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New book 3k Alpha legion


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Hey, got an event coming up and new book has changed what I'll be taking somewhat - need some advice.



Alpha legion - coils of the hydra (played as requiring transports).


Dynat - points

Saboteur - Combi-Melta - 95


Tac squad - 10 - power fist, power dagger, Artificer armour: rhino, dozer blade - 195


Tac squad (as above) 195


Tac squad (as above) 195



5 Firedrakes - thunder hammer, storm shield: Spartan, auxiliary drive, armoured ceramite - 685


3 rapier laser destroyers - 155


2 quad launchers - shatter shells - 140


Contemptor dreadnought - 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Graviton gun - 210



Dreadclaw - points



Leviathan siege dreadnought - grav bombard, siege claw, phosphex discharger: dreadnought drop pod - 405


Leviathan siege dreadnought - as above - 405



Alternatively, I can drop the Contemptor and dreadclaw and add in a 9 man plasma support squad with a rhino.



Comments and criticism welcome :)

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