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Imperial Fists 3k- Siege (hopeful final) list


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Heres my IF 3k list with the help of Battlescribe



Starting with the man himself- Sigismund

Hes rocking a Legion Command Squad with 4 power weapons and combat shields with the banner

They are  accompanied by a Chaplain with artificer armor, boarding shield, solarite gauntlet and melta bombs for that ZEALOTness

And also hanging with them is a Primaris Medicae with AA, boarding shield melta bombs and a power weapon



Apothecary with auger

Contemptor with chainfists, grav weapons, and he flies around in the anvillus

Legion quad support battery*3



Tac squad- vex, extra cc, AA, MB, PW, Rhino-Dozer

Tac Squad 2- vex, AA, MB, PF, Rhino- dozer

Tac support squad *5 


Fast attack


Anvillus dreadclaw

Lightning with 3*2 Kraken and battle servitor control



Deredero with aiolos

Spartan with armored ceramite and flare shield

Leviathan with armored ceramite, melta lance, drill, phosphex, volkites and DDP cause 30k


Plan of battle is to have sigi,  the command squad, chappy, and PM in the SPartan ready to bring some pain (I know they are not a termi squad with him but didnt have the points and I have a cool command squad modeled up;). The Spartan charges in the middle of the 2 tac squads acting as a lateral screen against side shots. The deredero provides AA and overwatch on the 3 quad guns while the tac support squad with apothecary chills with them to burn away anyone who gets to close for comfort,  the Leviathan drops behind whatever big nasty the other side may have and melt its face with the lance and the cortus drops in against some kind of baddies I need tied up as well. The lightning is there to tap big holes in armor as well and stop any forward movement against my own spartan by the other sides flyers. 


No plan survives first contact but this list has been awhile in the making. 


Weaknesses I see- lack of heavy number of bodies. There are no expendable units but I will be mobile(while it lasts) and have a beatstick unit in the Spartan to bring some pain to most units I might come across. Expensive toys (leviathan is an arse load of points but can provide a serious PITA against armor or knights- if there are no tanks and its a list like the reaping I would pod behind an elite unit and zap away).

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