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The Legion of Broken Sons


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Hey everyone! I’ve decided to take take a bit of a break from the Heresy for some new summer projects starting with this log. I kind of drifted away from the 40k side of things for a while but I’ve been thinking of starting a 40k project for a while but couldn’t decide where to start but upon re-reading Talon of Horus I was struck with some inspiration to start a Black Legion warband.

I’m not really a big fan of a lot of the chaos kits as they are starting to look a bit dated so I’m going to use a lot of leftover FW bits and I picked up some space marines kits to start with. This will probably be a bit of slow burn log as I’m still working on some ETL vows and some AoS stuff but in time I hope to have a force to start this “gaming” thing haha. I’ll also be looking into creating some of the characters from Talon of Horus in time.

Starting with some poor photos of the first mini in a unit of Khorne berzerkers:





Thanks for looking,I'm away this weekend but I'll be assembling some more berzerkers when I'm back. C&C and any tips regarding Chaos is always welcome biggrin.png

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Noice. I'm also planning on starting up a small Black Legion project within the next couple of months, just for the fun of modeling them, and you've already inspired me to add some Black Berzerkers to the list of things I want to do. I agree with Venomlust that he needs a li'l bit of blood though, maybe just on the chainsword?

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Be great to see how this Black Legion force turn out - Dantioch, after seen the Heresy army log you've got going over in Age of Darkness.  Also to say, there always Call of Chaos later in the year if you wish to put forward any units & models?

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He looks good, though I'm not a fan of verdigris on any model. and this may be because I've recently reread the White Dwarf about the 3.5 release where they explained how they painted the studio's Black Legion army, but I feel his color scheme lacks silver... other than on the weapons I mean.

Good choice of bits... especially the lack of anything from the plastic gorillazerkers. tongue.png

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Really really like the model.

It is simple in a way that brings the model into reality. Nothing is overdone and everything works together. The understated weathering lends itself to battle-hardened fantastically.


The only thing I would do differently is use a little pigment powder around the base and ankles. However that isn't everyone's cup of tea, and isn't always suitable if you plan on hitting the tabletop with him.

I'm really interested on how you accomplished that weatherbeaten black. Black is one of the hardest colors for me.

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Thanks everyone! Got back late last night so today I'm going to spend some time finishing up my Heresy ETL vow so I can fire into some Black Legion goodness. Thanks again for the support, its much appreciated!

Love him! I'd personally cover the sucker in blood, but that's not everyone's thing. He looks suitably beaten up and brutal, though.

Thanks man! Going to add some blood to the chainsword and probably some bloody trophies to some of the others biggrin.png

Noice. I'm also planning on starting up a small Black Legion project within the next couple of months, just for the fun of modeling them, and you've already inspired me to add some Black Berzerkers to the list of things I want to do. I agree with Venomlust that he needs a li'l bit of blood though, maybe just on the chainsword?

Thanks dude! I'm flattered biggrin.png I'll definitely be adding some blood to the chainsword

I love the battle damage!

Cheers man!

Really great black legion paint job, wish you could do a tutorial smile.png

Thanks! I'll put together a tutorial with some pics when starting my next berzerkerbiggrin.png

Be great to see how this Black Legion force turn out - Dantioch, after seen the Heresy army log you've got going over in Age of Darkness. Also to say, there always Call of Chaos later in the year if you wish to put forward any units & models?

Thanks IP! Yeah I'll almost definitely participate in Call of Chaos, got some more solid ideas now of what I want to add to this force biggrin.png

Loving this guy; exactly how I like 'em thumbsup.gif

Thanks man!

Great start! Your Berzerker makes me very happy! And makes me wish I had done some damage on mine, I was just looking at them today actually...

Really looking forward to more!

Thanks dude! Spent some time going through your thread before deciding to commit to the Black Legion, its very inspiring!

He looks good, though I'm not a fan of verdigris on any model. and this may be because I've recently reread the White Dwarf about the 3.5 release where they explained how they painted the studio's Black Legion army, but I feel his color scheme lacks silver... other than on the weapons I mean.

Good choice of bits... especially the lack of anything from the plastic gorillazerkers. tongue.png

Thanks! It was my first time using verdigris just to add some bright colour to a dark model, there'll be more silver on the normal troops I tried to keep the berzerkers looking brassy laugh.png

Trying to avoid those plastic berzerkers like the plague haha

Really really like the model.

It is simple in a way that brings the model into reality. Nothing is overdone and everything works together. The understated weathering lends itself to battle-hardened fantastically.

The only thing I would do differently is use a little pigment powder around the base and ankles. However that isn't everyone's cup of tea, and isn't always suitable if you plan on hitting the tabletop with him.

I'm really interested on how you accomplished that weatherbeaten black. Black is one of the hardest colors for me.

Thanks Fortnight, I've always wanted to use powders but I've had some pretty bad experiences with them in the past so I'm trying to avoid them this time around haha. I'll be putting a tutorial together soon with my next mini biggrin.png

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Ahh thanks man! This is great, now your fellow is inspiring me to work more on my fellows :D who inspired your fellows and so on and so forth :)


The battle damage goes a long way to balancing the paint scheme, Its very well executed. I'm looking forward to more.

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I'm not off to a good start with updating this so far, am I? laugh.png Been distracted lately with some AoS stuff but I did manage to get another berzerker finished.




Couldn't get good photos when painting this guy but here's how I do the black:

-Prime Black

-Paint all over using FW's Corvus black air paint, this usually takes two layers.

-Sponge Mechanicus Standard grey on all the edges. I use the air paint version of the paint so its already thin when sponging it on.

-Wash all over with Nuln Oil

-Sponge Ironbreaker sparingly on the edges.

-Wash Agrax Earthshade all over.

-Finally paint some thin lines of Runefang steel for the scratches.

Hope this helps!

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Dantioch - Just to say, if your looking for any more idea toward the unit of Black Legion Khorne Berzerker.  You should check out the Black Library novel - Khârn Eater of Worlds.


Also the second model looking really cool.

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Much as I like the Berserkers, do you reckon you might tackle some other parts of the Black Legion? I'd love to see the Tzeentchian side represented in particular.

Thanks man, yeah hopefully I will at some point. I'm just holding out that these new Chaos rumours are true and we'll see some some rubric marines in which case I will definitely do some along with some sorcerers biggrin.png

Don't listen to him! More berzerkers! biggrin.png

Oh don't worry, more are coming..... msn-wink.gif

Dantioch - Just to say, if your looking for any more idea toward the unit of Black Legion Khorne Berzerker. You should check out the Black Library novel - Khârn Eater of Worlds.

Also the second model looking really cool.

Thanks man! I definitely will, I'm heading into GW this week and I'll pick it up if they have itbiggrin.png

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