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Silver Blades Chapter

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Warcry - For the Emperor, For Humanity!
Founding - Mid M.36
Primarch -
Successor of -
Homeworld - Scadrien
Chapter Master - Chapter Master Kerrick Stormblessed
Allegiance - Imperium of Mankind
Forces - Unknown, approx 1000 space marines, at least one crusader fleet deployed
Heraldry - Dark Red (primary) Plate Metal Silver (secondary)




Chapter Colors


Created from an unknown gene-seed, the High Lords of Terra ordered the creation of the Silver Blades to fight against a growing Ork threat, but the Chapter proved itself against a Necron Dynasty the burns across the galaxy. The Novamarines 4th Company donated the cadre that taught the Silver Blades in their infancy, and they have kept a respect for the Codex since. The Chapter suffered heavy losses against the Necron Dynasty, having their numbers reduced to around 150 Astartes, and have since changed the Chapter color scheme as they rebuilt under Chapter Master Kerrick. Now only the Veterans of the Chapter wear the original colors, black with silver and red.

Based on the world of Scadrien, a Feudal planet with a strong set of Noble houses, each one training their children to become noble Knights of the Silver Blades Chapter, while also allowing the farmers, forge workers, and standing militia to put forth aspirants through the Great Trials. The Chapter stands in protection of the Agri-worlds of the nearby systems alongside the Knights of House Ferruchius, and thus has the rare opportunity of bringing these great allies into battle with them. Calm sweeping steppes and swirling seas cover the planet, and the near constant rain is always a welcome sight to the warriors of the Silver Blades when they return home. The Honor Code taught to all the people of Scadrien, from the High Nobles to the field workers harvesting grain, teaches them to find strength and pride in service, and to take their honored place in the Imperium as Humanity must take it's rightful place as rulers of the Universe. They hold the line against Chaos and the Xenos monsters of the universe, but hate none more than the great enemy that nearly destroyed them, the Butchers Blade warband, and the Tau serving humans, as these are the greatest betrayers of the Imperiums ideals. The Adeptus Mechanicus maintains a house alongside the Knights of the Sector, and the Silver Blades maintain a close relationship with them.

Combat Doctrine

The Silver Blades, prefer to crush the enemy with overwhelming power and the specialized training of their troops for either close combat or fire support. They prefer heavy attacks, teleporting in Terminators and throwing waves of Vanguard and Assault Marines at the enemy, relying of the Chapters access to plasma, specialized training, and dreadnoughts for fire support.

They have more Dreadnoughts and Terminator suits than a normal chapter, and rumors of an alliance with the Cult Mechanicus, or even worse, a hidden stash of these relics found and absorbed into the chapter discreetly surround the Chapter. The Silver Blades have a unique approach to their chapter organization, allowing the Veterans leading the recruits to select the best path for the new marines, the path of the Knight, or the path of the Archer. These are traditions taken on from the culture of Scadrien, with each person being trained to harness their talent, be it as a ranged support for the assault, or crushing the enemies in close combat. The chapter has less access to grav technology, centurions, and melta, but make up for it with missile launchers, flamers, and plasma weapons. This comes from the discovery of a STC fragment allowing the chapter to forge these powerful weapons, giving them access to weapon support lost during the year after their founding, a deep secret of the Chapter.

This chapter can often be seen fighting alongside any allies who share their values, wishing to protect the citizens of the Imperium from the dark enemies they come across. This stems from the Knightly codes of Honor the Silver Blades swear to uphold, but also from the close relationship the marines share with their home, even though they must remain distant to protect them. The Silver Blades will have no mercy for the heretics and xenos, willing to burn entire worlds if it means preventing the spread of Chaos or Xenos threats. They despise the humans who ally themselves with the Tau nearly as much as they do their hated chaos enemies, seeing their dereliction and abandonment of duty to the Imperium as a great insult, when they've given everything to become less human, to be Astartes and serve as a shield. The most common allies of the chapter are the Blood Angels, and have fought alongside Chapters across the Imperium, the Chapter have also sworn a great debt to the Rogue Trader Roch Aliclaire for aid shortly after their founding.


All the recruits of the Silver Blades are given equal chance to rise in ranks, but the Nobles are no doubt given a better chance to succeed with the wealth and training of each male child giving them an advantage over the farmers and blacksmiths children. The chapter pays homage to the Noble Houses, giving each company the symbol of one of the Houses, each a winged beast from the planets wilds. Once inside the Astartes, all are treated as equals, but the advantages given to the Nobles has often created an imbalance in the ranks. Though every year the Noble houses hold great festivals and tournaments, allowing those of common birth to earn a place as a Squire of a Noble House, allowing them to train alongside the Noble's potential candidates.


The Silver Blades loosely follow the Codex Astartes, dividing the chapter up into battle companies which are akin to complete and flexible armies to counter the enemy. This allows the company to react to a threat without waiting for direct support from the other companies, and give support to any allies in the area. The main deviations from the Codex Astartes are that the Companies are organized as Battle Companies, allowing them to function as flexible and self contained fighting forces. Each company has an Honour Guard fighting alongside it's Captain, and while they use Librarians, they follow a strict and cautious approach to their usage. Librarians are only deployed with a special Honour Guard, known as The Watchers, who will kill the Librarian at any sign of corruption or weakness to the warp, or as whole conclaves where the Chapter's Chaplain's fight alongside these conclaves, watching them for corruption in battle.

Most of the chapter specializes in either close combat or ranged weapons, with terminators and veterans being spread out among the companies to fight alongside the other marines, helping them specialize into their chosen path. This has led to a smaller number of marines using ranged weaponry, with those choosing to master these weapons are often trained to master the bolter, then each being trained to master special and heavy weapons. These marines often follow the path to become Devastator marines later in their careers, and eventually earning the honor of joining the Sternguard. The majority of the army often leaves the Scouts and join Knight Squads, charging into battle with chainsword and bolt pistol to cut down their enemies. These marines will follow this career path to become Assault marines, flying into battle on jets of fire, or slamming behind enemy lines in drop pods alongside hammer wielding Terminators. These marines can eventually be brought into the Vanguard, fighting with blade and pistol alongside the High Blade himself. A crusade fleet has trailed the Necron Dynasty, a sworn enemy of the Silver Blades and all those who live in the Scadrien System.

Edit: I added a little fluff, changed a few things up.

might do this instead for the colors, I really like the orange


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This has the makings of what could become a good Index :) The only over-the-top thing is having that many first founding chapter as frequent allies (MAXIMUM should be one extra then the founding chapter in my mind), and even that is quite minor. Normally, I'd frown on having too many plasma-based weapons, but you make up for it by indicating a lack of large numbers of grav and melta weapons (an explanation as to why would be very welcome :) )


In order to move forwards with the fluff, try to answer the following questions :)

- Has the colour scheme got any particular significance?

- What does the honour code mean for the Silver Blades?

- Are there any other ways that the traditions of nobility of Scadrien are found again within the chapter (as regards to heraldry for example)

- How are the sons of noble houses treated when compared to those of "lesser" blood? Are they discriminated positively when promotions are possible? Are they despised by the other members of the chapter? Really, is there a chance that this could cause some intra-chapter hostility, something that is always interesting to explore when creating a DIY.

- As they are founded mid 36th-Millenium, what did the Age of Apostasy mean for your chapter?

I've done a few minor updates, I don't have the time yet to update it fully, but I do plan to expand upon your points fully, I really appreciate all the advice. I didn't think about how unlikely it would be for a late founding chapter to be buddy buddy with the first founding chapters, just something I over looked. :P

Yeah, I'm hoping the silver makes them look a bit different, plus I want to get some chapter symbols for them. I might add a spark of color to them, maybe make the skull and wings red? It's mainly because I have about 700 points of marines painted up like that already. *guilty face*

Yeah, I'm hoping the silver makes them look a bit different, plus I want to get some chapter symbols for them. I might add a spark of color to them, maybe make the skull and wings red? It's mainly because I have about 700 points of marines painted up like that already. *guilty face*

Most Blood Angels wear red armor, but elites wear different colors (black for the Death Company, gold for the Sanguinary Guard) to distinguish them. Perhaps you should paint your Chapter's elites a different color to distinguish it as a whole, e.g., paint Vanguard and Sternguard veterans all silver?

Although your Chapter planet's nobles are on the fast track to promotion to leadership roles, due to the training they received BEFORE they became Astartes, I think you should implement rituals in which a common-born individual can distinguish himself and convince a noble house to adopt him, to make the planet's culture more meritocratic. Perhaps the people hold annual martial arts competitions or even flower wars, in which its young men attempt to prove their martial skills and valor before the planet's rulers- including the Chapter's leaders and recruiters- with the winners earning enrollment in a war academy and/or adoption into a noble house, if they're too old to receive gene-seed.

Nice start.


Perhaps the Knight/Archer divide could relate to the Noble/Commoner divide? The Archer group would likely be larger anyway, including Tactical and Devastator squads, vehicle crews, etc, whereas being nobly born would see you assigned directly to an assault unit (jump packs, or mounted on bikes is pretty Knightly?)


Then you could have it that Sternguard are comprised of the rare few Archers that gain their Knighthood through decades of diligent service, rather than the other Knights who have it from birth.


Kinda harsh and unfair, but very medieval and grim-dark. Also be interesting to see a Chapter that wasn't properly a meritocracy.

LySiMachus- I dig that, that was something I was having a hard time with was making them appropriately grimdark for the setting, and the two paths being nobility and commoner is perfect, not only does it make sense that the chapter would be mostly commoners, and the assault and bike aspects of the chapter give them the better chance at "glory" in combat.


Bjorn- That's a good idea, I was thinking that if I fully decided on Blood Angels for them, they would wear black as a sign of solemn reverence for their Father, but keep the red accents to pay respect to the founders, and maybe they would have reverence for the Death Company, painting them in angelic colors because they believe they're closest to their Father, sort of like Flesh Tearers do, I believe. By angelic I mean white, gold and red, or silver and red. I can make my veterans silver with red secondary, I dig that. Maybe I'll have a color change in the chapter, since my marines I have now are HH marines, with the old pattern armor, maybe the chapter was founded as black, silver and red, and after the AoA they discovered their parents are the blood Angels, and this is why they owe a debt to the Rogue Trader? Not sure yet.

The Dark Angels also paint their elites in distinctive colors (in their case, white for Terminators), and distinguish members of the "Inner Circle" (those with knowledge of the Fallen) with white tabards. In short, you don't have to make your Chapter a Blood Angels descendant to justify different colors for its elites.

Bah, it's not a huge problem in any case: there's lots of ways of painting black, I'm sure you'll be able to find a way of turning it so it won't look too Deathwatchy. But I do also like the metallised red option ;)


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