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Sons of Horus assault on Molech (new AoD book)


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Well, since the new crusade book came up, I´ve managed to rehash my Sons of Horus army list to something that actually I´m happy with! My main intent is an army that has a good amount of versatility, punch, and is tactically flexible to play to missions.


So without further ado, here is my SoH intended list at 2,000 and 2,500 points so would appreciate your thoughts:





2000 points





Maloghurst the Twisted





Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

(10 veterans, Sergeant with Artificer armour and power weapon)

(Rhino dedicated transport)


Reaver Attack Squad

(8 reavers, jump packs, 8 chainaxes, 8 combi-weapons)

(Chieftain with combi-weapon, chainaxe, artificier armour and melta bombs)





Justaerin Terminator Squad

(8 justaerin, 8 combi-meltas, 2 chainfists)


Legion Apothecary

(jump pack, combi-weapon, artificier armour)



Heavy Support


Leviathan Pattern Dreadnought

(Cyclonic melta lance, armoured ceramite, phosphex discharger)


Kharybdis Assault claw


Legion Heavy Support Squad

(5 space marines, missile launchers)

(Rhino dedicated transport)




  • Maloghurst stays in the rearguard with the heavy support squad, all together in a Rhino for added mobility to hit targets from the side since they´re relentless due to the Long March. Mal makes them scoring plus gives them some CC defense capabilities.
  • Veterans advance to the midfield to play the mission
  • Justaerin crash in the Kharybdis on turn one in the middle of the enemy lines
  • The Leviathan charges forth along with the veterans trying to use his melta lance as soon as possible and giving hard choices on focusing on him or the justaerin that just hit enemy lines
  • Reavers are initially an assasination squad, with 20 combi-plas shots hitting on 2+ due to death dealers and an apothecary to make them more durable. After they´ve assasinated their target, they either support the veterans in playing the mission or launch forward to support the justaerin in murdering the enemy lines
Overall, pretty flexible I think and with four scoring units that are very mobile (vets and HSS with rhinos, justaerin in kharybdis and reavers with jump packs).





2500 points





Maloghurst the Twisted


Ezekyle Abaddon


Damocles Command Rhino





Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

(10 veterans, Sergeant with Artificer armour and power weapon)

(Rhino dedicated transport)


Reaver Attack Squad

(8 reavers, jump packs, 8 chainaxes, 8 combi-weapons)

(Chieftain with combi-weapon, chainaxe, artificier armour and melta bombs)





Justaerin Terminator Squad 

(9 justaerin, 9 combi-meltas, 2 chainfists, 1 power fist)


Legion Apothecary 

(jump pack, combi-weapon)



Heavy Support


Leviathan Pattern Dreadnought

(Cyclonic melta lance, phosphex discharger)

(Kharybdis Assault claw)


Fire Raptor Gunship

(Reaper Autocannon Battery)


Legion Heavy Support Squad

(5 space marines, missile launchers)





Turn 1:

  • Maloghurst stays in the rearguard with the heavy support squad, all together in the Damocles for added mobility to hit targets from the side since they´re relentless due to the Long March. Mal makes them scoring plus gives them some CC defense capabilities.
  • The Damocles fires it´s ordenance against enemies
  • Veterans advance to the midfield to play the mission
  • The Leviathan crashes in the middle of enemy lines inside the Kharybdis and remains inside
  • Reavers are initially an assasination squad, with 20 combi-plas shots hitting on 2+ due to death dealers and an apothecary to make them more durable. After they´ve assasinated their target, they either support the veterans in playing the mission or launch forward to support the justaerin in murdering the enemy lines
Turn 2 (all reserves arrive almost always due to 2+ rerollable with SOH and a Damocles):
  • Abaddon teleports in with 9 justaerin and use death dealers to fry some enemy armor with 10 melta shots on the back
  • The Leviathan charges from the dreadclaw to murder another heavy armor or the warlord of the enemy
  • The Fire Raptor comes in culling enemy infantry
  • Reavers get the charge and 20 plasma shots on something if they didn´t on turn one
  • Veterans secure their position on midfield
  • HSS keeps pummeling missiles from my deployment zone
At 2,500 points the list adds punch in the form of a full 10 man justaerin squad with a murdering beast in Abaddon which teleports into enemy lines, the Leviathan is also deployed in enemy lines as he uses the Kharybdis of the prior list, but after he charges in turn 2 the kharybdis goes to be a dedicated transport for justaerin, making them mobile and enabling them to hold objectives late in game, or flies up to support the Fire Raptor in air supremacy.
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