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Forge Fathers: Ignition


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The drop pod launched from the Strike Cruiser Fire Dawn




The drop pod enters the upper atmosphere




The Kharybdis begins to level out as it approaches the surface, before dropping in a cluster of mushroom like plants.


0. Drop complete.


The doors pop off, revealing a Sternguard Veteran squad. Their leader emerged first, looking around. "Brothers, we've landed aways from the battle. We'll need to get closer for the Terminators to port--WHOA!" The Sergeant was interrupted with a Mawloc tunneling out of the ground. "Focus fire! Plasma guns, on my mark!" Most of the squad fired into the Tyranid with their Bolters to distract it, while the two Devestator Marines attached to the squad readied their weapons. The two plasma blasts wounded the beast, but it held ground. Suddenly, a chorus of lasguns and a couple of mortars brought down the tyranid to the sound of "First Rank, Second Rank fire!" as an Imperial Guard infantry platoon came over the hill. "My lords, are we glad to see you. Never thought they'd send Space Marines. I am Sergeant Barack, of the 14th Darulian Reginent. Little far from the battle aren't you." said the Sergeant. The Space Marine Sergeant frowned, "We'll need support. Have you any transports." Barack nodded and pointed over the hill, as 3 Chimaeras approached. The Veteran Sergeant headed towards one of them. "We'll be commandeering one of your vehicles."


The Chimaeras trundles over the hill as they approached the battle. The Marines inside used their power halberds' flamers to keep off the gaunts attacking the hull, and plasma guns for anything bigger. Eventually, they got closer to the middle of the battle, and the Sergeant activated the Homer built into his power fist. Soon enough holes in the Warp tore open as Terminators ripped through, Heavy Flamers and Power Halberds at tg e the ready.


A single Tyrannocyte ejected to the surface and disengaged the largest Tyranid creature yet seen on the surface.


It was a Hive Tyrant. The Terminators attempted to charge, but they were blown off by the swarms surrounding the beast. His sword tasted human blood, cutting the Terminator Armour with ease. The Veterans disengaged out of the Chimaeras to help, but took too long getting out. The Terminators were dead. The Veteran Sergeant charged, bellowing a challenge. The Tyrant turned, receiving him readily. Soon they were in close combat. All of the Tyranid's attacks were parried, while the Veteran hit with ease. The Tyrant attempted for a final blow by bringing his Boneswords together, but the Veteran dodged before stabbing his halberd into the Tyrant's neck, killing it.



The battle was over and cleanup had begun. It had been 7 hours since that Sergeant had slain the beast. As the Space Marine Thunderhawks were landing and transporting them back to the Strike cruisers, as the Veteran Sergeant moved towards his transport. The Imperial Guard Sergeant, Barack, rushed into the landing zone. He kneels in front of the Veteran. "Sir, I must ask what is your name!" We shalt sing it from the mountaintops, the tale of our hero!" The Veteran Sergeant turned around, looking down at the human. "Who am I? Let your bards sing of this, Barack. I am the Emperor's Fury, the Force behind his hammer. I am His Grace, the Wielder of his sword. I am His Mercy, the Hand behind the Imperium. I am a Space Marine. And I live to serve."


With that a Space Marine walked behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Chapter Master, we must go." The Chapter Master boarded his Thunderhawk, and the Sergeant was left in awe.

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