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Sons of Horus 2k to build upon


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I´d greatly appreciate the community feedback on this potential list for my SoH. I want to make an all comer list that represents the XVIth attacking some planet (Molech is the perfect example) using their typical spear tip tactics: brutal, decisive, fast.


Without further ado:


+++ Sons of Horus - Talon of Horus (1999pts) +++



+ HQ (240pts) +


Damocles Command Rhino (100pts)


Maloghurst the Twisted (140pts)

Rite: Pride of the Legion





+ Troops (959pts) +


Justaerin Terminator Squad (394pts)

7x Justaerin Terminators

7x Combi-Weapon

1x Chainfist


Legion Terminator Squad (310pts)

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

1x Chainfist

3x Power Fist

Sergeant with Thunderhammer


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (255pts)

Tactics: Furious Charge

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier

9x Legion Veteran Space Marines

Veteran Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Power Weapon




+ Heavy Support (800pts) +


Legion Heavy Support Squad (165pts)

4x Legion Space Marines with Missile Launchers

Sergeant with Augury Scanner


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw (260pts)


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (375pts)

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

Armoured Ceramite

Leviathan Siege Drill

Phosphex Discharger




Maloghurst joins the heavy support squad deployed besides the Damocles Rhino, which will be able to carry them later on for added mobility. Both fire from the backfield.

The veteran tacticals on Rhino give them support initially and launch to grab mid field objectives later in the game.

As for the speartip, turn one has the Kharybdis and DDP crashing right between enemy lines and deploying the terrible payload of 7 justaerin and 1 leviathan (painted in justaerin colors for added fluffiness), and blast to pieces with death dealers, turn one increased BS and the melta guns on the Leviathan any armored vehicle that´s an immediate threat.

The Damocles then throws his orbital bombardment in some infantry blob, and the heavy squad focuses their fire along with it.


Turn 2 the justaerin and Leviathan charge behind enemy lines whilst the Damocles advances to give cover to the Veteran Tacticals and serve as a mobile barricade until it´s destroyed. The vets advance and start positioning on midfield.


Then the dreadclaw with the cataphractii terminators deploys in the midfield to support the tacticals in conquering no mans land or supports the justaerin assault.


Maloghurst will hold the backfield to prevent any deep strikers wiping in CC a defenseless unit like the heavy support.



I could drop the Damocles and add some more justaerin and a melta lance to the leviathan to increase alpha strike shock power.

I could replace the Cataphractii in the dreadclaw by some reavers so I can take the Long March ROW and make my heavy support squad relentless.



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