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Blood Angels 3kb- day of revalation


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Hi all,


So not seen any 9th legio astartes threads up here, I'm building to a list sort of, so this is my attempt of not going ott on assault marines, and syncing with other units.




1 Damocles

1 praetor, paragon, jp, other goodies.

1 consul Libby/chaplain, jump pack



2 squads 15, e power weapons, sarge has fist, shield, AA




2 cortus dreads with chainfist, grav guns and dreadpods

1 squad 10x cataphractii termies, 3 cf, 3pf, 2 lc, 2 assault cannons.


Fast attack

2 tarantula batteries, assault cannons


Heavy support

1 fire raptor, auto cannons

1 Kharbydis assault claw

1 leviathan dread, grav flux, claw, phosphex, assault cannons, dreadpod.


That is 3k, so what would you change and why?

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Pretty similar to what I was thinking for 3k Day of Rev!


Couple of initial things:

  • You are currently at four pods, you really want 3 or five to maximize your force, especially as you really need that Kharybdis and Leviathan coming down turn one but probably don't want to sacrifice the Cortus' arriving to the dice gods.
  • Unless the Heavy Flamers on a tarantula are two individual ones, you can't upgrade them to assault cannons. The weapons have to be individual :( same way DA bikers can't have plasma repeaters on Outriders.
  • You need a Fast Attack Choice with the Flyer/ Deep Strike rule. Though, I guess Tarantulas can take Deep Strike can't they?

Otherwise though it really plays into the theme, you will have a LOT up in your opponents face turn one and hopefully between the Kharybdis and assault marines even get some good pinning going with luck.


Personally I'd lose one contemptor and the Tarantulas and get some other Assault Cannon Goodness in there. Attack bikes are incredible, you could even pop the Librarian on a bike for Divination!


A Single Land Speeder Javelin is also a great unit. Outflank for 5 S8 Shots, one of which has Melta.

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Blood angels are the 9th legion!


Got a couple of issues with your list. Need a deep striking fast attack. I would go with some jetbikes.


Also would drop a dread to make your pods 3. Odd numbers are the key.

I don't have book on me but can you take a Damocles? I thought all ha must take jump pack but maybe it's just the compulsory one.

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Bah, I meant 9th, I was reading something else when I was typing! Have changed.


I assumed tarantulas deep strike? Or are they actually infiltrate? I was out today, but will have a looksy, I have a missile land speeder, was thinking of sticking assault cannon on that creature.either way, that can be replaced, I originally had it in there.


I think it's compulsory troops must have packs, Damocles is an option, however it takes up a whole hq slot. For this much ds stuff, (hopefully it survives) it will be essential to land within the no scatter zone, plus the orbital barrage wills pace out my opponents lines (if not, thanks for the tally)


I understand about odd numbers and pods, so what do you suggest? I really want dreads in there, maybe a deathstorm? I don't think anything else can take a pod.

Mainly because I have 3 temptors I'm putting together tonight lol

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That is an interesting idea! I was thinking of putting a character with them, but decided to chuck him in the assault squad, and the Libby/chappy in the other. Terminators generally do pretty well.

I think the t1 will help with dreadpod positioning. Using that extra cove save for my infantry.

Besides forts, what else gives me a plus chance on the reserves?


I have an idea for day of sorrows, but that's another thread soon!


Out of interest, what do you mean with twin linked hvy Flamers and assault cannons? Is there an faq I missed somewhere amongst all the gw stuff Iv ignored lol

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Well it's just simply rules as written.


Any model that has the ability to take a Heavy Flamer and take an Assault Cannon for Xpts. Heavy Flamer =/= Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer, so you can't swap those out for a TL-AC etc.


It was clarified in an email regarding the DA wargear; Plasma Repeaters. They can be swapped out for any unit with a plasma gun. So people wanted to give them to outriders (as they are a Salvo weapon and thier relentless would make them amazing), but as Outriders have Twlin-Linked Plasma Guns, the swap isn't possible as confirmed by FW email.


Interested to see how you do Day of Sorrow. I can't see any redeeming qualities in that Rite of War personally. "Well, I suppose you just murdered half my scoring unit... I suppose I'll give up scoring for a 5+ FNP..."


With a 4+FNP it could've been cool.

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Il have a chat with them this weekend at the open day, see what's said about them. The problem I find with emails is they can be two fold, and I'm not sure on the process for passing up questions. Il actually as about that too (the designers)


Day of sorrows is emo-space vampires. I think Itl be a challenge, but I played EC so I like a challenge haha

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Just re looking at this, if I deploy with JUST the Damocles on board (say I don't get 1st turn) and it gets destroyed, say from orbital bombardment etc, does that mean I automatically lose the game? I got confused with all the FAQs etc so now I have no idea where anything is anymore legally.
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I've been postulating scouting squads with Nuncio-Voxes, but they don't seem popular with people who actually, you know, play games of 30k, so take that under advisement. My thoughts were minimum sized Recon squads scouting up into the mid-field to provide a safe Deep Strike for the Assault Squads, aiming to drop them somewhere safe to try for turn 2 assaults.

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That's pretty much my scope.

I have played since heresies inception, so I think I have seen recons a total of 0 times!

I will probably hold off on any decisions on new models and lists completely as I pick up the new legion book Sunday, and there are points chnages apparently.

Will be interesting to see why comes of it, I'd love destroyers or breachers to get a little drop, would likely try to include them into the army.

Dropping 18 breachers, medic and character would be horrid!

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Hopefully Recons will get something in the new book this Saturday that means they are a little better.


Cheaper camo would be amazing, just to sit there gone to ground with infiltrate to make some amazing deep strikes.

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Hopefully Recons will get something in the new book this Saturday that means they are a little better.


Cheaper camo would be amazing, just to sit there gone to ground with infiltrate to make some amazing deep strikes.

That'd be something, that's supposed to be their job!

2 units out of those gives a good range forward. Probably more reach than a Damocles.

I think those are the only two that give non scatter out aren't they?

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Hmm, makes it a bit more interesting, what unit would you stick him with? Il have to look, but can it be a Tac support squad?

tac support squad cant be your compulsory troops.

i would personally choose a big raven guard tactical blob with ccw and bolter for holding the middle of the board and mowing down some traitors who attempt to assault your recently arrived assault squads

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Didn't think so, il have a think, there's nothing but tacs I suppose!

My assault squads I plan to hide behind my dreadpods for extra cover buffages.


I'd use a recon squad with him. But they are a bit pants. I'm excited to see what comes of the new book Sunday!

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You lose automatically if you have no models on the board at the end of the game turn, IE after both players have had their entire first turn. So if the Damocles gets nuked before your turn, you still get your first turn.


Thats incorrect, and a common 40K cross over rule. In 30K you lose "If at any point, unless specified by the particular mission, a side has no models present on the table"


So no null deployment and that Command rhino being blow up would lose you the game instantly.

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