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[3000] World Eaters Berserker Assault - New book!


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Kargos, Bloodspitter
[Count-as Gahlan Surlak]
(5) The Red Butchers (Khârn)
2x Twin Power Axes
Chainfist, Power Axe
2x Twin Lightning Claws
Spartan (Dedicated)
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Frag Assault Launchers
(2) Apothecary
Artificer Armor, Jump Pack
(20) Tactical Squad (Surlak)
Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Vexilla
Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armor
(15) Assault Marines (Apothecary)
3x Power Axes, Chainaxes
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(15) Assault Marines (Apothecary)
3x Power Axes, Chainaxes
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
Fast Attack:
TL Lascannon, Multimelta
TL Lascannon, Multimelta
Deredeo Dreadnought
Armored Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher, Arachnus Heavy Lascannons
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade
Sicaran Venator
Armored Ceramite


So many new options opened up with the new book! 

This is a big tweak from my fist armored list. Still has twin Spartans to deliver killy squads, but behind them is some Assault squads, with Apothecaries, no less! The Venator is my primary anti-Super Heavy unit, which can also pop other armor. The Deredeo is AA, but those crazy new Las Batteries will cause a hurt on anything! The Javs dropped in price a lot and now I get even more anti-tank - since my anti-infantry bases seem covered with all my Chainaxe-wielding dudes, which are now +1S! So, S5 Assault Squads with a slew of Power Axes and a Fist, plus Hatred! Should hurt when they hit!

I also tried to go a bit fluffy with it, which I think was a success. 


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That looks super solid, man!


You seem to have pretty much every base covered. The only thing I could see causing an issue for you is an enemy Spartan. I think it'd just be the Deredeo lascannons shooting for 5s. 


Question, are you going to upgrade that squad of tacticals with Surlak to Inductii? 

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That looks super solid, man!


You seem to have pretty much every base covered. The only thing I could see causing an issue for you is an enemy Spartan. I think it'd just be the Deredeo lascannons shooting for 5s. 


Question, are you going to upgrade that squad of tacticals with Surlak to Inductii? 


Not sure about the Inductii. Losing scoring kinda sucks, but the boost may be worth it. I think that is where testing will have to come in.

Also, I have the Javelins with Las and MM and the Spartans with the Las to help put a dent on enemy armor. Hopefully, all that should be able to do the job with the Deredeo. If not, I may need to tweak to fit in something else, like a Kraken Lighting with BSC.


Your apothecary detachment is wrong, you only get one option between Artificer, Jump Pack or a Bike.


Dammit. Reading comp fail. Correct! 


Hmmm. Not a ton of options - I guess just making them power swords would work fine. Thanks for catching that! 

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