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Ultras Comp List Logos Lectora


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The Logos Lectora Competitive List



2000/2000 Points, 6 inf, 6 vehicle/flyer


Guilliman (Gives Sicarans Tank Hunters, rides in LR with Suzies and FL)


Forge Lord


Master of Signal (Logos tax)


Suzerians (5 men, count as compulsory troops thanks to G-Man)

LR Phobos DT (Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade)


Tac Squad (Rhino, other than that barebones)


Tac Squad (Same as above)


Sicaran (with Lascannon sponsons)


Sicaran (same as above)


Ziphon Interceptor (with strafing run upgrade)



-anti inf covered with the tac squads, G-man and Suzies, Sicarans in a pinch plus the orbital bombardment from MoS

-anti flyer covered by xiphon

-AT/anti Spartan covered by xiphon and Sicarans with tank hunter

-Sicarans can be given implacable advance tank hunter or even interceptor

-weaknesses?? Possibly overall lack of punch if xiphon fails to come in

-at 2.5k Suzies upped to 10 men, LR Phobos exchanged for Spartan, tac squads receive vexillas and stuff, add quad mortars

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Logos Lectora is considered by many to be one of the least competitive Rites of War out there. It's imbalanced - lots of restrictions but very few benefits. I'd almost go as far as saying it's terrible.


The stuff you have taken is absolutely fine though. Without the extra taxes of LL, you could make this a very strong list!

- maybe swap the MoS for a Damocles, as it improves the odds of getting that Xiphon in on Turn 2 to 83%. It can still do a bombardment too.

- drop a Tactical Squad and buy some upgrades man! Artificer armour on EVERY Character, dozer blades on all the vehicles, Vexillas for the Tactical Squads, gear for the Forge Lord, that sort of thing.


Apart from that, it looks like you've got the measure of Ultramarines. :)

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