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Old style Russ tracks Question

Lord Lee

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Hi B&C


So a small while ago I purchased the old apocalypse box that contained the 10 of the old style Leman Russ to add to my Vostroyan Firstborn army. Now I am starting my build and I have come across a small problem, the tracks don't seem to line up properly even when I refer to the build guide provided it won't seem to work.


Normally I would simply hid the gap under some of the track guard but my box came without the accessories frame.


So any ideas, guides or fixes from the old guard on how to tackle this problem would be very helpful.


Thanks Lord Lee.

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Hey Lee, I built several of the old style LRs back in the day (I assume you mean the ones with the internal track wheels).


What I always did was dry fit the tracks first (put them all on without glue, the tension should hold them in place, if not grab a little blue tac or scotch tape). Then start with the top piece and work your way around.


Make sure the links are in the right direction and the pieces are well cleaned of any sprue flash.

How did you find such a treasure? That Apoc box is a relic of wonder from times long passed...


The simplest way is to hide it on the underside of the tracks. I always went with at the rear as people would notice the front more I reckon. With the singular tracks the curves are covered nicely and the gap isn't a big one so once painted you'd be surprised how discrete it is :)

Hi Akrim


Yes your rates are about right :) I think I came out at $48 Australia each including postage. Turret wise I already had 2 of the newer russes and I purchased some extra ones. My line up now includes:


4 Leman Russ Battle Tanks

2 Leman Russ Vanquishers

2 Leman Russ Eraticators

2 Leman Russ Demolishers

1 Leman Russ Punisher

1 Leman Russ Executioner (my Favorite)


And each one will be named and have a kill count kept for it :)


Lord Lee.

Once I finish building them :)


I will be moving soon but once I'm set up again (about 6-8 weeks) I will post up my army progress. I have about 7000pts of Vostroyan Firstborn (120ish Vostroyans and the rest in tanks, scions and 2 superheavys)


It should be fun :)


Lord Lee.

Nice! I've always liked the Vostroyan line aesthetic since the Cities of Death era, such a unique look. Like the armour schemes too.


That is a really nice load out of tanks, I run a similar Armoured Co, just less numbers, works great. I'm partial to the Cadia formation rules for the cheaper pts costs, some ppl swear by IAv2 rules.


What super heavies are you eyeing up?

That is a really nice load out of tanks, I run a similar Armoured Co, just less numbers, works great. I'm partial to the Cadia formation rules for the cheaper pts costs, some ppl swear by IAv2 rules.

While I'm still fairly new to the whole armored thing, I have 4 Russes, 4 Chimeras, 2 Taurox Primes, and a Wyvern. Which as I look at it isn't small. I do love the IA2.2 rules though.


BS4 tanks are easy to get between the Company Command Tanks and the Commissar Tanks, and those provide great bonuses. I love to take a Command Vanquisher with beasthunter shells and a coax stubber, so that I can take down those big MC's and get a bit more versatility out of the vanquisher.


Commissar Eradicators are also fun, given that you can run 3 of them to support some infantry with leadership buffs (anything within 6 inches of the hull is Ld10) as well as some ignores cover firepower.


Additionally having Battle Tanks as Troops is nice since that adds a bit of extra firepower to the list, without sacrificing heavy support slots. Also Veterans having Tank Hunters is very nice.


That said, I don't usually take the IA2.2 ABG alone. Instead I take it as a second CAD to my Primary detachment. Which is usually AM, so it works well together, and gives the Russes a boost since Obsec tanks can hold backfield objectives and fire at long range, while vets can grab midfield objectives.


One issue is that if you take 3 commissar tanks, that's all three Elites slots, leaving you no room for specialty troops like stormies. Though, with C:MT that's not so much an issue, and it really helps out since ABG stormies must take a chimera and cannot deep strike.


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