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Skyclaw diorama (For colour test & fun)


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Hello folks,

As my local GW was running a painting competition for 'anything that flies' i thought i would knock together a little diorama that had been floating around my head for a while and use it as an opportunity to test a potential colour scheme for my wolves...

(sorry for the dodgy pics! unsure.png )







So there you go. I hope it gives you a bit of an idea of what I'm going for. As per usual, any comments, opinions and/or feedback welcome. smile.png



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...I have just two words for this....


Shouldn't that me Hammer of Wrath? smile.png

Nice scene, Graymane, and I really like the colors. Are you planning on making a 30k VIth Legion, or would this be applied to 40k wolves?

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Glad you like it :)

Not sure Player 404, had been thinking 40k/13th company returning type army, but I may wander back to the 30k universe. TBH a lot of it may depend on the Russ model. If I like it it would make sense to have a 30k army with it as a centre point. If not, then 40k. TBH it will likely end up being a horde of moderately furry madmen with a taste for alcohol, violence and lupine themed wardrobe choices in whichever setting I choose to place them at the time! :D

I shall see where my brush takes me....msn-wink.gif



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