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1750 ITS Coming up. Thoughts on this list welcome.

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I have a 1750 ITC style tourney coming up at my LGS and was looking for input on this list. This will be the first time I have brought out the War Convocation because I do not usually play this competitive. From what I know about my competition it one will be Blood angels and frequently brings 3+ flyers. Another will be Dark Eldar spamming Dark Lances and poison. He will probably have two flyers. Other possible lists based on past experience will be the following: A Gladius Strike Force, a couple Orc lists one or two Nid lists and Taudar. Maybe a knight list and a Khorne Demonkin. The most competent players are the Orcs and the Gladius. 


I am looking for two things:


1. Any changes to the current list to make it more competitive. On this note, the Crusader is the only knight have have access to currently so trading it out for a cheaper one is off the table. Also, my Ruststalkers are made up with the swords and not the grenades because I keep them as counter-chargers and I don't think I need any more help with armor. 


2. What to do with my relics. Usually I just throw a few around and don't think to hard about them but since they are free, I have a few thoughts and wanted feedback.



For the Cult Mechanicus:

Option 1: Tech priest gets the gauntlet and stays near the knight and Onager for repairs.

Option 2: Tech priest gets the Raiment of the Technomartyr and goes is with one of the servitor units to build up the flyer defense. If I do                       this I would probably reduce the number of other servitors and increase hit unit size. 

Option 3: Dominus gets the Raiment and goes in another unit, probably the rangers since they have all the Arc weapons and their 30"                           weapons can still glance the AV10 fliers.

Option 4: Dominus gets the Scryerckull Perspectus and one of the servitor units gets their weapons changed out since Haywire and                             Graviton are not counted as armor pen.



Anyhow, maybe I am to worried about fliers but I know one guy probably two will have 3+ fliers. Sorry about the wall of text, look away now to save your eyes or keep looking to assimilate data. Like I said earlier, if you can see a better way of doing this list, feel free to criticize. I welcome it.



Tech Priest                                          105

~ Power Axe     ~ Conversion Field ~ Scryerskull   ~ Digital Weapons

~ Eradication Ray:

~ Macrostubber 


Vanguard (10)                                      100

~ Omnispex ~ Conversion Field ~ Digital Weapons

~ Arc Maul: 

~ Arc Pistol: 

~ Plasma Caliver x3: 

~ Radium Carbines x7: 


Rangers (10)                                        120

~ Omnispex ~ Conversion Field ~ Digital Weapons

~ Arc Maul: 

~ Arc Pistol: 

~ Arc Rifles x3:

~ Galvanic Rifles x7: 


Ruststalkers (5)                                    160

~ Twin Swords ~ Conversion Field ~ Digital Weapons

~ Omniscient Mask (Zealot)


Dunecrawler (1)                                      90

~ Icarus Array : 48” S: 7   AP: 2     Heavy 1, Skyfire


~ Cognis Heavy Stubber x2: 

~ Cognis Manipulator:



Infiltrators (5)                                          185

~ Pistols & Tasers ~ Conversion Field     ~ Digital Weapons


Breachers (4)                                           200

~ Heavy Arc Rifle: 

~ Hydraulic Claw: Melee S: 


Destroyers (5)                                          275

~ Heavy Grav-Cannon: 

~ Phosphor Blasters


Dragoon x2                                                90

~ Lance ~ Pistol


Knight Crusader                                        425

~ Battle Cannon ~ Tommy Gun ~ Icarus Autocannon



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Destroyers don't get hydraulic claws, so not sure if that means cognis flamers or the blasters.  I like your list, I think changes would be based on what option you go for with the relics/Dominus. 


In that regard, I would say option 2 is best, then 1, then 4, then 3.  If it was me, I would probably do option 1 but I am paranoid about keeping models safe and it can be a huge detriment to me on the field, so I wouldn't recommend that!  I too feel like games that might have flyers need tons of options to take them down, so I like the idea of cognis arc rifles (or even grav - gotta love crash and burn, plus it would be more useful if the squad gets charged) to cover your bases.  I'd bet with only the one Onager everything ranged would go after it quickly in a flyer heavy list, so having a backup seems really sound.  


Of course, this might lead to some overkill since they can't split fire.  A unit of 5 or 6 arcaphrons would murder a vehicle every turn, but if they have their flyers split up you might be better off snap firing with two units than overkilling one... Tough call.  Still, I would go for option 2 and risk the overkill (the way my dice behave it probably wouldn't be overkill anyway).  

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Your right about the Destroyers. That my bad for copy/pasting the breechers when writing out the list. Thanks for the input. I knew that my relic choice would have a big impact on what my list looked like. Never had a relic so important to my list as this. Its new to me.

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Seems light on Onager actually. I'd bring down the Destroyers and Breachers a bit to get at least a second Onager or even three.


Not necessarily all three with Icarus arrays since you might meet opponents with no flyers at all.

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I think I would be more inclined to change the dragoons to las cannon Ballistarii with the points for more AA. If there was someone willing to focus down 1 Onager out of AA fear, being in a single unit is a liability.  Main reason I went with the Dragoons to begin with is the formation giving them access to the +3 str canticle makes me all kinds of happy inside.

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Grouped Onager with 12 armor & 5+ or even 4+ saves and that potentially heal themselves are pretty darn durable.


I understand the desire to focus a unit to a desired purpose but if there's no flyers you're paying a lot of points for a model that won't be doing much.


That being said I'd be more of the type to run 2 Neutron Onager in a War Convocation and leave the anti-air to cognis weapons.

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