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Imperial Fists: Stone Gauntlet Help - 1000 point ZM

Thousand Eyes

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Hi all,

I am trying to create a 1000 point starter force for the Imperial Fists in Zone Mortalis. I really like the Stone Gauntlet force idea and either Pollux or the new Tribune as the leader, but I can't figure out the remaining 160 points. Any tips or ideas please?



Imperial Fists 30K: The Stone Gauntlet (840pts)



Alexis Polux





Contemptor Dreadnought Talon 

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought  [Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon ]




Legion Breacher Siege Squad [Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant, 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines

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Was looking to do the same thing - glad this one came up!


I would definitely say to add special weapons to the breachers - seems pointless without them, especially given the fact you will likely face another contemptor.  Melta is a good option, as well as AA/MB's on the Sergeants perhaps.


I was kinda toying between Apothecaries, a small Tactical Support Squad (flamers or volk chargers/CCW?) or since last I read, fielding a Leviathan - slightly overkill and a massive points sink though (maybe Ok if you go up in points a bit I guess).

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I hope would to expand this up later 1500 points and then to bring it up to 2000 points with a more rounded army list. But I really like the theme of void warfare.


Apparently I also was using an old book and the breacher squads should be cheaper and all. Hmm.

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Yup, the latest book puts 10 man squads cheaper, 15 at the same price as they used to be and 20-man more expensive.  I believe, don't quote me, Volkite Chargers on Tact Support are free (?) and you can now give them CCW's.  There's a thread called "Rules Changes in LACAL" in the AoD section that's worth a read.


Also worth grabbing Battlescribe to make lists with, the guy constantly updating it with the latest AoD rules is a godsend - well worth your time!  But always check with the latest book and FAQ to be sure it's all valid.

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Taking on board whatever has said I put together this as a list, the only problem is it seems to say I can only have one elite? Am I missing something there?


HQ (165pts)

Alexis Polux 



Elites (315pts)


Apothecarion Detachment [Legion Apothecary (), Legion Apothecary ()]

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought () [Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher (), Extra Armour (), Heavy Flamer (), Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon ()]


Troops (520pts)


Legion Breacher Siege Squad () [Flamer (), 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines (), Melta gun ()]
····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant () [Artificer Armour (), Melta Bombs (), Thunder Hammer ()]


Legion Breacher Siege Squad () [Flamer (), 9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines (), Melta gun ()]
····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant () [Artificer Armour (), Melta Bombs (), Thunder Hammer ()]

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If you are using battlescribe, make sure its not using allied detachment as it is the default setting smile.png

I don't think I was, was there something I missed?

Removal of individual points costs, please!

Sorry about that, should be ok now.

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are you using the new battlescribe app or the old one? as the app with a red outline will have all the updated points values and auto starts as an AoD force.


Maybe swap the havoc launcher for breching charges on the sergs, apart from that I'm not sure you can do much else with a 1000pts to play with, with the FoC.


Take it Polux with one unit and apoth with other? 

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Will double check I have the most up to date stuff on it. Using it via Android so should be easy to on the app store.


There are actually two apothacaries, one for each unit.


But yeah there isn't a lot that can be done with 1000 points but I was planning to just use that as much jump off point to be honest.

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oops had missed the second one! What would you use on the next 1000pts and would you stay stone gauntlet?


I'd like to stay Stone Gauntlet to represent the forces Pollux used in Crimson Fist. But I'd imagine throwing in a big tac squad wouldn't be a bad idea.

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