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2.5k Blood Angels Day of Revelation - New AoD book


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Praetor w/ Blade of Perdition, jump pack, melta bombs, digital lasers, iron halo

Chaplain w/jump pack, melta bombs, refractor field

Damocles Command Rhino



20 Legion Assault Squad w/ Sargent artificer armor, melta bombs, power axe,

20 Legion Assault Squad w/ Sargent artificer armor, melta bombs, power axe

10 Legion Support Squad w/ Volkite Calivers, Sargent artificer armor, melta bombs



3 Apothecaries w/ 2 have jump packs, all have artificer armor.

10 Legion Veteran Tactic Squad w/Sniper and Outflank, Sergeant artificer armor, Vexilla

10 Legion Veteran Tactic Squad w/Sniper and Outflank, Sergeant artificer armor, Vexilla


Fast Attack

Xiphon w/ Armored Cockpit


Heavy Support

Sicaran w/ Lascannons

Sicaran w/ Lascannons



Total 2500 points


A pincer army with a punch from the top.

The support squad + apothecary button down in the front, the vets come in and hit from the flanks with fast moving Sicaran support, finally the 40 assault marines + apothecaries, praetor and chaplain drop in turn one.

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Absolutely great and thematic. The sheer number of bodies will be overwhelming. You support them well with effective firepower from the tanks.


Personally I know I'll struggle with this list. It's interesting - because blasts, Templates and barrage were so powerful and easy to come by, infantry on the table almost disappeared. As a result, myself and the other Heresy players in my area have units more geared towards punching tanks or high toughness units.


We'll be looking at more trend changes, but a great army.

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Any specials at all on the Vets? Even a couple Plasma Guns or something would be amazing with Sniper etc. Maybe a power weapon or two?


I think 20man blobs of ASM might get hard to place, could be worth dropping them to 15 and using those free'd up points to grab a dreadclaw for the Volkite Squad, getting a good landing with them, opening fire and then charging with encarmine fury (and additional CCW) would mean a hell of a lot of Pseudo S5 Attacks in both shooting and combat.

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One idea, are those sicaran tank hunting? You could get 2 las vinds with machine spirit for cheaper. And annihilate your enemy armour.

Otherwise I was thinking the same lines!

You're right, but the porblem is that I actually have two Sicarans. I also have one Venator and im looking to trade one of the regular Sicarans for another Venator. If I do ill probably replace both of them with the Venators, freeing up some points.


Any specials at all on the Vets? Even a couple Plasma Guns or something would be amazing with Sniper etc. Maybe a power weapon or two?


I think 20man blobs of ASM might get hard to place, could be worth dropping them to 15 and using those free'd up points to grab a dreadclaw for the Volkite Squad, getting a good landing with them, opening fire and then charging with encarmine fury (and additional CCW) would mean a hell of a lot of Pseudo S5 Attacks in both shooting and combat.

Seeing as how Apothecaries cant have AA, think that will free up some points for plasma guns for the vets.

I dont want to give the Volkites a Transport since I need at least one unit on the home objective. Also these are Calivers with Heavy 2, not Chargers with Assault 2, so they need to stay put to fire, although I will say that I'll be looking into getting some Chargers now considering they are a free upgrade now, meaning I get to save a whopping 50 points!

But, having two blobs of 21 marines may be hard to place. Would still be cool simply for the "wow thats a lot of power armor in my lines" factor (not to mention the vets at the flanks).

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Not enough gear, IMO. You're missing out on stuff like combat shields on AM sgts, power weapons and specials. 70 power armor bodies are impressive, but die quickly when you're not putting out much damage. You'll struggle against dreadnoughts or any massed armor.
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