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3000pts - Blood Angels


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So I finally have the new book, and with an event in just over 6 months its time to expand my current 2500 list to 3K . lets not mess about, heres the list.

The Day of Revelation

[185] Legion Praetor - Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump pack, Digital Lasers, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb
[180] Legion Librarian - ML2, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb

[207] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb
[207] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb

[740] 10 Cataphractii Terminators - 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Powerfists, 2 Chainfists, 6 Lightning Claws
[xxx] Spartan Assault Tank - Armoured Ceramite

[243] 10 Legion Veterans - Marksmen, 2 Heavy Flamers, 3 Combi - Flamers


[243] 10 Legion Veterans - Marksmen, 2 Heavy Flamers, 3 Combi - Flamers


[120] 2 Legion Apothecarys - Jump Packs

[215] Xiphon - Ground Tracking


[285] Predator Strike Squad - 3 Tanks, TL Assault cannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
[190] Sicaran Venator

[185] Sicaran Battle Tanks - Heavy bolters

Tactics time!

Spartan, Predators and Sicarans. Librarian rolls on Biomancy, its the lore most like the BA 40K lore imo. Also +3 attacks with a Perdition Blade is tasty!

Turn 1
The Jump infantry all have to deepstrike turn 1. The Praetor and Librarian both go with different assault squads. Near infantry blobs, preferably on a flank.
The Venator is there to stop super heavies dropping blasts on my Deepstrikers. It shoots first, if it fluffs the squads run. If not they will try pin some infantry. Depending on if im 2nd the Terminators try move into position or charge. Predators try to stay stationary and unleash the Dakka.

Turn 2
The reserves show up! (Hopefully) Both Vet squads outflank, and possibly drop a 5 rending templates down on a nice target. Assault squads charge, the Sargent's in each unit accept any challenges leaving the HQs to murder units with the Perdition blades. The idea being I win combat and sweeping advance the enemy units. The Venator tries to keeps the blasts at bay. Xiphon comes in and kills the heavy armour leaving my Terminators to assault the juicy insides if possible.

Turn 3, 4, 5 ect
Well its a perfect world! My opponent forfeits and I win! biggrin.png

So thoughts guys? Its supposed to be fairly competitive, but not totally cut throat.

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One thing, Id drop one terminator with lightning claws and use those points to add a flare shield on the Spartan.

You'll lose the nice round number for the squad but it will make the Spartan nigh unkillable, and believe me you want to keep that thing up to deliver such an expensive cargo.


Edit; And dont forget to give the spartan twin linked assault cannons for 5 points :D

Gotta love em.

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I agree with the flare shields, however I think that 45 points is pushing it. Only real threat to are either lascannons, demolishers or D. Lascannons have to get lucky, and if they are shooting the Spartan with D or Demolisher shots, the flare shield wouldnt really help and my assault squads are being left alone. I also play with the mind set that a TL Heavy Flamer isnt a Heavy Flamer. So I cant upgrade it.


I am however looking at that lovly Mastadon... that could be an interesting. Its a Spartan, but on steroids!

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I'd also strongly consider a combat shield on the Assault Sarges to give them a heads up when in a Challenge, the 5++ should hopefully swing the odds in your favour that he makes it out alive.


And yes, a Flare shield would help against demolishers since it reduces the Strength of Blast and Template weapons that it affects by 2 meaning S10 Demolishers are now S8 as would Lascannons. It also means massed S8 shooting fishing for 6's to glance would be ineffective.

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shooting wise firing an ordinance obvs doesn't affect how the assault cannons fire as its a super heavy.


Tactics wise, it's probably a good idea to whizz it nto a good fire postision ASAP and have a commanding field of fire for that 24" brrrt.

Using its speed could be a great little fast support super heavy tbh. The rate of fire can be punishing. 4 assault cannons is 16 shots.


Likely you'd have deep struck those assault marines in front so that will make for a cover save behind them, building even higher if it's being shot at through dreadpods. Sound silly to give a super heavy 3+ cover, but it's possible.

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shooting wise firing an ordinance obvs doesn't affect how the assault cannons fire as its a super heavy.


Tactics wise, it's probably a good idea to whizz it nto a good fire postision ASAP and have a commanding field of fire for that 24" brrrt.

Using its speed could be a great little fast support super heavy tbh. The rate of fire can be punishing. 4 assault cannons is 16 shots.


Likely you'd have deep struck those assault marines in front so that will make for a cover save behind them, building even higher if it's being shot at through dreadpods. Sound silly to give a super heavy 3+ cover, but it's possible.

...What super-heavy are you talking about? His list doesn't have one.

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Total brainfart on the Ordnance thing.  List rewrite.


The Libby is now a Chaplain. Ive dropped the Vets Combi Flamers and a Predator to get the points to add 5 Assault Marines per squad and the flare shields on the Spartan.



The Day of Revelation

[185] Legion Praetor - Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump pack, Digital Lasers, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb
[140] Legion Chaplain - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb

[275] 15 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Combat Shield, Melta Bomb
[275] 15 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Combat Shield, Melta Bomb

[780] 10 Cataphractii Terminators - 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Powerfists, 2 Chainfists, 6 Lightning Claws
[xxx] Spartan Assault Tank - Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield

[213] 10 Legion Veterans - Marksmen, 2 Heavy Flamers


[213] 10 Legion Veterans - Marksmen, 2 Heavy Flamers


[120] 2 Legion Apothecarys - Jump Packs


[215] Xiphon - Ground Tracking

[190] Predator Strike Squad - 2 Tanks, TL Assault cannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
[190] Sicaran Venator

[185] Sicaran Battle Tanks - Heavy bolters


Total - 2996


Thoughts now?


Also. Do you guys think ( with a change of the RoW ) A Mastadon loaded with the 10 Terminators and 2 sets of 10 Weapon master vets witha few power weapons would work / is BA fluffy?

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shooting wise firing an ordinance obvs doesn't affect how the assault cannons fire as its a super heavy.

Tactics wise, it's probably a good idea to whizz it nto a good fire postision ASAP and have a commanding field of fire for that 24" brrrt.

Using its speed could be a great little fast support super heavy tbh. The rate of fire can be punishing. 4 assault cannons is 16 shots.

Likely you'd have deep struck those assault marines in front so that will make for a cover save behind them, building even higher if it's being shot at through dreadpods. Sound silly to give a super heavy 3+ cover, but it's possible.


...What super-heavy are you talking about? His list doesn't have one.

Sorry cross threaded there, I was on about a Baal malcador, which, isn't in here. I think I read mastodon and misconstrued, ignore my babble.

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Pride of the Legion

[185] Legion Praetor - Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump pack, Digital Lasers, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb
[150] Legion Chaplain - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb

[202] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb
[202] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb

[415] 10 Cataphractii Terminators - 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Powerfists, 2 Chainfists, 6 Lightning Claws

[188] 10 Legion Veterans - Weapon Masters, 2 Power Swords - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe

[188] 10 Legion Veterans - Weapon Masters, 2 Power Swords - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe



[120] 2 Legion Apothecarys - Jump Packs


[215] Xiphon - Ground Tracking

[190] Sicaran Venator

[185] Sicaran Battle Tanks - Heavy bolters



[755] Baal Mastadon - 2x Assault cannons,  Vox relay, 4 Hunterkiller missles.


Total - 3000


Ok tactics



Everything is deployed on the table. The Mastadon is placed slap centre. Trying to take fire from the enemy. Within it are the Terminators and Vet squads. Both assault squads are small due to points and ease of hiding behind the mahoosive tank that will be blocking LoS to them.


Turn 1

Move forward, charge!



So thoughts again?

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