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Another look at the Ruststalker

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Here we are again!


In the past I have been a notable proponent of there being no solid argument for the choice of twin transonic blades over the chordclaw and razor combo.


However, with the upcoming FAQ in regards to grenades being limited to one per unit in combat, the gap has been closed and a dataspike (available to both loadouts) is now the largest factor in haywire capability.


As a side note, I have heard that (not done the mathhammer myself) the transonic razors cause more glancing hits against AV10 rear armour than haywire anyway (through weight of attacks). With transonic blades being even more effective due to +1 Str.




My mathhammer didn't come out correctly here so I have edited it to a shortened version.



Transonic blades - 4.083 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 3.369 wounds



Transonic blades - 11.667 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 11.667 wounds



Transonic blades - 8.750 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 7.416 wounds



Transonic blades - 7.000 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 7.000 wounds



Transonic blades - 2.917 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 2.694 wounds




As you can see, I have been doing a little mathhammer. The results are that the twin transonic blades win out versus troops every time (sometimes by a little, sometimes by a moderate amount).


With this in mind and the changes to grenades, the advantage of the chordclaw and razor loadout is diminished to the charge through cover bonus.


I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts, and if my mathhammer is incorrect please do let me know. I do have the data for the 2nd round with AP2 but it comes out the same as the charge with transonic blades equal or better in all match ups.

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Isn't the cord claw with fleshbane?

It is but it's only a single attack with fleshbane combined with the razors reduced strength compared to the blade.

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With the new FAQ, I definitely have to agree that the math plays out in favor of the TSBs in the majority of scenarios.  Though I do have to wonder who is still using Ruststalkers at this point, as it seems locally they just get cleaned off the board by massed Autocannon/Missile Pod spam.

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With the new FAQ, I definitely have to agree that the math plays out in favor of the TSBs in the majority of scenarios.  Though I do have to wonder who is still using Ruststalkers at this point, as it seems locally they just get cleaned off the board by massed Autocannon/Missile Pod spam.

I still use them and it is surprising how tough they are against things like bolter Fire.


how about a tough target like a wraithknight or a MC which would be better then?

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how about a tough target like a wraithknight or a MC which would be better then? 


Something very interesting indeed!


The Wraithknight is toughness 8 (which is crazy).


Wrightknight - 1st Round

Transonic blades - 1.750 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 3.416 wounds


In theory the Ruststalkers can wipe out the Wraithlord on this first round in the charge.


In the second round as below, the results are similar except that other than the 1 fleshbane attack the other attacks cannot hurt the Wraithlord at all. Despite this, it still comes out on top of the transonic blades.


Wrightknight - 2nd Round

Transonic blades - 1.333 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 2.083 wounds


I really don't think that Ruststalkers are the right counter for Wraithlords but if they can cause 3 wounds on the charge, who knows?

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No math hammer myself but my games corroborate it.


Blades kill more marines but Chord is useful for that one big MC.


Having built 3 squads (for the Formation) I have 1 w/Chord, 2 w/Blades.

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how about a tough target like a wraithknight or a MC which would be better then?

Something very interesting indeed!


The Wraithknight is toughness 8 (which is crazy).


Wrightknight - 1st Round

Transonic blades - 1.750 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 3.416 wounds

In theory the Ruststalkers can wipe out the Wraithlord on this first round in the charge.

In the second round as below, the results are similar except that other than the 1 fleshbane attack the other attacks cannot hurt the Wraithlord at all. Despite this, it still comes out on top of the transonic blades.

Wrightknight - 2nd Round

Transonic blades - 1.333 wounds

Chordclaw & razor - 2.083 wounds

I really don't think that Ruststalkers are the right counter for Wraithlords but if they can cause 3 wounds on the charge, who knows?

Correct me if I'm wrong but transonic weapons always wound on a 6 so with enough attacks they can tear into monstrous creatures just fine.

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I've only fielded my ruststalkers a couple times (they're a recent addition to my army) but their ability to charge through cover at initiative has helped every single time I've charged them.  I will give them a shot with the blades, but if I had fielded them with blades so far they would have had heavier losses in every major fight they've been in.

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I definitely wouldn't advise pitting Ruststalkers vs a WK, it will stomp on them before they get to use the transonic AP2 (which is a pretty lame rule).


That said though I find Ruststalkers are a good compliment to Infiltrators. I mostly only run them in War Convo though, too much S6+ ignores cover stuff out there.


Leave GC killing to the Grav Destroyers or IKs.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but transonic weapons always wound on a 6 so with enough attacks they can tear into monstrous creatures just fine.

I accounted for this effect which is essentialy rending but with guaranteed ap2 in second round.

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Consider me still unconvinced. 


I will not trade the ability to charge through cover on initiative, put out 2 extra haywire A on a turn (thrown and melee) and extra MC killing for some minor boosts against T4-5.


And T6 (I guess?), but that is still irrelevant (for skitarii/CM) because we have grav to frag those.

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If i know my opponent is bring some sort of close combat vehicle (hey there deamonengines of Khorne) then the ruststalkers are my go to guys. i can usually get a higher weaponskill, strike most of the times first and with a 8 man unit i get 9 haywire attacks with zealot. In any other case infiltrators are better then ruststalkers. 

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Just noting again, there's a huge difference in the Blade vs Ravor choice when we are talking about 1 Unit of Rusts vs say 3 Units of Rusts.
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