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The Corpse Grinders 2500


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Hey guys, im going to enter a small tournament at my local warhammer store soon. haven't played much as i've been focusing more on the painting side of things.

Im not super worried about being competitive and also from few games i've had fliers haven't been a problem.

I like the idea how iron warriors have siege aspect to their game so i've tried to embody that as best as i can.


So with that in mind here we go


ROW: Hammer of olympia


Kyr Vhalen- XXX


tactical squad- 20x. art armour,  vexilla, power weapon


tactical squad- 10x art armour, power weapon vexilla rhino. 215 


tactical squad- 10x art armour, power weapon vexilla rhino. 215 


veteran squad- 9x, art armour and power weapon, heavy bolter w/ shrapnel.. rhino. 260 (Kyr here) *this unit was a support squad with volkite to begin with*


Apothecary x1, aug scanner 50


siege tyrants- 2x chain fists sgt has combi weapon. 310.  (combi is purely cause of wysiwyg)


3x predator  1x magna melta and heavy bolters, 2x plasma exe and heavy bolters (bolters all have shrapnel)- 410


2x medusa  310


Iron Havocs- 5x lascannons. sgt- aug scanner- 265


initially i didnt have iron havocs in there i had a leviathan but i decided to drop it as my space wolf army is dread focused.

In my mind i thought iron havocs camping my deployment with Kyr's trait on them means they are almost guaranteed to hit what ever they aim at between BS 5 and re roll 1s.


so how did i do? 


thanks for input



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