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Ultramarines Primarch's Chosen (New AOD book) 2k


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With the new book making substantial changes to existing units I'm happy to say that using this RoW is now a more than viable way to run a list :-D




-Roboute Guilliman (Probably a boring inclusion at this point but his army buffs cannot be understated!)




-10 man Veteran Tactical Squad, Sgt with Combi Plasma, 2 Plasma guns, Rhino, (Snipers+Outflank)

-10 man Veteran Tactical Squad, Sgt with Combi Plasma, 2 Plasma guns, Rhino, (Snipers+Outflank)

-5 Invectarus Suzerains, Landraider Phobos, Multi-Melta




-Apothecary, Artifacer Armour (joins the Invectarus)



Heavy Support:

-Legion Sicaran, Las Cannon Sponsons

-Legion Sicaran, Las Cannon Sponsons

-Deredeo, Autocannons, Ailos Missiles, Heavy Bolter



So how does it look? :-)

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Looks good. Pity you can't fit any Melta bombs on your vets though.

I'm also sad now the points allocated to AC on the Sicarans now are used to just buy the thing sad.png

And there's no way Guilliman is a boring inclusion, he's quite alot of fun to play with laugh.png Though I will admit he is a bit of an auto-include.

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I like it. Sniper Plasmas are going to be just rude. This is my own version I came up with while I was at work:





Roboute Guilliman - Primarch's Chosen - 400


Vet Squad - 4 Combi Meltas, Meltagun, Rhino, Outflank + Sniper - 190


Vet Squad - 4 Combi Meltas, Meltagun, Rhino, Outflank + Sniper - 190


Suzerains - 10 Suzerains - 325


Apothecary - Artificer Armour - 55


Spartan - Flare Shield, Armoured Ceramite, Multi Melta, Dozer Blade - 390 


Sicaran - Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons - 225


Sicaran - Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons - 225


total: 2000




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putting sniper on plasma squads is just a bit silly as the sniper rule forces it to wound on a 4+, negating it's high strength

This is incorrect in this case. Forgeworld have clarified the weapon still retains it's strength value.


It would wound a t4 model on a 2, but then wound a t8 model on a 4 instead of 5 for example thanks to the Sniper rule.

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I like it. Sniper Plasmas are going to be just rude. This is my own version I came up with while I was at work:





Roboute Guilliman - Primarch's Chosen - 400


Vet Squad - 4 Combi Meltas, Meltagun, Rhino, Outflank + Sniper - 190


Vet Squad - 4 Combi Meltas, Meltagun, Rhino, Outflank + Sniper - 190


Suzerains - 10 Suzerains - 325


Apothecary - Artificer Armour - 55


Spartan - Flare Shield, Armoured Ceramite, Multi Melta, Dozer Blade - 390


Sicaran - Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons - 225


Sicaran - Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons - 225


total: 2000




I really like this too. You've dived deeper into the Primarch's unit to make more of a Deathstar with a reliable transport.

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I like the inclusion of the Phobos. 

Will be seeing a lot more lists with this tank now with the points drop.

I would also consider Heavy Flamers for the Vets since you are going to be hitting the flanks of the enemy and getting in close and you still get to rend with them.

Still, solid list all round.


Edit: Also, you should definitely think about giving the vets Vexillas.

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Yeah the Phobos is really compelling now with it's price at 225 (245 with a Melta or Armoured Ceramite)


Guilliman's boost softens the blow of not having a Legion Vexilla with his army wide boost to leadership. Veterans don't tend to lose much in CC unless they end up getting assaulted by a specialised or dedicated combat unit in which case they're doomed whether they stay in combat or not. Stubborn rule option is also a nice way to mitigate leadership drops for free if I don't feel Sniper is necessary.


Outflank is a nice rule but I don't intend to always use it. The army feels so small without the troops on the table in the initial turns. Heavy Flamers is a great idea, especially with Sniper!


I just used this list against a 40k Chaos army last night. It was a good win for the Ultras (relic mission) and the traitors couldn't contain the Primarch and Suzerains in combat (something they usually beat loyalists in).

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List looks good!


In my experience, one squad with Meltaguns and the other Heavy Flamers

work well. I'd imagine they'd be even better now with the sniper buff.

The reason for taking those weapons is I can charge in

after shooting them if I feel it's worthwhile. 

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