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Mongrels of Bodt: Dark Compliance and Mechanicum 3k

Dr. Clock

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Hey all,


I've been sort of slaving over this list for a while, and I've arrived at the following:


Army of Dark Compliance:


Khârn - gorechild - 190

Force Commander - master power fist - carapace - Halo - 95

Genecrafted Cult - 135 (+1S/I; Zealots)

Legio Mortis - autocannons - 135

Legio Mortis - autocannons - 135

10 Rampagers - pw/ 2 caedere - 260


8 Rampagers - pw/ 2 caedere - 220

30 Levy - 40

30 Levy - 40

30 Levy - 40

2x Ordnance batteries - 150

2x Ordnance batteries - 150

6 Ogryn Brutes - 2 CCW - 2 PW - 305

Taghmata Allies

Archmagos Prime - Ordinator - Abeyant - Machinator Array - rad grenades - 225

2 Domitar - flakk - 360

4 Scyllax - 135

4 Scyllax - 135

3 Vorax - frag - Irrad - 240



This is obvoiously a 'themed' list of a hardened core of nutters running up behind a meatshield of gibbering madness.


It'll be 90 Levy across the front, Vorax on one flank, Scyllax and Archmagos on the other, Domitar and Ogryns up the centre, Mortis and artillery in the back, and the Rampagers either outflanking or positioned where they'll be most helpful.


With plenty of pie plates, rad, and weight of attacks, I'm looking forward to adding many skulls to the Throne.


It's basically all angry, all the time.


I'm thinking power-mauls on the Ogryns, just because S8 makes them decent against even heavier armoured units. Maybe one maul and one Axe though, for theme and help vs 2+ saves. Might not be precisely necessary though, as with genecrafted and a good amount of Rad around, Ogryns can get into Instant Death territory for MeQs. Still - nothing says KHORNE like a minotaur with an power axe, amirite?


Anyhow - thoughts?


I won't be adding in transports to this list... it's designed to be much more a 'tidal wave' of angry/gribbly. I may end up swapping the Rampagers for bp/ccw tacticals, just because Troops are a bit more critical in HH. Likewise Super-heavies - that'll come after the 3k horde is completed.




The Good Doctor.

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