy Bolter, Paragon Blade

Troops - 560pts

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 280pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant (Melta Bombs), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins)

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 280pts - x1 Sky Hunter Sergeant (Melta Bombs), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Volkite Culverins)


Fast Attack - 515pts


- Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - 95pts - x1 Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (Twin-linked Lascannon, x2 Hunter-killer Missiles)


- Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter - 210pts - x2 Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles, Battle Servitor Controls, Ground-tracking Auguries


- Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter - 210pts - x2 Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles, Battle Servitor Controls, Ground-tracking Auguries

Heavy Support - 720pts

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Legion Sicaran Battle Tank - 175pts - Sponsoons: Lascannons

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon - 370pts - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (x1 Grav-flux Bombard, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod)

Total Points: 1995/2000


I think that's a fair build, aye?

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