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2k Iron Warriors, Iron Fire

major higgins

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Here they are, revisited and better balanced...


A precision: it's not a list for tourney, but for fluff game between 4 friends...



Siege Breaker + Catafract Armor + Chain Fist + Combiplasma




3 Rapier Battery + Shatter Shell


Contemptor Cortus + Plasma Cannon


10 Iron Warriors Veterans + 2 HB + Melta Bombs + Power Weapon + Nuncio Vox




10 Iron Warriors Tactical + Melta Bomb



10 Iron Warriors Tactical + Melta Bomb





Dreadclaw Drop Pod




2 Basilisks


1 Vindicator + Laser Array


5 Tyrant Siege Terminators + 1 Chain Fist



Siege Breacker will go with Tyrnat Siege, his BS5 combi-plasma is for close support before a charge or a counter charge.


Cortus is there for close support and countercharge, because usually loyalist use BA with lot of dropping units in turn 1 and lot of Armor 2+. A blast of VP2 weapon and a charge with Rage, if needed, could mess his plan.


Veterans are my Ace of Spade units. They may take sniper and act as anti infantry, they may take furious charge and engage from drop pod enemy devastators, or tacticals. And with 10 meltabombs they may charge enemy tanks and blast through them easily. Again BA player and Loyalist DG player run lot of predator and Sicaran. The possibility to land between enemy lines and the combination of Nuncio Vox and Rite of war allow me to deliver easily a lethal barrage without fear to hit my own men...


Dreadclaw is for veterans, but in some situations it may be used for Cortus, or for Terminators too (without Siege B. obviously)


I prefer Basilisks on Medusas because of the range, which allow me to strike far Devastator or Support vehicles out of range of their main gun.


Advise or considerations that I missed?


Ah yes... We run Traitor Iron Warriors and Night Lords VS Loyalist Death Guards and Blood Angels

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How come you are running a seige breaker but not taking advantage of phosphex on the mortars or are they more for pinning units in place?

I think it's because it's a fluffy game between friends? I hope lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mortar are good enough with normal shell, and usually I use them in direct fire missions because of the high number of Contemptor/predators my friends run.


Now with the new book I've got a reduction of cost here and there, so I changed slightly my list in this way:


Traitor Iron Warriors

Iron Fire Rite of War 2000 Pt




Siege Breaker + Catafract Armor + ChainFist + Combi Melta 



3 Rapier Quad Mortars + Shatter Shell


10 Veterans + 2 M. Lunchers + Power Weapon + Nuncio Vox + M. Bomb 



1 Contemptor Cortus + Keres Assault Cannon 



10 Iron Warriors Tactical + Melta Bomb + Nuncio Vox 



10 Iron Warriors Tactical + Melta Bomb 




2 Basilisks 


5 Tyrant Siege Terminators + Chainfist 


7 Iron Havocs + M. Lunchers + Augury Scanner + Art. Armor

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