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Luna Wolves list


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Greetings brothers!

I have just purchased a MK IV tac squad and plan to collect luna wolves. I'm set for painting but, my searches for it leaving me with nothing useful, I was wondering if I could get some ideas on a fluffy loyalist (either crusade loyalist or Istvann III loyalist- gotta have Garviel Loken) Luna wolves list, around 1000 pts. I know 40k pretty well but I'm a bit shakey with HH and I'm wondering what to get. Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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I've been considering this exact concept myself - Lachdannan and I have been discussing starting a Loyalist Luna Wolves & Traitor Sons of Horus army together! As Capt Carl says, the first 3 Black Library novels are where it's at for fluff. Forge World's first "black book", Betrayal, is excellent for the same reasons.


Not sure what novels you've read, but this is what I'd suggest, in this order:

1. Horus Rising

2. False Gods

3. Galaxy in Flames

4. Garro - Legion of One (audio)

5. Grey Angel (audio)

6. Luna Mendax

7. Vengeful Spirit


As for unit options... The thematic choice is to go light on Tanks. This won't necessarily handicap your list though:

- Rapiers are a great option to put in a dug-in location.

- Dreadnoughts (especially Mortis variants) will do a solid job.

- grab a Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker and give it an ammo dump. Put a lascannon Heavy Support Team and Siege Breaker in there for a serious anti-tank unit.

- Veterans are the new hotness since the update. "Marksmen" gives them Sniper and Outflank, so they can go Infantry- and Monstrous Creature-hunting.


Finally, the Rite of War "Orphans of Betrayal" is one of the fluffiest options for an Isstvan III Loyalist army. 1d4chan says it best:

Orphans of Betrayal: The flip side of Outcast Sons, for Loyalist elements of a Traitor Legion. Instead of gaining PE, characters in a challenge gain FnP(4+), all models gain Hatred against enemy armies with the same Legion-specific LA rule as they do, and if their Legion's Primarch is present in the enemy army they're immune to Fear caused by said Primarch (which is hilarious with loyalist NL vs Curze). However, they can't ally with Space Marines, lose Traitor-only options, can't take fortifications, and can't have more HS choices than Troops choices.


Hope this helps!

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